These people looked ferocious, and he didn't even have the slightest doubt that these people might kill him and dissect him in the wilderness, so he didn't dare to ask for the fare at all.

Brother Long didn't embarrass the fisherman after hearing this, he also knew some common sense, and they still needed to take this fishing boat back, so the boat would definitely not be damaged.

So Brother Long nodded, and then said to the fisherman: "Well, you can go to the island with us, and you stay and watch the boat."

Brother Long waved to the fisherman, and then gave instructions to one of his younger brothers.

Because they are just dawdling in the seaside area, many of these punks are fishing in fishing boats at home, so they all know how to sail fishing boats.

After the fisherman heard that he wanted to follow him to the island, his head immediately shook like a rattle. "No, boss, this is not allowed. I won't go up with you. This small island is very dangerous. There are rumors among the old people in our village that this is an island of demons. Few people go up there. Some will come back alive."

The fisherman said it vividly, as if it was really the same thing.

After hearing this, those little bastards were also cowardly. After all, it’s okay for them to bully those poor and kind people on weekdays, but if they are really asked to take risks on the island, they will be more cowardly than one.

"Yeah, Brother Long, I think we should not go up there. I've also heard the rumors."

"I've heard of it too, Brother Long, let's not go up there. I think this is a conspiracy by that kid, who wants to use this matter to harm us."

Brother Long frowned immediately after hearing this. He gave the fisherman a vicious look, and then slapped the fisherman directly on the face.

"You dare to confuse people here, I let you confuse people, believe it or not, I will kill you?"

As he was talking, he was typing. He has always been a courageous person, that is, the kind of person who dares to sleep on the grave in the middle of the night. Convince him.

Ah, the fisherman was beaten up by Brother Long, and those subordinates who wanted to leave didn't dare to speak, and all of them shut their mouths in fright, for fear that Brother Long's big slap would hit them on the face.

Seeing that everyone stopped shouting and went back, Brother Long snorted coldly, and then pulled the fisherman up.

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, be careful, I will do you right away."

The fisherman's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he didn't dare to speak now. At this moment, Brother Long waved his hand, signaling that his men would hold the fisherman. They got off the boat and swam to the beach on a life raft.

The place where they landed was the north of the island, and it was also the place where Ling Mufeng landed.

After arriving on the island, a few gangsters began to look around. It was the first time for them to come to the island, so they were all curious.

Brother Long held a switchblade in his hand, and said to his subordinates: "Go into the forest and have a look, I believe that kid is on this small island, and this small island is not very big, we will probably soon You can find them, and when you find them, you have to grab that chick Lai Meiyun and enjoy it."

Everyone was looking forward to plum blossoms to quench their thirst. After thinking of Lai Meiyun's graceful figure and pretty face, they all rushed towards the forest as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

And at this moment, on the west coast of the island, a yacht stopped beside the sailing boat where Ling Mufeng was.A thin and tall man wearing sunglasses stepped out of the yacht and glanced at the huge black sailboat next to him, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

He saw two ropes on the sailboat, which were obviously traces of someone's activities.

This person is Brother Tian's subordinate Houzi. Like Brother Long, Houzi used to serve as a soldier abroad, so he still has some skills. If he didn't have this foundation, he would not be able to become the number one brother in this industry. up.

So his observation ability is very strong, and he quickly discovered the problem in this place, so he asked his men to park the yacht next to the sailboat, and he jumped from the sailboat and grabbed it directly. The rope running down from the yacht, and then like a monkey, climbed up flexibly.

After arriving at the top, the monkey carefully inspected the deck, and found traces of Ling Mufeng and Chu Xun's previous existence, with a sneer on his face.

However, he also judged it through the traces. Ling Mufeng and the two hadn't come back for two or three days, and he could get all this information through Ling Mufeng's live broadcast room, so after wandering around on it, the monkey followed along. The rope got off the sailboat and returned to the yacht.

After returning to the yacht, Monkey asked his subordinates to drive the yacht to the island, and then went ashore with four or five subordinates.

Unlike Brother Long and his gang, Monkey's gang is obviously equipped with more complete and advanced equipment. There is even a bulging thing pinned to Monkey's waist, which is a pistol!
His subordinates are also all strong and strong, and they all seem to have been professionally trained, and they reacted differently from Brother Long and his party when they arrived on the island. The first thing these people did after they arrived on the island The thing turned out to be to observe the terrain, which seemed very professional.

"Brother Monkey, the trees next to this place show signs of being felled, and there are bear footprints in the woods, probably the two bears raised by Ling Mufeng."

After the monkey heard this, he nodded quickly, and then said to his subordinates: "Be careful, everyone. There are many beasts and poisonous snakes on this island. Be prepared. Let's try to get rid of them as soon as possible." After finishing the work, I will go back to work today, and after the work is completed, everyone will be rewarded with 50 yuan."

After hearing that there was a reward of 50 yuan, those subordinates were obviously a little excited. After all, this is not a small number. 50 yuan, even in some relatively developed cities, you can make a down payment. You can buy a similar luxury car.

So these people immediately became full of energy and began to gear up.

"Also, keep those women. Except for Chu Xun, don't move, take the other two women back to Brother Tian, ​​especially that Xue Qiqi, Brother Tian has taken a fancy to it."

There was a lewd smile on the monkey's face, and he licked his lips. He also watched Ling Mufeng's live broadcast, and he also coveted the beautiful girl in Ling Mufeng's live broadcast room.

One of his subordinates hurriedly frowned and asked the monkey, "Brother Monkey, what is the origin of that Chu Xun? Doesn't even Brother Tian dare to touch him?"

After talking about Chu Xun, the monkey's expression also became cautious.

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