Survival at sea: activate the god-level sign-in system at the beginning

Chapter 109: Willingness to Give and Willingness to Take

I see.

This big mouth still bit down on [Thunderstorm Skynet].

Then it's the same as the last one.

Instantly disintegrated and dissipated in the sandstorm.

This once again confirmed Lin Chao's conjecture.

They are monsters made of sand.

Once it takes any damage, it will disintegrate instantly.

In this case……

【Thunderstorm Skynet】It definitely can't be used!

You have to figure out a way to keep them from disintegrating.

And then do a fatal wound to them...  


What can prevent them from disintegrating...


Lin Chao couldn't help but fell into deep thought for a while.

Start thinking about what you have and what you can make on the universal manufacturing list.

that's it.


A thought popped into Lin Chao's mind.

"Have it!"

While talking in one shot.

Lin Chao looked sideways at his surroundings again.

I saw that those monsters with big mouths also behaved.

Don't rush into your own [Thunderstorm Skynet] any more.

Instead, it becomes like a shark guarding its prey.

Surrounded by circles outside [Thunderstorm Skynet].

Lin Chao saw this.

Also know it well.

Knowing that they are waiting for the moment when [Thunderstorm Skynet] disappears.

Then eat me in one bite.

That being the case...

"Then come and eat me!"

Say it!

Lin Chao manipulated the controller of [Thunderstorm Skynet] to dissipate the layer of [Thunderstorm Skynet] around him.

And those big mouths see you later.

They instantly turned into runaway wild horses, one by two with their bloody mouths open, and came towards Lin Chao's face mercilessly.


Faced with this horrific scene.

Lin Chao was not in a hurry.

He also methodically took out an item from the material storage space and held it in his hand.


Just listen.

"Ding ding ding ding!"

Several voices came.


I saw those big mouths locked in place by strips of golden light.


What Lin Chao is holding in his hand is the [Ancient Locker] that was just made this morning.

And after those guys were fixed by the [Ancient Locker].

Even if you want to disintegrate, you can't untie it.

One by one, their real bodies were revealed in front of Lin Chao.

Let Lin Chao tell at a glance that they are not bosses, but ordinary elemental spirits.

and so.

With their abilities, it is impossible to untie the shackles of the [Ancient Locker] in a short period of time.

Lin Chao also confidently and boldly picked up the dagger.

I took away their [Earth Elemental Crystals] one by one with my own hands.

[Obtain Earth Elemental Crystal × 30]

As such.

Because there is no source of trouble.

The sandstorm naturally stopped.

Looking at the returning blue sea and blue sky.

Lin Chao smiled and praised [Ancient Locker] softly.

"This thing really works wonders in battle!"

"It's not in vain for me to take a trip to the ancient ruins!"

"It seems that we will need to use it more and more in the future!"


Lin Chao retracted the [Ancient Locker] and released the [Small Combat Ship].

After reinstalling the [Wind Source Propeller] on it.

Then all the way back to the M7021 island.

at this time.

It wasn't completely dark yet.

After Xia Lin saw Lin Chao came back.

He greeted him without thinking too much, and asked, "Have you got the elemental crystal?"

"got it."

Lin Chao took out a [earth element crystal] and showed it in front of Xia Lin, smiling and responding.

Xia Lin also said with an admiring expression.


"It's amazing!"

"You really hit the spot!"

"Then what are you going to do with this earth elemental crystal?"

"Xi soil."

"Have you heard the term?"

Lin Chao answered without hesitation.

Xia Lin's expression instantly changed from admiration to amazement.


He heard her repeatedly asking back.

"You mean..."

"In that ancient legend... are there a lot of indestructible... infinitely proliferating breath soil?"


"With this thing, doesn't it mean that we can expand the island infinitely?"

"No no no no!"

heard here.

Lin Chao hastily interrupted Xia Lin's infinite association.

Then he explained the ability of this world [Xi Soil].

"I thought like you when I first opened this blueprint from the treasure chest."

"But after reading the relevant introduction, I found out..."

"The nature of this world is not as magical as the legends in the original world."

"It can only reproduce indefinitely on a limited amount of land."

"The purpose is to allow all plants to be planted and to harvest special high-quality crops."

After listening to these words.

Xia Lin also nodded and answered suddenly.

"oh, I see……"

"But that's pretty cool too!"

"At least, our fruit supply will come up."

"And then you can grow some other crops."

"This way you don't have to watch all kinds of marine life to eat every day."


"That's right!"

"I'm afraid Fengfeng is the only one who can't get tired of eating things from the sea every day."

While Lin Chao agreed.

Then he turned his eyes again, and said to Xia Lin with a slight smile.

"Then if that's the case..."

"Leave these tasks to Xia Lin, the leader of the M7021 logistics team, how about it?"

"No problem at all."

Xia Lin agreed without thinking.

"You have paid so much for our family, but I have been asking for it. I am really sorry."

"It just so happens that I can use this thing to pay for this family!"

"Do not worry!"

"I'm sure I can get this done."

After Xia Lin made a serious promise.

Lin Chao said with a thoughtful look.

"Well... I can believe that you can do this well..."


"You said you were sorry for asking for it..."

"Why didn't I notice..."

"I think what you ask for every night is pretty fair."

"I don't have any regrets."

Xia Lin listened.

First of all, I didn't understand what Lin Chao was talking about.

Some confused.

But not far behind.

Combined with Lin Chao's increasingly playful expression.

She also wanted to understand.

The so-called request...

It's actually the thing that happens every night...


Her face instantly turned red.


I don't know what she thinks.

He was so serious, he hesitated and explained to Lin Chao.


"I didn't ask for it openly..."

"Yes Yes.……"

"It's a consensual acceptance..."

"If you are not willing to pay..."

"Then I won't take the initiative to ask for it..."

It's over.

Hearing this, Lin Chao was instantly amused by Xia Lin's cuteness.


"Little fool!"

"Of course I'm willing to give for you!"

"Even now, I am willing to pay for you!"


"Just ask for it and accept it!"


Lin Chao bowed his waist.

He hugged Princess Xia Lin into his arms.

And Xia Lin blushed and muttered...

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