Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 325 Hatching Eggs

After hearing this, the girls present became interested. After all, when it comes to the body, these girls are very interested.

"Brother Feng, I want one too. My figure is not as good as sister Chu Xun and Qiqi. Can sitting on this chair improve anything?"

After hearing this, Ling Mufeng also laughed, and then said to Lai Meiyun: "Meiyun, you have to know that this chair is only for assistance. If you want to be in good shape, you still need to exercise more. Just pay attention to your diet and don’t let your body get out of shape.”

After hearing this, Lai Meiyun nodded hurriedly. She also felt that she was thinking too much. How could she not improve her figure just by making a chair?That's too incredible.

At this time, Ling Mufeng continued: "This chair can only keep your figure in shape, but if you want to develop a good figure, you can practice Tai Chi with me, which can also shape your shape. "

"Huh? Tai Chi? Can Brother Feng still practice Tai Chi?"

Lai Meiyun looked at Ling Mufeng with an expression of admiration, she didn't expect Ling Mufeng to meet so many, what kind of treasure boy is this.

Ling Mufeng hurriedly laughed, "I'll take you to Tai Chi if I have a chance."

After talking, he went to the cave and took out two wolf skins in the utility room. He and Chu Xun had also handled these two wolf skins, so there was no smell on them.

Ling Mufeng spread two wolf skins on the chair, which also made Xue Qiqi sit on it more comfortably.

After making this set of tables and chairs for Xue Qiqi, Xue Qiqi hurriedly brought her laptop over, sat on it, and started working.

She is responsible for maintaining order in the live broadcast room and chatting with these people in the live broadcast room.

Chu Xun, on the other hand, followed Ling Mufeng to explore and work together, taking care of the yard and other things.

But Lai Meiyun was relatively free, and she didn't know what to do, so she helped Chu Xun clean up the things in the yard for a while, and went to help Xue Qiqi watch the live broadcast room for a while.

The whole morning passed quickly, after Ling Mufeng made lunch, he went to the chicken coop to take a look, and found that the hen had indeed laid a nest of eggs under the effect of the spiritual energy water.

Ling Mufeng did not directly eat these eggs, but prepared to hatch them, and under the catalysis of the spiritual energy water, the hatching process of the chicks can also be greatly shortened.

In the past, it took a week for these chicks to hatch, but with the aura water, this time can be shortened to one day.

Ling Mufeng took out the eggs that had been mirrored, and then smeared some spiritual water on them, and put the eggs back into the chicken coop.

Of course, the effect of rubbing it on the outside is actually very small. The main reason is that Ling Mufeng fed the hen with spiritual energy water yesterday. After the hen drank the spiritual energy water, the ingredients in the water would also A part left in the chicken embryo can accelerate the growth of the chicken embryo.

At this time, the three girls had already gone to bed, and only Da Zhuang was still following Ling Mufeng.

Ling Mufeng saw that Da Zhuang was too sleepy, so he also let Da Zhuang go to rest, but he was not sleepy, he came to the yard and began to check the crops planted in the yard.

With the aura water, these crops grew very fast, but at the same time, a more serious problem also appeared, that is, the storage of these foods.

Like a lot of vegetables, if they are not harvested in time after they grow, they will soon turn yellow. This is also the effect of the aura water. The aura water actually accelerates the whole process of plant growth. The growth time has been accelerated several times, and the withering will come faster.

Therefore, if they are not picked in time, the crops that have just been planted will wither and turn yellow and cannot be eaten.Moreover, some crops will not taste good after they grow old. For example, some fruits taste the best when eaten at the right time. If they are picked after that time, the taste will be hard to describe.

So Ling Mufeng decided to think of a way to store all the things he planted.

He first went to the side of the grape trellis, which was already covered with grape vines, and it was full of grape fruits, bunch after bunch, Ling Mufeng picked off a bunch, put it in his mouth and ate it .

This taste can be said to be the best grape he has ever tasted, and this is also due to the effect of spiritual energy water.

These grapes Ling Mufeng still has a way, they can be dried into raisins, so that they can be stored for a long time.

But those vegetables are different. Although they can be dried in the sun, the nutrients will be greatly lost, and after being dried, they can only be cooked and eaten, and the taste is indescribable.

Moreover, the market share of freeze-dried vegetables is actually very small, let alone the problem of taste and loss of nutrients. Vegetables can be bought in the vegetable market, unless they are made into convenience foods or there are some markets. .

But the profit is too low, so few companies will do this.

After Ling Mufeng thought of this, he saw the business opportunities here. It might be difficult for him to open up the vegetable supply chain market in the early stage, because most of these supply chains have been seized by those local vegetable merchants.

If you want to seize the market, you have to spend a lot of money on marketing to open up the market. This step is also the most costly, so Ling Mufeng is not going to do this. He is going to start from the instant food industry. I can make these dried vegetable bags and dried fruits by myself. I will be a supplier for major brands first, and when I mature, I can start to establish my own brand.

After thinking of this route, Ling Mufeng patted his thigh and felt that there was still a lot to do.

Because there are still very few competitors in this industry, and they are very small, I can take the first step to seize the dry vegetable industry. After all, my products are still very competitive.

Now he wants to get Brother Long's gangsters who trouble his company to come quickly, so that he can deal with them, otherwise if the company is always blocked by these people, then he has nothing to do. method developed.

And when Ling Mufeng was thinking about these little gangsters, Brother Long and the gangsters had already arrived near this island in a fishing boat.

"Several bosses, go up by yourself, we can't go any further, otherwise, we will hit a hidden reef, and our fishing boat will not be able to leave."

The man who drove the fishing boat was an honest fisherman. He originally thought that he had brought you a big business. If he took these people to the island, he could earn thousands of dollars on this trip.

But after pulling these people onto the boat, the fisherman regretted it.

"This chair is also helpful to maintain your figure. It is made according to your figure, because if you sit on the chair for a long time, your figure will be more or less affected, maybe in a short time. You can't see it, but if it takes a long time, it will definitely become more and more out of shape according to the trend of things, but with these curves specially tailored by me, not only will it not make your figure Out of shape, but will make your figure more perfect!"

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