Chapter 42 Monitor lizards prey on goats
Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled and said nothing, poisoning is impossible, but if you want to know what it is eating and what it is good for, you can only know it tomorrow.

Thinking of tomorrow, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly remembered that he had unfinished tasks today, so he slapped his head.

"It's a pity! That lizard just now, if only we killed it! There's a lot of meat!"

Hearing what he said, Yang Zixi yelled first.

"Don't go! Such a terrible thing, who would eat its flesh? Besides, you are all injured..."

Wang De also said worriedly.

"Yes, Xiaoqiang! That guy has rough skin and thick flesh, and the weapons in our hands can't pierce his thick skin. You still..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang said.

"Brother Wang, give me the dagger and axe, and then take everyone back! If I don't get that guy down, I won't feel comfortable!"

Said to take the weapon and leave.

Seeing that Wang De couldn't stop him, he shouted from behind.

"Remember! The skin on that guy's stomach is relatively thin! Use a dagger to make a spear and pierce it in!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang waved his hand to indicate that he had heard it, and then followed the track where the giant lizard had crawled and chased after it.

That giant lizard walked very slowly and steadily when there were no enemies chasing it or when it needed to hunt down its prey.So Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't have much time to chase before he saw that big guy walking in the middle of a mountain stream far away.

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not rush forward to fight the opponent desperately, but hid in the distance and observed carefully.

Because of the Eye of Heaven, Zhang Xiaoqiang is far away from the opponent. If you look with the naked eye, you can hardly see the monitor lizard, but under the Eye of Heaven, the dazzling white light is enough for Zhang Xiaoqiang to find it.

After watching for a while, Zhang Xiaoqiang found that the monitor lizard seemed to be looking for something too.It kept spitting out its forked stone tongue to search the air.Then he turned around and moved on in the other direction.

Looking at the monitor lizard from a distance, Zhang Xiaoqiang broke off a branch from the tree, sharpened it and used it as a spear.

A wooden spear may not be able to pierce the monitor lizard's skin, but Zhang Xiaoqiang's goal is the eyes.As long as the giant lizard is a little slower in action and slower in movement, with its own speed and powerful force, it should be enough to pierce the wooden spear into its eyes.

After following the monitor lizard for nearly an hour, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally saw the prey that the monitor lizard was looking for when he was getting bored.

A goat!
A big goat!

A surprisingly large goat!

If he didn't know the goat, Zhang Xiaoqiang would have almost taken that guy for a pony.

Looking at the height of an adult man, the two horns point straight to the sky.Under the snow-white and shiny wool, there are muscles that have been exercised by climbing mountains and ridges.

Seeing such a beautiful goat, Zhang Xiaoqiang even doubted whether that monitor lizard had a human mind.Even hunting is looking for such a beautiful prey?

The monitor lizard crouched in the grass, looking at the goat motionless.Zhang Xiaoqiang lay down on the soil slope, watching the two of them motionless.

The goat didn't know that it had stepped into the monitor lizard's trap, and it still walked slowly. The direction it walked was exactly where the monitor lizard was lying in ambush.

"Two more steps! Just two more steps! You will find the monitor lizard!"

Looking at the position of the goat, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't help laughing at the monitor lizard secretly.After working for a long time, it turned out that the goat was walking towards the place where the monitor lizard was ambush.As long as he took two more steps, with the keenness of a goat, he would definitely spot the two-meter-long figure of the monitor lizard.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt his eyes go blurry.The monitor lizard's body seemed to be slowly changing, blurring, and blending into the green grass.Soon, Zhang Xiaoqiang could no longer see the monitor lizard, only a piece of grass and a slightly raised ground in his eyes.

The goat just swaggered past, then lowered its head and gnawed on the sweet green grass.

Zhang Xiaoqiang rubbed his eyes, then opened his eyes.

The monitor lizard was still lying there, right under the goat's nose.But the goat just didn't see it.

"This guy... can pretend? Is this a chameleon?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang gasped in surprise.

The goat raised its head suddenly, apparently Zhang Xiaoqiang's unintentional voice just now had aroused its vigilance.

It's a pity that its vigilance was misplaced. It raised its head and looked around, but it didn't find a giant lizard under its feet with its bloody mouth exposed, and it bit the goat's front hoof in one bite.Then tear it hard!
The goat screamed, desperately trying to break free but to no avail, it lowered its head in desperation and wanted to stab the enemy with its two horns.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang discovered a strange phenomenon.

The goat's horns were originally out of reach of the monitor lizard, but the monitor lizard let go of its big mouth that had been bitten, and turned to bite the goat's hind legs as if afraid of the pair of horns.

The goat jumped up from the grass with a kick, and then turned to run away.But the monitor lizard was not slow either. It swooped and patted the goat's rear with its front paws.Throw the goat to the ground.Then he jumped on it again.

"Ah? So bloody!"

After the monitor lizard pounced on the goat, it tore open the goat's stomach in a few bites, and then began to bite the goat's neck and tear it hard.The goat struggled for a while, and finally died.

Zhang Xiaoqiang noticed that there was an extra wound on the monitor lizard.Not very deep, but definitely a neat slip wound.It was the goat's horns.

In order to confirm this matter, Zhang Xiaoqiang deliberately moved forward again.

Sure enough, the monitor lizard was devouring the goat's corpse, but it didn't move at all for the goat's head.Not only that, but it also bit off the goat's head and threw it aside.

This goat weighs two hundred catties.It took the monitor lizard about an hour to eat the whole goat. After eating it, it was obviously tired, and it just lay still and closed its eyes.

The beasts will get sleepy when they are full, and because they have few natural enemies, they will sleep wherever they are full.Through this Zhang Xiaoqiang knew.On this desert island, at least around here, the giant lizard is the overlord here.

Now, this overlord is asleep!
Zhang Xiaoqiang picked up the spear and approached the monitor lizard cautiously.Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped when he was about 30 meters away from the monitor lizard.

Because the giant lizard woke up unexpectedly, it seems that this overlord is not so easy to become. After eating so much meat and being sleepy like that, he still has such a high level of vigilance.

After the giant lizard opened its eyes and saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, it obviously hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang so firmly.

Zhang Xiaoqiang tried to circle around it, and seeing that it didn't intend to attack first, he carefully approached the goat's head, picked up the goat's head, and then retreated slowly.

From the beginning to the end, the giant lizard just looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang without moving.

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked far away with the goat's head in his hand, only to show a smug smile.

"Small sample! Just let you live for another hour!"

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