Listen to Lin Chao's words.

Looking at Lin Chao's confident expression.

Xia Lin knew that [Magnetic Drill] must be fine.


Beyond that.

Xia Lin also wanted to see if she could do more for Lin Chao.


in the next second.

He then heard Xia Lin voluntarily ask Ying to say.

"In that case, I will follow you to collect magnetic drills in the afternoon."


Xia Lin's voice just fell.

Lin Chao followed closely and rejected her.

"This... I'm afraid it won't work..."

Xia Lin listened.

Because she didn't know that the collection of [Magnetic Drill] needs to go to the dangerous ancient ruins.

So he asked Lin Chao back.


As for Lin Chao who was asked.

Because he didn't want Xia Lin to know that he was going to a dangerous place.

So he found a reason to prevaricate.

"Using Long Geng's magic to collect magnetic drills will be faster."

"So, I will definitely take Mona with me."


"If you want to come with me."

"There is no one at home, and no one to take care of Fengfeng and Xiaodie."

"It's okay for Xiaodie, it can't be a demon."

"But Fengfeng is different."

"If no one is watching it at home, I'm afraid, when we come back, all the fish in the holy water lake will be eaten by it."

After Lin Chao finished speaking.

Xia Lin quite agreed with it.


He saw her nodding in agreement.

"That's right..."

"This kind of thing, Fengfeng can definitely do it..."


"For our food and Fengfeng's health...I'd better stay at and Mengna go!"

heard here.

Lin Chao breathed a sigh of relief.

And said to Xia Lin with a gratifying smile.

"Then I will wrong you this time."

"No grievances, no grievances."

While shaking her head again and again, Xia Lin expressed her inner thoughts.

"I want to go with you just because I want to help you."

"Since staying at home and watching Fengfeng is doing you a big favor."

"That's essentially the same."


"It's good of you to think so."

Lin Chao nodded and finished speaking.

Xia Lin looked up at the second floor of the small villa and said.

"Then I'll help you call Mengna down."

Say it.

Xia Lin was about to take a step towards the small villa.

Available in the next second.

But Lin Chao stopped him with his hand.

And listen to what he said to Xia Lin.

"We talked for so long just now and she didn't come down. I'm afraid she should still be sleeping in bed."

"And with your skill, it should be a bit difficult to wake her up."

"So, let me go!"

"Well... that's fine."

After Xia Lin nodded in response.

Lin Chao took Xia Lin instead and went to the second floor of the small villa, and came to Meng Na's room.


As expected, it was as Lin Chao expected.

Mona is lying on the bed.

The quilt is half covered.

The peaches are half covered and half exposed.

Snoring all day.

Sleep better than anyone else.

see this scene.

Lin Chao's eyes twitched in their sockets.

Suddenly, a bad thought came into my heart.


Driven by this bad idea.

Lin Chao cleared his throat slightly.


Qi Luck Dantian.

Mou yelled out with all his energy.

"Emperor Ensi is here!"


Because of Mona's respect for the royal family engraved in her bones.

She didn't consider the truth of this sentence at all.

Lifting the quilt instinctively and jumping off the bed to the ground, squatting there and said.

"Meet Emperor Ensi."

And as for the "King Ensi" who was misidentified in front of her.

Then he admired her pink ketone body with great interest.

Then he said badly.

"Get up quickly."


"I didn't expect Aiqing to have this habit."

"I like to sleep naked, and I don't like to lock the door when it's over."

Speaking of it.

Meng Na, who woke up from her sleepiness, raised her head and glanced at Lin Chao belatedly.

Then he said slightly angrily.


"You're playing tricks on me!"


"I don't like to sleep naked without closing the door, what's wrong!"

"Of course not."

Lin Chao was talking.

While picking up an undershirt from the side.

After pacing to meet Meng Na, she walked over.

Smoothly wrapped back her twin peaks that were about to come out.

Then go on.

"After all, you are mine, and it doesn't matter how I look at you."


"It's convenient for me to visit you anytime and anywhere like this."

So answer.

Meng Na's heavy choking was undoubtedly hitting a ball of cotton.

She couldn't get any stronger.


In the next second, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her eyes were slightly peachy.

The tone also softened and said.

"All right.……"

"Is that why you called me up for no reason?"


Lin Chao shook his head left and right after answering.

The playful expression in the eyebrows and eyes also became serious.

"I'm here to find you to visit the ancient ruins."

And Mengna saw Lin Chao's expression change.

Also know that there are some important things.


He also took back the peach color on his face.

He asked Lin Chao seriously.



"it is good."

"Then go and take out the shadow portal."

"I'll go right away when I put on my clothes."

heard here.

Lin Chao didn't turn around and leave as Meng Na said.

Instead, he turned his eyes to Meng Na and asked.

"Aren't you going to ask me what I'm going to do?"

"You will tell me when you arrive."

"Besides, with our relationship, I will do whatever you ask me to do."

That's it for the voice.

Lin Chao's heart was warmed by this family-like trust.

Then he pursed his lips and said with a smile.

"it is good."

"Then I'll go to the open space outside now."

"Come here when you're done."



Lin Chao turned around.

Leaving Mona's room and the small villa.

And also according to Mona said.

Released the [Ancient Portal] and stood in the open space outside.


It didn't take long.

Meng Na came here fully dressed.

After seeing Lin Chao.

He also opened his mouth and said.

"Then let's go."

"Target, the ancient palace."


Say it.

Lin Chao took Mengna's hand and led her across the black shadow on the [Ancient Portal].

next second.

The two felt that the surrounding environment had changed.

Then subconsciously opened his eyes.

I saw King Ensi and Queen Tina.

"You are here."

After Emperor Ens said.

Lin Chao nodded his head and gave a "hmm".

On the other hand, Meng Na knelt down on one knee as usual, prostrating.

"Meet Emperor Ensi."

"Please get up."

"Thank you, Emperor Ensi."

After Meng Na got up.

Emperor Ensi turned to look at Lin Chao and asked.

"Have you talked to Meng Na about our plan and the things around the ancient palace?"

"not yet."

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