"Then pay for this, shall we..."

Seeing that Lin Yi nodded in agreement, Boss Zhang and the others also had their own concerns.

Lin Yi's random tweet can bring such a great influence.

If this is charged?
Wouldn't it be very expensive?

They are new stores, whether they can continue to open is still unknown.

If you pay another payment, then it will be really difficult for me to continue.

"You don't have to pay me for this, I just help out with the publicity!"

Lin Yi waved his hand, and then looked at Boss Zhang who was a little astonished in front of him: "For these things, you can make coupons or something and directly subsidize them to students. The purpose of our entire alliance is to serve students first!"

"Okay, okay, thank you, thank you very much!"

Hearing that he didn't want any remuneration, Boss Zhang thanked him one after another.

Lin Yi just sent them away with a simple courtesy.

At this moment, in Lin Yi's live broadcast room.

"What is a pattern? This is called a pattern. I don't want any money from others. This is my brother Yi!"

"What does it mean not to forget the original intention? The purpose of the entire alliance is to serve the students, so these new store owners have to pay Lin Yi, which directly becomes a coupon, which is inclusive to all students!"

"Think about it, Lin Yi's words are equivalent to winning over the boss of the new store, and at the same time, it can benefit the students!"

"I'll go, you said that, I really didn't expect it to kill two birds with one stone!"

"Lin Yi will always drop God, if it were us, we would never have thought of it!"

"There are still many things you don't know. If a new restaurant is established, it will be a huge pressure on the old restaurant. They must constantly update their cooking skills and launch new dishes. This kind of internal competition is for what?"

"The students who benefit from this kind of competition in the end are the students!"

"After students get benefits, their sense of belonging to the alliance will gradually increase, and the user viscosity will gradually increase."

"Do you know what this is? The students in these alliances are Lin Yi's best means of publicity."

"Isn't this a free advertisement? Let me go, Lin Yi's means are still high!"

"Lin Yi will always judge the situation from the highest position!"

"Just imagine, if Lin Yi accepts the reward from the owner of the roast duck restaurant, then someone else will definitely start paying, and the matter will be exposed one day. After the exposure, do you think the students will still trust Lin Yi?"

"At that time, a large number of students will be lost. Lin Yi will be picking up sesame seeds and throwing watermelons. Looking at the immediate benefits, he will lose the overall situation!"

"Strong, it seems that this is the difference between me and Lin Yi, I should choose to work hard silently!"

Lin Yi didn't know that the water friends in the live broadcast room had already analyzed him deeply.

If he saw it, he couldn't help but think that these people's brains are really big!
I didn't even think so far.

He just doesn't want to mess up the entire league.

As for the reward for what they did, they could give as much as they could, which was about tens of thousands of yuan.

Tens of thousands of dollars is nothing to Lin Yi who wants to build an empire of tens of billions!

And because of the tens of thousands of dollars, it's not worth it to ruin one's reputation.

Lin Yi was thinking about how to solve the problem of part-time jobs for students.

At present, my student group is all students from normal universities.

The most suitable job for them is naturally that of teachers.

It is naturally impossible for public high schools to provide internship opportunities.

Then the only places where you can practice are some teaching auxiliary institutions and trusteeship centers.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi went directly to the largest tutoring and training institution in Yuncheng.

Xin Dongfang.

Xindongfang is an old brand. It started with English tutoring, and now it is gradually expanding, ranging from foreign language training for young children, to high school, postgraduate tutoring, TOEFL and IELTS training.

Such an institution definitely needs a lot of teachers.

And their entire organization is constantly recruiting teaching assistants.

The so-called teaching assistant is actually helping the teacher to correct homework and sitting in the classroom during class.

In their spare time after correcting homework, they can also hear the way the teacher lectures.

For normal students, lectures on stage require lesson preparation, which can exercise their courage and language organization skills.

However, if you are a teaching assistant, you can continuously circulate in each teacher's class, and you can understand each teacher's teaching style and skills when explaining topics, which will also be of great help to them in future classes.

Lin Yi walked in, just in time to meet an anxious female teacher rushing towards her.

Seeing the other party wearing high heels and wearing a short professional skirt, Lin Yi suddenly broke in. The other party didn't stand still at all, and his whole body directly hit Lin Yi's arms.

Lin Yi was also a little dazed by the sudden situation. He stood firmly on his foot and moved a short distance to the side.

Just protecting the opponent like this, he hit the wall next to him.


The other party raised his head and looked at Lin Yi, as if he had thought of something: "You are here to apply for a teaching assistant, right? Wait for me in the small conference room in front, and I will come over later!"


Lin Yi was stunned, and looked down at the other party's badge, which said the position.

HR Director: Xu Ying.

I didn't expect to bump into the human resources director directly.

This saves a lot of trouble, since the other party asked me to go to the small meeting room, then I should wait first.

When she was about to leave, Xu Ying turned her head, looked at Lin Yi, smiled and said, "Thank you just now!"

Two or three simple sentences not only expressed gratitude, but also resolved the embarrassment just now.

When Lin Yi walked over, he found a small classroom.

There is a poster for the recruitment of teaching assistants at the door of the classroom.

There are many people sitting inside.

At a glance, there are about twenty or thirty of them.

These should all be recruited students.

Lin Yi just walked over, and the person in charge of the organization at the door didn't stop him.

Probably heard what the director said just now.

Lin Yi sat directly in the small meeting room.

After Xu Ying got a glass of water, she walked in from the door, looked at the camera behind Lin Yi, frowned, and when she was about to speak, Lin Yi explained first: "Director Xu, I am not actually the former Here to apply for a teaching assistant, let me introduce myself, I am Lin Yi, a contestant in the Hundred Yuan Challenge column, and also the person in charge of the Yuncheng Food Front Alliance."

"You are Lin Yi?"

Xu Ying looked at Lin Yi in front of her. She had also watched the Hundred Yuan Challenge column when she was off work, but she didn't understand, how could a challenger from the Foodie Front Alliance have anything to do with herself?
After a slight pause, Xu Ying continued, "Excuse me, what can you do for me?"

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