Survival at sea: activate the god-level sign-in system at the beginning

Chapter 162: Mona who stepped into the ancient periphery for the first time

"After all, you are more familiar with these things than I am, and you can explain them more clearly."

"Besides, how could I rob you of such a big event as storytelling?"

"So, it's up to you."

Lin Chao finished speaking to Emperor Ensi.

Emperor Ensi also accepted the errand frankly, and replied in response.

"OK then."


"You must listen to the things I will explain to you next."


"Go ahead."

Mona finished.

Emperor Ensi also began to confide one by one what he had discussed with Lin Chao before.

"We called you here today because we want you to replace Lin Chao to collect some magnetic drills."

"It's okay, I can do it for you."

After Meng Na readily agreed.

After knowing it, I have some doubts.


In the next second, she asked Emperor Ensi and Lin Chao back.


"After all, this is my first time doing this, so the efficiency will definitely be very slow."


"Why don't you let Lin Chao go with me, but let me go alone instead of him?"

After Mona finished speaking.

Emperor Ensi immediately responded with words.

"This is the second thing I want to say."

"Because the material of the magnetic drill needs to go to the periphery of the ancient palace occupied by Luke to obtain it."

"And right now, due to the last confrontation with Luke, the shadowy aura on Lin Chao's body has not completely dissipated."

"In this case, even if I hand over the blood of the royal family to Lin Chao to protect the body, once Lin Chao goes out, he will still be killed by Luke and occupy his body."

heard here.

Even if Emperor Ensi's words have not been completely finished.

But Mona, who came from ancient times, also understood the various meanings of Emperor Ensi.


He also nodded in response.

"I understand."

"Because I haven't learned shadow magic, I don't have a shadow aura on my body, and I won't be controlled by Luke."

"At the same time, I can also use the magic of the Longgeng clan. If I encounter danger, I can save myself immediately."

"So, to replace Lin Chao to collect magnetic drills, only me, the best candidate, can do it."

"Yes, that's it."

Lin Chao nodded in affirmation.

Meng Na looked sideways and stretched out her hand to Emperor Ensi and said.

"Then please ask the emperor to give me the blood of the royal family, and then tell me where the magnetic drill is, and then I set off, so I can go back early."

But after the voice fell to the ground.

Emperor Ensi did not give her the location of the royal blood and the magnetic drill as Mona said.

Instead, he said a word to her deeply.

"There is no rush."

"I have to tell you one more thing."

heard here.

Meng Na also calmed down and said.

"Okay, you say."


After a soft murmur.

I saw that Emperor Ensi's eyes suddenly became extremely firm.

I hope this will make Mona follow what she is going to say next.


"After you leave the ancient palace, you will definitely encounter Luke's shadow."

"Then, you must remember that no matter what Luke said to you, don't get entangled with him!"

"We must rush back here within an hour."

"Otherwise, you will be killed by Luke and occupied by Luke."

"At that time, I, your Queen Tina, Lin Chao and those friends above you will all die."



After Meng Na answered with the same firm eyes and tone.

Only then did Emperor Ensi let go, and told Meng Na the location of the royal blood and the magnetic drill.

"This is the blood of the royal family. If you put it around your body, Luke will not dare to get close."

"Then the magnetic drill will be available after leaving the ancient palace."

"As for the quantity, you can ask Lin Chao."

That's it for the voice.

Meng Na turned her gaze to one side.

He looked at Lin Chao, waiting for Lin Chao's answer.

can be followed

But I was hearing Lin Chao's words.

"In one hour, take as much as you can get."

"I don't need much."

And actually.

Lin Chao's demand for magnetic drills is quite large.


The reason why Lin Chao said something was not what he thought.

It is because after all, Mengna left the ancient palace for the first time to mine magnetic drills in the ancient ruins.

The route and environment must be unfamiliar.

under these circumstances.

If Lin Chao tells her that he needs a lot of magnetic drills, and how many, it will undoubtedly increase the pressure on her.

put her in danger.

But according to the current statement.

Mona's heart will be much easier.


in the next second.

Then I heard Meng Na answering Lin Chao.


"I've been watching mining for an hour."


Lin Chao nodded in response.

Meng Na looked at Lin Chao, Emperor Ensi and Queen Tina respectively and said.

"Then I'll go."

"it is good!"

"You be careful!"

"You must remember what Emperor Ensi said!"

The three told Mengna one by one.

And watched Meng Na leave from his sight. ...


"Through this gate, you should go out..."

Meng Na looked at a foyer in front of her and muttered to herself.

Then he walked over without vigilance and defense.

But what she didn't expect was...

The moment he walked out of the hall.

She was startled by the scene in front of her and let out a cry.


Then he looked sharply.


Then I saw hundreds of mummies standing densely in the darkness.

Immediately, she was as frightened as Xiaodie when she first saw this group of shadow mummies.

Without saying a word, he activated Long Geng's magic, controlled a vine, and strung these shadow mummies into a string like a string of candied haws.


These shadow mummies are huge in number.

After one wave was strung there to hang aside, before Mengna released the next round of attacks, another wave rushed over.

see this scene.

Mona's mind went blank.

The cold sweat on the back is like a creeper, spreading everywhere.

In terms of footsteps, he subconsciously took several steps back.

He thought about releasing a wave of Long Geng's magic after keeping a distance from these mummy.

But just as Meng Na's new round of attack was brewing.

She suddenly discovered...

After those shadow mummies walked past the front of the hall, they stopped moving forward as if they were blocked by some transparent barrier.

see this scene.

She also reacted belatedly.

Then he reached out and tapped his forehead in frustration and said.

"I was so scared and stupid!"

"The ancient palace was suppressed by the power of the royal family of Emperor Ensi."

"I am protected by the blood of the royal family."

"Why are you afraid of these things?"


"Let's go out and help Lin Chao collect the magnetic drills!"


Meng Na withdrew half of Long Geng's magic that had been released.

Then keep moving forward...

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