One dollar start: Do you know what a business genius is?

Chapter 51 I Heard You Are Hiring Teaching Assistants

"Are you recruiting teaching assistants now?"

Lin Yi said straight to the point.

"That's right, we do need a lot of teaching assistants here. In the entire Yuncheng, we have about five school districts. According to the establishment of each class, each district needs at least 80 to [-] teaching assistants of various types!"

Xu Ying didn't hide it, this was indeed his biggest headache now.

Each school district needs seven to 80 teaching assistants.

So, among other things, the entire Cloud City needs nearly 400 people!

This is indeed not a small number.

"What's the situation with your teaching assistant? When I passed by just now, the classroom next to me seemed to be interviewing!"

Lin Yi asked casually.

"It is indeed an interview, but the effect is not very good. These students are students from ordinary colleges. They did not get very good results in the college entrance examination, and they have almost forgotten the knowledge of high school, so they can't take the job at all. The ability to coach!"

Xu Ying smiled wryly and shook her head.

After three years of high school exam-oriented education, students are relaxed after college, and no one is doing questions at all.

In addition, these are not teachers, and their future work has nothing to do with these middle and high school exam questions, so it is impossible for them to do the questions.

Anyone who has experienced high school knows that if you don't brush the questions, no matter how good your grades were before, if you don't practice for a while, you will almost forget them.

Lin Yi listened to Xu Ying's book with a slight smile on his face.

"To be honest, you also know that I created the Foodie Front Alliance, and most of the alliance's users are college students!"

Lin Yi paused for a while when he said this, and then said: "Actually, most of them are students from normal universities!"

"I think they may lack the ability to take classes, but they have absolutely no problem in tutoring students, and they are even more professional than the people you recruit at the university!"

"I hope I can contract your teaching assistant needs!"

"And if all your teaching assistants are professional normal students, this set of publicity alone can beat other training institutions. Do you think other people will not come here to sign up?"

When Lin Yi said this, Xu Ying was also taken aback.

That's right, if the teaching assistants are all normal students, then this is a gimmick!

It's as if you can not only listen to the teacher's explanation in class, but also find the teaching assistant and the teacher to ask what you don't understand after class.

This is equivalent to buy one get one free!

For normal students, this is also an opportunity to sharpen themselves.


It is impossible for Xu Ying not to be moved.

But Lin Yi is not those students after all, he is at most an intermediary company.

Xu Ying looked up at Lin Yi and said, "What you said really touched my heart, but what do I need to pay?"

"I do ask for that!"

Lin Yi squinted his eyes and looked at Xu Ying who was opposite, and then said calmly: "The first point is that if these students are here to work as part-time teaching assistants and want to stay and become teachers, you can open the internal recruitment quota. I remember that your company has related policies!"

"This is no problem. In fact, we very much hope that some teaching assistants can stay and become teachers, so that we can save a lot of training costs!"

Xu Ying has no objection to Lin Yi's suggestion.

Because what he said was originally the company's policy, similar to the fact that interns have the right to be admitted first.

"Second point, you can pay me all the students' money, and then I will distribute it according to the standard!"

Lin Yi went on to the second point.

"Are you going to deduct money from students here?"

Xu Ying frowned. You must know that a student costs 13 yuan an hour.

Although the price is not high, the homework is corrected in a classroom in an air-conditioned room, and there is no heavy physical work. It is even much better than working in a restaurant, so the price is more conscientious.

"Of course not. I will pay all the students' money as scheduled, and if you are worried about this, we can sign a supplementary agreement. If I find that I have deducted a penny from the students, I am willing to pay a hundred times the compensation!"

Lin Yi said very firmly.

If you deduct a penny, you will be compensated a hundred times!
Xu Ying nodded. With the supplementary agreement, she doesn't have to worry about anything.

More importantly, these students are all working here, and when the time comes to conduct random checks or set up a reporting mechanism or something, it will be easy to find out whether there are any deductions. Lin Yi will not ask for trouble.

Xu Ying directly agreed to these two suggestions.

Lin Yi smiled slightly: "As for the third suggestion, I will solve such a big problem for you, and with this gimmick, I guess your enrollment will be easier."

"I know your supplementary course organization very well. The summer vacation is fine. If it is normal, the courses are probably arranged in the evening. After class and work, it will be more than ten o'clock at least, so I need you to ensure the safety of the students. Rent a bus to send these students back!"

"After all, I have brought so many students out, and I have corresponding responsibilities to them!"

What Lin Yi said was quite certain!

It was past ten o'clock in the evening, and the teachers' college was mostly girls.

As the current society is relatively stable, what emergencies will happen if the insurance is not complete!
Xu Ying remained silent for a while. The renting of the bus actually didn’t cost much, and with so many normal students, it was equivalent to improving the overall teaching quality. More importantly, if one or two of these normal students could stay, the Can save a lot of manpower training funds.

In this way, the interests of the company have not been lost!

"Okay, I agree to all the conditions, but the bus company..."

Xu Ying looked up at Lin Yi in front of her.

"As for the bus company, I can be in charge of contacting them. After all, the quality of their drivers and their degree of responsibility are also related to the safety of all students!"

Lin Yi agreed.

"Then there is no problem. We can sign an initial cooperation agreement. After your side introduces normal students, I will be in charge of receiving them!"

Xu Ying nodded in agreement.

From the perspective of the company's interests, she saw that the entire cooperation agreement not only did not cause any loss to the company, but also helped the company's development.

Why didn't he do such a good thing!

Half an hour later, Lin Yi came out of the meeting room with the cooperation agreement still carrying the temperature of the printer.

Once Xindongfang is finalized, the next thing will be easy!
After all, there is more than one training institution in Yuncheng!
After walking out of Xindongfang's gate, Lin Yi turned around and walked into another training institution.

Xueersi Education!

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