"It feels like Xiaodie is more powerful~"

As soon as this word comes out.

Silly Fengfeng immediately fell into Lin Chao's trap, and repeatedly questioned unconvinced.

"What did you say? Chumi!"


"I didn't say anything?"

Lin Chao deliberately pretended to be foolish and amusing.

Fengfeng fell into Lin Chao's trap again.

He said angrily.

"Hmph! Chumi!"

"I heard it all! Chumi!"

"You said that Xiaodie is more powerful! Chumi!"

"In this case! Chumi!"

"Then I'll prove it to you! Chumi!"

Say it.

The windy magic started to increase the transmitted wind magic.

[Wind Source Propeller] was also immediately accelerated as Lin Chao wished, increasing the forward speed in the desert.

At this time.

Only to hear the voice from Fengfeng again.


This time, the voice was still a little out of breath while being angry.


"Am I now... am I better than Xiaodie...? Chumi!"

hear this voice.

Looking at [Feng Yuan Propeller], he has made himself swim in the sandstorm like a fish in water.

Lin Chao couldn't help thinking about it in his heart.

This speed is fine.

Fengfeng is also very tired.

The matter of squeezing Fengfeng can stop here.

thought here.

Lin Chao simply replied to Fengfeng in his consciousness and said.

"Not bad!"

"I think you are better than Xiaodie now!"

"Really? Chumi!"

After Fengfeng heard it, like a child who has been praised, he said with a shake of spirit.

"I knew it! I must be better than Xiaodie! Chumi!"

"I am the master's chief favorite... Chirp..."

But talking and talking...

Because Fengfeng consumes excessive physical strength to transmit wind magic.

Its energetic spirit gradually weakened due to this...  

Started to yawn incessantly.

"Ah~ Chirp..."

Lin Chao heard it.

I know it's exhausting.

He said along the way.

"are you tired."

"Close your eyes and go to sleep when you're tired."

"When I go back later, I will bring you fresh fish as a reward."

"Then...you have to do what you say...Joomi..."

After finishing these words with a strong sense of sleepiness.

Lin Chao realized that Fengfeng's voice had completely dissipated from his consciousness.


He couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"This silly boy is probably asleep..."

"Ha ha.……"

"I really don't know what to say about it!"

Say it.

Lin Chao glanced at the yellow sand around him.

There was an idea in my heart.


Everything is ready.

It's about time I set out to find the Earth Elemental Crystal!
that's it.

Lin Chao held the [Fengyuan Propeller] in one hand.

Follow the display of the map in the book with one hand.

Start moving towards the center of the sandstorm.

In order to obtain some earth element crystals.

But who knows...

Things don't come true....

A long time passed without knowing it.

The map also shows that Lin Chao's current location is the center of the sandstorm.


There is still no shadow of the crystallization of the earth element.

see such cases.

Lin Chao couldn't help but fell into some thoughts...

What is the reason for this?
Could it be that today's sandstorm has no elements to carry?

This is impossible.

My inference is definitely not wrong!
There must be elements in special weather!

There is no doubt about that!


There must be some other reason...


I don't know where it came from.

Thoughts so far.

Lin Chao began to look around more carefully.

In order to find some clues...

As such.

He concentrated on his eyes.

Completely forgot to operate [Wind Source Propeller].

So much so that the whole body drifted with the current under the action of the sandstorm.

He didn't react until he didn't find a problem from the surrounding environment and gave up observing.

"Where am I...?"

After Lin Chao finished speaking in surprise, he immediately glanced at the book in his hand.

only see...

My current position is already far away from that point just now.


This is far.

Not pushed far to the edge in the traditional sense.


Going far away from the natural situation towards the center!


After Lin Chao murmured.

I deeply feel that this anomaly has traces to follow!


After a sudden inspiration.

He took out a stone from the material storage space and put it aside.


Then I saw the stone began to move in the sea of ​​sand!


The direction in which the stone moves is the same as the direction in which Lin Chao was drifting just now!


In this case…

Is it possible to guess from this!

If you continue to search in this direction, you may be able to find the crystal of the earth element!

Think here!

Lin Chao suddenly rekindled hope!

Without any further thought, he picked up the [Wind Source Propeller] and began to follow behind the stone.

that's it.

About another 10 minutes passed.

Lin Chao was staring at the stone, thinking about it in his heart as he moved forward.

The earth element crystallizes, the earth element crystallizes.

But right now!
That stone suddenly seemed to be swallowed by something!
It disappeared for no reason!
See this scene!
Lin Chao's sixth sense told him that the situation was not good.


Out of instinct, he instantly changed the position of [Wind Source Propeller].

Started to move a few meters in the opposite direction!


Followed by.

Then a bloody mouth appeared at Lin Chao's position just now, and he bit it off!
Seeing Lin Chao, I couldn't help but feel a chill down my spine...

If I hesitated for half a second just now...

Then the current self must be the same as the stone that disappeared for no reason!



What is that big mouth?

Or an earth elemental elf?
Thoughts so far.

Before Lin Chao could figure out why.

Then he felt another movement on the left side.


He also laughed in his heart.


Then grab this opportunity!

See what you are!
It's too late to say it!

In the next second!
Another big mouth suddenly appeared on Lin Chao's left!
Lin Chao also used [Thunderstorm Skynet] to protect his body at this critical moment.

I want to electrocute it, and then see why.

Can result...

After that big mouth landed on [Thunderstorm Skynet].

Lin Chao didn't see what it was at all!
The big mouth disintegrated in an instant, perfectly blending with the surrounding sandstorm!

Lin Chao was stunned for a moment.

Because he is very clear.

I released this [Thunderstorm Skynet] to see the situation clearly.

and so…

With the strength of this [Thunderstorm Skynet].

It is absolutely impossible to burn objects into ashes so quickly...

If so...

The reason for this result...

It should be that the big mouth is made of sand!

In terms of setting, once it receives any damage, it will disintegrate instantly, so as to achieve the effect of resolving the damage!


Just when Lin Chao's thoughts just came here.

Another big mouth rushed towards Lin Chao's face...

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