National Luck: I, Ten Tails Jinchuriki, start the game with Mudun

Chapter 29 Dahan Country Taekwondo Champion Li Haozhe

Improve the chances of survival of the selected candidates and maintain the peace of Blue Star!

The slogan chanted by the Forbidden Land Alliance led by the Meri Kingdom is high-sounding, but anyone who is not a fool can see that the purpose is to target the Great Xia Kingdom.

Of course, North Bear Country is piggybacking.

After the news was published on the Internet, it immediately aroused great repercussions.

The foreign ghosts who had been silent for a long time re-entered the live broadcast room of the Great Xia Kingdom, showing off triumphantly.

"Citizens of the Great Xia Kingdom, tremble, now you know the fate of offending the Meili Kingdom."

"Let me tell you, Mei Liguo just took a nap before, once he wakes up, Xiao Yan, the candidate of Daxia Kingdom, will definitely die!"

"Where there is a right way, there is more help than when there is no right way. No matter how powerful Xiao Yan is, he is fighting alone. Now facing dozens of candidates, let's see how he can deal with it."

"That's right, obediently contribute the resources you got from the forbidden area and share them with all the countries of Blue Star, so that we can let Xiao Yan go."

"Great Xia Kingdom, it's wrong to eat alone..."

In short, in the live broadcast room, all kinds of arguments are flying around.

Naturally, the netizens of the Great Xia Kingdom will not be used to these guys.

Countless keyboard warriors joined the battlefield one after another.

"Although some ghosts wear perfume on their bodies, I can smell a smell of scum through the screen. And share the fucking resources, take out your female family members and share them with me!"

"Damn Meili country, it can't compete head-on, and it will only use some despicable means. Let me tell you, the people of Great Xia are invincible, and will not kneel down like some countries and treat the people of Meili as their fathers."

"Xiao Yan: I didn't target Meiliguo. I just want to say that all the candidates in the alliance are rubbish. If you want to fight, you can fight!" A netizen replied imitating Xiao Yan's tone.

This sentence was agreed by many Daxia netizens.

So the live broadcast room became a uniform reply:

"If you want to fight, then fight!"

"If you want to fight, then fight!"


That's right, if you want to fight, then fight!

After these days of observation, the netizens of Great Xia Kingdom have enough trust in Xiao Yan.

God Xiao never disappoints!

So what about dozens of candidates, no matter how many a hundred sheep there are, they can't beat a tiger.

In the forbidden area, the candidates from the Elephant Kingdom released an intermediate space separator.

It is a level higher than that used by the werewolf of Mitiao country. It can not only isolate the sound, but even completely hide its tracks.

In the major live broadcast rooms, large clouds of fog suddenly appeared, and the figures of the candidates disappeared.

Carl, who was selected from the Meri Kingdom, stood in the middle and said to other humans: "I believe that everyone can use Mr. Murashita to get the information from their own country. The Blue Star countries have formed a forbidden alliance."

"In addition to achieving resource sharing, ensuring everyone's safety, and making everyone stronger, this alliance has another purpose. It is to kill Xiao Yan, the candidate of the Great Xia Kingdom, and curb the rise of the Great Xia Kingdom in Blue Star..."

Hearing this, many candidates whispered to their companions.

Before, they had already learned about Xiao Yan's various miraculous actions.

One person killed hundreds of flame monsters, and one person challenged the illusion space to pass... Now the strength is at least level 4.

All these things made many candidates feel like a fantasy.

If it weren't for the endorsement of powerful countries such as Meili and Fushan, they would almost think it was a scam.

However, for many selected candidates, it is good to be able to join the alliance, at least their safety will be more guaranteed in the future.

The forbidden area is full of dangers and there are many fierce beasts.Although they have not been killed until now, they live in fear every day, worrying about the day and night.

"To deal with Xiao Yan, do you have any good suggestions or unique props..." Edward the werewolf said.

James, the first inductee of Mitiao Country, lost his life because of the five-nation alliance's challenge to the space illusion.

Today's Edward is the second candidate.

By coincidence or otherwise, he also turned into a werewolf.

"I think your method of using fire attack before was very correct. It wasn't ineffective. It's just that the duration was too short, which made Xiao Yan fight back." At this time, Corytina, the second candidate of Oran State, spoke.

"But there is no larger group of flame beasts in the nearby jungle," Karl replied regretfully.

"It is not necessary to use a flame monster, we can use other combustibles, such as oil...I found a small oil field somewhere in the forbidden area not long ago"

Coritina exclaimed triumphantly.

This small oil field triggered a hundredfold realization and made great contributions to the country.

"Oil field, that's great. This way we can continue to attack Xiao Yan from a long distance," Flender said excitedly.

"Well, fire attack is an option. Do you have any other methods?" Karl nodded and continued to ask.

At this time, a silent and cold voice sounded: "I want a hundred million meguins!"

Hearing such an inappropriate voice, all the candidates turned their heads, only to notice a short, dark-skinned, monkey-like human standing in the corner.

This person's sense of existence is so low that everyone completely ignored his existence just now.

It seems to have been introduced before, this person is from the Sumara country in Nanyang, his name is Chawang, his identity is a head-down wizard, and his specific ability is unknown.

"What do you mean?" Carl asked impatiently.

He felt that this black monkey was too ignorant of flattery. Everyone was discussing important matters, but the other party made trouble.Wanting [-] million mekin without thinking, is this a dream and not waking up?

"I have a way to deal with Xiao Yan, but if you want me to make a move, you must remit [-] million meg to my family's account as a reward." Cha Wang waved the black wooden stick in his hand and said confidently.

"Just you, a despicable little monkey from Nanyang?" Li Haozhe, who was selected for the Great Cold Country, couldn't help but sneer.

He himself is a world taekwondo champion, and his force value is naturally extraordinary.

After Li Haozhe was selected to enter the forbidden area, his luck was quite good, and he happened to meet two level 1 fierce beasts fighting each other.

In the end, both sides were wounded and dying.

Li Haozhe took the opportunity to pick up a bargain, and finally got the bronze treasure box.Two bottles of health-enhancing potions, a set of armor for body protection, and an indestructible spiritual knife were prescribed.

With these equipment advantages, Li Haozhe successfully survived in the forbidden area.Not long ago, he even hunted down a hibernating Tier 3 storm bear beast and obtained more than ten spirit stones.

Now, his strength has reached the late stage of the second stage, and he is only one line away from reaching the third stage.

Because of this, Li Haozhe was somewhat complacent and complacent.Between the language, I look down on the Nanyang drop-head wizard at all.

"You, damn it!" Chawang growled with killing intent on his face.

Immediately, the wooden stick pointed towards the opponent.

"Why, you want to compete with me..." Before Li Haozhe could finish speaking, he suddenly fell to his knees on the ground with a plop.

Immediately, there was a shrill scream, and the expression looked extremely painful...

In the eyes of everyone, Li Haozhe's body was protruding big bumps.There seemed to be countless bugs wriggling inside, which looked extremely weird and terrifying.

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