Not only the Fushan country, but also countries such as Mitiao and Oranzhou have suffered a hundred times of punishment, causing countless deaths and injuries to their citizens.

Seeing the miserable situation of the allies, several leaders in the meeting room of the Meri Kingdom had solemn and ugly expressions.

Although the inductee, Karl, managed to escape from danger with the help of Flender, it also saved Meri from a terrible catastrophe.

They should be glad.

But because of this, the five-nation alliance was established in less than a week, and it actually declared a failure.

According to everyone's plan, based on the five-nation alliance, other countries will continue to join in, and finally a powerful military alliance similar to the Blue Star World will be formed.

By the way, Great Xia can be isolated.

At that time, the resources obtained from the forbidden area will naturally be managed and distributed by the Meri Kingdom and other allies.Which country's candidates are not convinced, they can attack them in groups in the name of the alliance.

As long as the plan is successful, Meri Country can resume Blue Star's dominance.

This five-nation joint challenge to the fantasy space is an opportunity to show other countries their strength and muscle, and to deepen cooperation by the way.

It's just that they never expected that the illusory space is so dangerous that the five candidates were almost wiped out.

What made the leaders even more speechless was that Karl and Flender's response was so shameless that even they couldn't stand it.

That guy Karl is not a pure Meri countryman at all!
If you don't understand the essence of the black hand behind the scenes, you must be sneaky, how can you be aboveboard... Even if you want to kill the candidate from the Oran State, you can completely push the other party to the mummy undead, and you don't need to do it yourself.

All of you present here are veterans of deceiving others. If it were them, they would definitely defraud the other party.

However, although the leaders complained in their hearts, they were generally satisfied with Karl's response.

It's good that dead friends don't die poor.

As long as the Meili country is not punished a hundred times, they don't really care about the life and death of their allies.

However, in order to prevent the other party from being eccentric, it is still necessary to appease the face.

Especially Mitiao Country and Aolanzhou Country, but their loyal younger brothers, they often need them to wave their flags.

As for those little Bagas in Toyama, they don't need to be appeased at all.As a father, Meiliguo would let his son suffer a little, so the other party would not dare to complain.

Even if there are complaints, throwing a dog bone should be satisfied.

"Everyone, what should we do next?" A white-haired old leader asked aloud.

A black man immediately replied: "The plan we made before cannot be changed, and it is imperative to suppress the Great Xia Kingdom. I believe everyone here has received the military's research report. The forbidden area has some kind of mysterious connection with Blue Star, and it can even affect Blue Star's future... If our country of Meri wants to continue to maintain its dominance, we must form a larger forbidden alliance."

"Suppressing the Great Xia Kingdom, in particular, must be the top priority. The strength of Xiao Yan, the candidate of the Great Xia Kingdom, has expanded too fast, and now there are almost no beasts on the periphery of the forbidden area that can threaten him. It is precisely because of Xiao Yan's existence that the Great Xia Kingdom The amount of resources obtained today is close to self-sufficiency ... invalidating our long-standing containment plan."

"We must find a way to get rid of Xiao Yan as soon as possible!"

"So let more countries join the alliance..."

The white-haired leader sighed: "But what happened just now, many countries no longer trust us."

"Then give up some of the benefits in reality. Resources, the most advanced weapons... can be sold to them at half price, or even free aid. In order to increase momentum, we have a [-] billion aid plan!" The black man spoke out again.

"Gillard, what nonsense are you talking about? Hundreds of billions of aid, are you planning to give up the entire Meri Kingdom?"

"I can't agree either..."

"It's ridiculous"


Participants expressed their opposition.

"Everyone" the black leader cleared his throat, "Don't you see the situation clearly? Do advanced weapons work against mysterious forces?"


The noisy crowd immediately stopped.

So far, human beings don't even know what kind of existence the "mysterious power" belongs to, let alone launch an attack on it.

Even if Meri has the most powerful nuclear force in Blue Star, it is helpless.

"If the military's speculation is correct, there will be a large-scale biological mutation on the blue star, and some powerful beasts in the forbidden area will also appear on the blue star. They... can't be eliminated with modern weapons. The ones that really work, It is estimated that various spells, magic, curses, supernatural powers and the like obtained from the forbidden area."

"We take some useless weapons in exchange for the trust of our allies. Why not? As long as Meri can continue to be the leader of this alliance, the investment will be recouped a hundredfold."

After listening to the black leader's analysis, many participants nodded thoughtfully.

"I agree with Girard's plan. It's like cutting leeks as the people of Daxia say. You can let them eat some sweets first, and then cut them when they grow up..." Some people raised their hands in agreement.

"I agree"


More and more people agree.

Soon, Meiliguo TV released several news to the outside world.

"First of all, we are deeply disturbed by the actions of the selected person Karl, and we would like to express our sincere apologies to Mitiao, Oran and Toyama countries, and promise that such incidents will not happen again. Next, Meri will Provide 500 billion MK in modernized military aid and resources to the aforementioned countries..."

"In addition, as the world police of Blue Star, Meri Country is very worried about the emergence of the forbidden space, and has the responsibility to maintain the peace of Blue Star. Therefore, we decided to form a broad alliance of forbidden areas, so that candidates from more countries can unite and share resources. and information sharing to improve the chances of survival in forbidden areas. For these countries, we will also provide 500 billion MK in modernized military aid and resources..."

"The initial list of invitees is as follows: Mitiao Country, Fushan Country, Oran Island Country, France Country, Great Cold Country, Xiang Country..."

The host of the TV station read nearly [-] countries in a row, including almost all the major countries of Blue Star.

Among them, only the Great Xia Kingdom and the North Bear Kingdom are missing, which is very obvious.

One day later, Mitiao Kingdom took the lead in responding: "We fully agree with Meri Kingdom to form the Forbidden Land Alliance, and decided to join it..."

Fushan Country: "We fully agree with the establishment of the Forbidden Land Alliance by the Meri Kingdom and decided to join it..."

Countries such as Elephant Country and Great Cold Country have also expressed their views.

To show his sincerity, Meiliguo even took out the incomplete map of the forbidden area that he worked hard to share with everyone. It marked the level of many beasts and the location of their lairs.

It is no exaggeration to say that this map alone is worth hundreds of millions.

Then they established contact with candidates from various countries through Murashita Shouzo.

In just two days, the new alliance was established again.

As the initiator, Meiliguo naturally took the position of leader with ease.

Seeing that everything was going according to plan, the leaders finally breathed a sigh of relief.

With so many candidates joining, the strength is several times that of before.

This time, Xiao Yan will definitely die!

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