After this wave of communication between the cerebral cortex and the system, Lu Feng really experienced the words "refreshing and refreshed" from all aspects.

Really cool!
Sure enough, the super-perfect male god pet wife system is dedicated to cultivating Lu Feng into a perfect male god with all-round development!
He helped the company, and the system rewarded him for his good deeds!

And he also discovered that a man has to be more arrogant and can't be a bit angry
Little Lu Feng rose up in no time.

At that time, this little physique will come up again!
"Ah Qiu."

Oh shit!I can't help but say
Lu Feng looked at Manager Li's embarrassing expression and realized that he was still holding hands, as if he had been holding them for a long time, and he almost sneezed on him.

Lu Feng quickly let go of his hand, "Manager Li, let's design the logo of the joint model now."


Several people negotiated and studied there for a long time, and finally designed one in the corner of the white fleece collar.

'7': Zina. 'Heart': Ai. '+' is good, followed by half of a small wing. The whole logo is all red, which just echoes the bow on the neckline.

Very playful and cute.

Zina liked the brand logo on it very much, "It's so beautiful, it's the first time I have my own joint product."

Lu Feng lowered his head to look at the logo that he just showed off, and then glanced at Zina, "Yes, it's really pretty, but... what's the meaning of that little wing behind you?"

Lu Feng touched the beautiful half of the wing pattern on it, and was very puzzled in his heart. No matter how he looked at it, Zina and Ai Jiajia couldn't connect with the wings on it.

And this pattern was drawn by Zina, so Lu Feng couldn't figure it out even more.

The 7, heart, and Ai all have special meanings, and this little wing is not embroidered just for the sake of looking good.

Zina pointed to the half wing above, "Lu Feng, does this look like a gust of wind to you?"

Lu Feng was both puzzled and pleasantly surprised, "A gust of wind? Wind? Are you adding me?"

Zina lowered her eyelashes and touched the upper half of the small wings, which looked like the shape of the wind, and also like half a heart-shaped pattern, which contained her feelings for Lu Feng.

She shyly said, "I added it by chance, it looks pretty good, and the birth of this joint product is mainly due to your credit."

"No, Xiaoqi, it's mainly because of you, I didn't do anything"

"Thanks to your resourcefulness, you told Manager Li to ask me to prepare the products. How can you say that it's not thanks to you?"

"Hey, I just said a few words in passing, I didn't participate in the design."

"Don't refuse, the design is finished, and the credit is yours!"

"Then thank you Xiao Qi."

"You're welcome Lu Feng"

The helpless Manager Li stood aside, watching the two holding the same dress, and looking at the joint pattern on it one sentence at a time.

The eyes are shy, and the atmosphere is full of ambiguity.

Why is this distance getting closer?
Who am I, where am I, why are they flirting here.

'You two, there are still people here!Otherwise, I'll go first, and then close the door for you two? '

(Mr. Wang's off-site remarks: Hey, bro, I'll give you the seat under the car.)
Lu Feng suddenly cast a gloomy glance at Manager Li who was scratching his head and said, "Manager Li, let's take two samples back first, and then shoot a video at Zina's Life account. You prepare the goods first, and wait for you to deliver the goods." It's almost there, and Zina can open the link on the live broadcast with the goods."

Relying on his own clothing skills, Lu Feng is very confident in this batch of home clothes.

One hundred thousand pieces should all be sold.

But Lu Feng thought about it, and decided to keep the 10 yuan in his pocket, just in case.

Originally, he wanted to give the money to the company first, and then return the unsold ones in proportion, but now. Now that he has a mission, he can buy the unsold ones with the 10 yuan that he wants to give to Mr. Wang.

If it's not enough, use your Yinyin trumpet to buy the remaining goods with the money given by the system.

It can not only help Ai Jiajia, but also help myself complete system tasks.

Kill two birds with one stone.

After some more discussions, the two were sent out of Ai Jiajia's door by Manager Li.

The two came to the top version of the Porsche Panamera with black matte film.

Lu Feng let out a heavy breath, stretched his waist, and said relaxedly, "I've been busy, I didn't pay attention to the time, it's almost six o'clock!"

Zina also let out a sigh of relief, "Yeah, today is a very busy day, either standing or walking, but it's pretty fast. The contract was signed so smoothly, and everything that needs to be discussed has been discussed."

Either standing or walking, my wife is not feeling well today, my wife is tired!

"Get in the car, Xiaoqi, I'll take you home to rest (I'll also go up for a cup of tea.)"

"Lu Feng, you are so tired this day, otherwise I will drive the car back."

"No, you're not feeling well today, and you've been busy for so long. You can sit in the back seat and lie down for a while, rest for a while, or sleep for a while. I see a rug and cushion in the back seat, which is just right."

"Huh? I can take the co-pilot, Lu Feng."

Dead straight man!

People want to sit in a row with you!

At this time, Zina's face from Lu Feng's perspective turned black for a while.

He looked around the surrounding environment, and it was quite dark. Although the sun at [-] o'clock in the afternoon is not enough, it is not so dim.

Lu Feng raised his eyes and saw that the sky was closed with dark clouds and suddenly darkened.

Isn't this a harbinger of rain?

Lu Feng secretly thought that it was raining heavily at this moment, and when he got out of the car, there was no umbrella in the car, and the heavy rain poured on the two of them.

Lu Feng sent Zina back home, so he could only stay at Zina's house and wait for the rain to stop, God made a long night before thunder and lightning.
When Zina was scared, Lu Feng couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

Zina: "Lu Feng, I'm afraid. Just stay with me." '

Lu Feng: "Sister, I live in your house, it's not good." '

Zina: "What's wrong, my sister is afraid"

Lu Feng shied away half a hundred times, but was finally kept by Zina.
Zina turned on the TV and played the suspense horror genre she liked to watch recently.
Lu Feng: "Sister, why are you broadcasting horror movies?" '

Zina: 'I like watching these recently, you can watch them with me. '

In the dark environment, the blackout curtains were tightly drawn, and the outside light could not enter the entire confined space.

Lu Feng and Zina were wearing house clothes, nestled comfortably on the sofa, holding a few bags of potato chips.

The bloody mouth suddenly appeared on the TV, and two bloody ghosts slowly crawled out from under the bed.

Zina: 'Ah!So scary! '

With trembling hands, even the potato chips in his hands were scattered all over the floor.

She threw herself into Lu Feng's arms helplessly, tightly clutching the corner of his clothes.

Lu Feng patted her head, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here." '

Listening to the voice on the TV, Zina's body trembled in Lu Feng's arms, "Scared! '

She looked up, blinking her innocent eyes, her upper and lower eyelashes were like blooming camellias.

Lu Feng secretly smiled and said, "Hahahahahaha, little Zina, pinch with your hand."

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