Chapter 43 Enemies that Appear Suddenly

The goat's horns were about a meter long, and the black bones were twisted and long, with some white stripes in the middle.It looked like some unknown metal.

Zhang Xiaoqiang chopped off the two horns with a bronze axe.Tie to a branch to make two spears.Then return to the place where the monitor lizard is resting.

The big guy was still lying there.Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't help complaining.

"You really don't take me seriously! How about you now?"

When he got close to the monitor lizard, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately threw the spear with all his strength.

The spear accurately pierced the monitor lizard's body, and half of the one-meter-long horn pierced into the monitor lizard's abdomen. The monitor lizard jumped up almost at the same time, and rushed towards Zhang Xiaoqiang like crazy.

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head and ran with the remaining spear, and ran at his fastest speed in an instant.

The monitor lizard followed closely behind, and ran out for nearly a kilometer one after the other. The monitor lizard stopped when it realized that the distance between Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhang Xiaoqiang was getting farther and farther.

Zhang Xiaoqiang ran far away, saw that the monitor lizard stood still and did not chase after him, so he came back again.

It was still not too far or too close. Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that this distance could allow his spear to hit the target, but it would not be too close for the monitor lizard to catch up with him.

The giant lizard saw that Zhang Xiaoqiang was back, got up and chased after him.Only this time, its speed was significantly slower.

The severe abdominal injury, coupled with the strenuous exercise just now, made him lose his strength.

This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang had a chance to throw a second spear before turning around and running away.

The spear pierced the monitor lizard's shoulder, passed through the chest cavity, and passed under the ribs.

The monitor lizard fell to the ground without running very far this time.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't dare to move forward, and kept waiting with an ax in the distance until the "ding bell" sounded.

"You have a fairy relationship, please pay attention to check it!"

"I found that Shangxian has completed the task! The evaluation result is top grade! Is it completed?"

Top grade!
Zhang Xiaoqiang was overjoyed and hurriedly finished.

"Dingling! Congratulations to Shangxian for completing the task and getting a Hundred Alchemy! Would you like to take it?"

"Hundred alchemy?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered that this thing was for improving skill proficiency, and he used it for Tianyan last time.This time I still only have the Sky Eye skill, so of course I gave it to it.

"Congratulations, Shangxian! Your sky eye spell has been improved, and you have advanced to become a wise eye!"

Smart eyes know pearls?

Zhang Xiaoqiang opened his sky eyes and looked at the dead monitor lizard.

"Komodo dragon! Poisonous! Hard skin! Great strength! There are poisonous glands in the lower jaw, good at concealing body shape, preying on spirit beasts! The meat can be eaten!"

Spirit beast?Can be invisible?

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked carefully at the monitor lizard's body, and it was obvious that the upgraded Sky Eye had some explanation functions.But what makes Zhang Xiaoqiang feel uneasy is that the appearance of this monster means that there will be many monsters with special abilities like this in the future?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his attention to the spear in his hand.

"Bai Ze Horn! According to legend, it is the horn of the divine beast Bai Ze. It is strong and sharp, and can penetrate animal skin armor."

Are you kidding me!What beast is so weak?To be eaten by a Komodo dragon?
But if you think about it, what people said is the legend, that is, the goat may have this name, but it is not the divine beast.

Either way, this claw spear will definitely work!Killing this Komodo dragon today certainly wouldn't be so easy without it.Zhang Xiaoqiang happily kissed the spear in his hand, and then leaned over to pick up the monitor lizard's body.

This monitor lizard weighs 250 kilograms.Carrying it on your shoulders is like carrying that dead deer.Zhang Xiaoqiang felt dizzy when he thought that there were dozens of miles to go today.

There is no light load in a long way!
When Zhang Xiaoqiang carried the dead lizard back to the camp, his first reaction was that.

What the hell are these people doing?

Instead of the usual welcome after he brought back his prey, there was only Xu Ming shaking his head with a wry smile, and Wang De's weird smile. Looking inside, Lin Xin looked at him with a nervous expression. Song Xi was the best. Say something.

"Xiaoqiang! You're back! Hurry up and take a look inside!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang was taken aback, left the lizard behind and ran into the cave.Before entering the door, a roll of sheepskin was thrown over by Yang Zixi.

"Die out! Why come back? You are not allowed to go or not! Why do you want to go! What do you want? It's not that there is no food!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang was stunned, and looked back at everyone, as if watching the excitement and not afraid of trouble.Can't help but say.

"You guys! Fuck me!"

Everyone laughed for a while, Song Xi forced Yang Zixi out of the cave, and met Zhang Xiaoqiang.Then everyone started working on the lizard.

While working, Xu Ming said.

"Xiaoqiang! This heavy rain may disrupt our plan!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Xu Ming said.

"Originally our camp was almost built, but the wall was broken and the ore was gone. Many things have to be done again. However, our enemy seems to be coming early!"

Xu Ming paused, then continued.

"Tonight, I found that several people came from the beach, and they seemed to be searching for something! I think! It may be that the heavy rain caused their supplies to be lost, so they started to enter the deserted island in advance!

Moreover, they have obviously found out that there are people here. I think they will send someone over tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow at the latest, to find out what happened! "

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded.

"Brother! Tell me the truth, who are they and what weapons are in their hands! Why would they harm us?"

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