Zina tapped Lu Feng's shoulder a few times, with a look of anticipation in her eyes, "Lu Feng, have you finished reading?"

Lu Feng put the contract on the table, "Mmm."

Then he turned his head to look at Zina, and said hesitantly, "Xiao Qi's ninth rule seems to be... not quite right."

Zina snorted in her heart, and thought, "I know you kid, you want to mess with women!"

Zina explained, "Lu Feng. I know it's not good for me to hinder your normal love life, but... now the eyes of netizens are sharp. If you go to have a girlfriend or have an affair with others, our CP will Dissipate. When the heat dissipates.
So you understand, this contract is not long, let's pretend for a few years. "

Lu Feng frowned, this...
"How many years? How many years can a boy have? Xiaoqi, you." You must not be responsible for my life?

Zina put two fingers horizontally in front of her face, "Uh, how about two years? If it's just a few months, it's too fake. Do you think Lu Feng really can't do it? If I can't, I'll give you some extra money?"

Lu Feng: "."

I look like a money-seeker?
Lu Feng smiled, put his hands on the sofa, and the soft sofa formed a depression, making Lu Feng's whole body lean towards Zina a little bit, "Xiao Qi, it's not about time, it's about you, Article [-] ah."

Lu Feng raised a hand and handed over the contract. The side with the words was facing Zina, pointing to the ninth article above, "Xiao Qi, why is this article only Targeting me alone, if you and others...wouldn't it also destroy our cooperation?"

Zina froze for a moment, "Huh?"

"Don't just 'ah'. Xiao Qi, give me a solution."

"I won't. I originally wrote this contract. How could I violate it?"

"Oh, I'm insecure."


"I said, if you don't implement that clause in the contract, I don't feel safe. If you say that there is no such clause in the contract and break the contract, I, the majority of netizens, will see if I don't follow you and see someone who has been abandoned from beginning to end. Like, how embarrassing.

Let's talk about me again. Where can I make money? "

Zina suppressed her smile, "All right, all right, I'll add it, I just happened to bring a pen here too."

Zina glanced at Lu Feng unhappily, snatched the contract from him, and added a clause under Clause [-].

Article [-] Supplementary clause: Party A, Ms. Qi Na, is not allowed to have ambiguous affairs with other opposite sex during the contract signing period. If she violates the contract, she will pay ten times the liquidated damages to Mr. Lu Feng.

Zina stuffed the contract into Lu Feng's hands, she used so much energy that the paper was crumpled, "Is this okay?"

Lu Feng looked at the above line of words, er, the words were not very pretty, but he was quite satisfied with what was written.

"Okay, that's fine, you're being sincere."

Zina pointed at the contract, "Are the other clauses okay?"

"Others are fine. It's fair. They're all [-]-[-] points. In fact, if you want [-]-[-] points, I don't mind."

Zina folded her hands on her chest and said generously, "I don't need to take the lead, I will share [-]% of it with you, and I won't let you do it for nothing."

Lu Feng raised his eyebrows jokingly, and said, "You three, I seven."

Zina pursed her lips, wondering why Lu Feng was so out of shape all of a sudden, but it was quite interesting, in this way, she could keep Lu Feng by her side firmly.

"Alright, if you want a big head, I'll give you a big head quilt, bring it here, and I'll change it."

Zina was about to take the contract from Lu Feng while she was talking, how could Lu Feng be willing, he was just teasing Zina, if Zina really changed the contract, wouldn't she think that he is really a money lover? It's fate.

Lu Feng raised the contract high, "No, I was joking."

"It's okay, Lu Feng."

Zina didn't show any weakness either, she kept reaching out to get the contract in Lu Feng's hand.

Suddenly, the two seemed to be on the fence.

You fought me for it.

Of course, Lu Feng is sitting, no matter how high he lifts, Zina can get it as soon as he stands up, so when Zina stood up slightly, Lu Feng also stood up, and the distance between him and Zina was widened. few.

"Lu Feng, give it to me."

"No, I won't take advantage of you, just five or five will be fine."

"No, I have to increase the price for you today."

"Xiao Qi, why do you insist on giving money to people?"

Lu Feng also has long arms, as long as he lifts his feet slightly and raises his hands, even if Zina jumps up, she can only touch his wrists.

Lu Feng lowered his eyebrows and looked at Zina. A small face faced the lavender light from the ambient light on the wall. It was warm, and he spoke in a hurry, and he kept stepping there. He looked a little tired. Also rose a little flush.

Lu Feng frowned, seeing Zina's delicacy from this angle was especially good.

And this scene has a feeling of deja vu, for example, the scene of Zina and him grabbing cuff buttons when they were in the office of the two of them.

Think about this rhythm carefully, the standing posture of the two people, and the grabbing, it is exactly the same rhythm.

It's a pity that Zina didn't wear high heels today, so she couldn't fall down.

Lu Feng took a look at the somewhat obtrusive cotton slippers on Zina's feet.

Isn't it good to have no chance to create opportunities yourself?
Lu Feng's eyes fell on the heel of the cotton slippers. After Zina stood on tiptoe back and forth, the position at the back could always be missed. At this time, just step on it lightly.


As long as she stepped on it lightly, Zina's center would not be stable, wouldn't she just fall on top of him?


After a burst of joy in Lu Feng's heart.

A loud "ah" resounded through the room.

It wasn't from Zina.

It was sent by the scheming Lu Feng.

When Lu Feng was thinking about it, Zina jumped up and didn't jump steadily, and stepped on Lu Feng's foot.

Before he had time to think about it, he was already in so much pain that he didn't know what the world was like. Zina almost dumped all her weight on Lu Feng's feet.

Lu Feng was suffering from pain, and wanted to fall from inertia. Zina also tripped Lu Feng's foot, her whole body was unstable, and she fell straight on top of him.

It's not like those old romance scenes, mouth to mouth, due to height restrictions, Zina fell on the crest of Lu Feng's neck.

"Cough cough."

Lu Feng coughed twice.

Let's just say, Lu Feng's idea just now was fulfilled by Zina for no reason, which is pretty good.

But this 'happiness' came too suddenly, the whole weight of Zina's body was on Lu Feng's chest, making him unable to breathe.

So much so that he couldn't even speak, put his hand on Zina's shoulder, and patted it lightly twice.

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