"Little Qi, are you full?"

A faint voice floated over from the direction of the kitchen, "Yeah."

"Xiao Qi, I haven't drunk the wine yet."

Watching Zina put the dishes and chopsticks in the dishwasher.

Lu Feng was a little disappointed, this is the end of today's dinner without candlelight?

The voice from the kitchen got louder, "I'll drink later, I'll wash the dishes first."

Lu Feng followed closely and took the rest of the dishes on the table to the kitchen.

Looking at the expressionless Zina, I suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a bit quiet.

A woman's mind is so difficult to guess.

"Xiao Qi, you haven't said what you want to tell me today."

Zina hesitated for a few seconds, then pointed to the sofa in the living room, "Go and sit for a while, wait for me."

Then she pointed in the direction of her room, "I'm going to get something."

When she reached the corner not far away, Zina looked back at the dining table, "Lu Feng, please take the wine too, let's chat while drinking."

"it is good."

What I was going to talk to Lu Feng today was about 'confession'.

But in the end, Zina still didn't have the courage. After Lu Feng said that he was not hot, Zina was not sure what Lu Feng was thinking.

She is going to implement her plan B, which is the idea that Lin Xi said today, to make this fake couple even more fake.

Lu Feng sat in the living room, switching between two TV programs in the midst of boredom.

From time to time, he looked in the direction of Zina's room.

"Why did you go? Did you buy me a gift again?"

After a while, Zina came over with a few paper slips in her hand.

He rested his hands restlessly on both sides of his thighs, and because of nervousness, his little face was slightly flushed, and he pursed his crystal clear mouth and looked at Lu Feng.

Seeing this, Lu Feng looked at Zina with a slight smile, and patted her on the sofa, "Sit down, what's wrong with you? Why do you look like a primary school student being visited by a teacher at home."

Zina sat down and put the paper list on the table. Lu Feng glanced at it, but it was still blank.

"Xiao Qi, what are you doing with a blank piece of paper? Are you calculating the latest accounts, or are you planning for the future?"

"Lu Feng."

Zina didn't respond to Lu Feng's words, but called him softly. The voice was so soft that it directly touched Lu Feng's heart.

Lu Feng didn't reply, but took a deep look at Zina, and let out a sympathetic voice in his nasal cavity, "En."

There is no upward questioning tone, it is very light.

"Lu Feng."

Lu Feng said softly, "Say it."

"Lu Feng, shall we pretend to be a couple? The kind that sign a contract."

While Zina was speaking, she lifted the paper on the table with her back on her back, and the side with words faced Lu Feng. .

Lu Feng glanced up.

Good guy, it's quite formal, and there is a Party A and Party B.

The above entries are not too many, less than ten.

Lu Feng looked at it and found out.
And the amount!

Of course, Zina is Party A, so the payment above is for Lufeng, 20 a month?
Lu Feng was startled, what kind of medicine was sold in Zina's gourd?
Aren't the two of them fake couples in the public eye? Why did they sign a contract and give him money?

Even if you eat wife's soft rice, you won't be able to eat like this.

Zina kept holding the contract like this, covering her entire face behind the contract. Lu Feng tapped the top position with his finger, and pulled it down lightly, and Zina's face was exposed.

Lu Feng curled one corner of his mouth, his eyes half-closed in confusion, "Xiao Qi, what do you mean? Sign a fake couple's contract with me?"

'Please, little ancestor, what I want to be is a real couple, you show me a fake couple's contract and pay me a salary, I, Lu, don't want to lose face? '

"Well, Lu Feng, we are so popular now, and CP fans also like to see us interacting with each other, so I think... we can cooperate for a long time."

'Hey, my sister can't bear to see you messing around all day long, and I'll be even more annoyed if you meet more and more women in the future!Anyway, it's written in the contract. If you have an affair with another woman during the contract period and pay ten times the liquidated damages, you definitely won't dare! '

Lu Feng gave a meaningful "oh", it turned out it was for CP fans.

"Actually, you don't need to sign a contract, Xiao Qi, you don't need to give me this money, I'm happy to help you."


Lu Feng chuckled lightly, and joked, "Is it okay if you don't need money?"

"I don't want money, I'm afraid you don't have a sense of contract, and you don't like to show your face.

If we don't have the contract with us, I'm afraid. I always ask you to do business with me. After a long time, you will get impatient and it will be even more difficult to do it. "

Lu Feng felt helpless, what kind of money does his wife want?

When he first saw this contract, Lu Feng was a little disappointed, but after thinking about it carefully, it was a good thing. Although Zina's original intention was to bind CP fans, this contract was made for CP fans.

But the relationship between two people is bound to become stronger and stronger. There are more and more couples doing business, and there is no restraint. It will be very effective in bringing the relationship closer.

Moreover, what Zina said earlier, although official, was reasonable, and it was considered for him. If he refused to accept the contract, and simply got along with Zina as a couple, it would make Zina doubt it.

Lu Feng jokingly said, "What you said is quite reasonable. Let me check the terms of the contract to see if you have cheated me."

Zina's eyes widened and she looked at Lu Feng. She didn't expect Lu Feng to agree so quickly.

Lu Feng looked at it seriously, and read it out slowly.

"Rule [-]: Live broadcast for couples, the gift will be divided into [-]-[-] points."

"Rule [-]: Shoot outdoors for couples, check in at the couple's sanctuary, and upload couple videos."

"Article [-]: Receive couple endorsements, commercial advertising promotion, and the fee will be [-] to [-] cents."

"Article [-]: Couples."

"The fifth:."

"Article [-]:."

Lu Feng looked at the above clauses, and the more he looked at them, the more he was satisfied. This is not a fake couple's contract, it is clearly a collection of things that young couples have to do when they are in love.

There are a lot of articles to do just by checking in at the couple's sanctuary.

Lu Feng continued to look down.

"Article [-]: Party B: Mr. Lu Feng needs to go every week, Party A: stay at Qi Na's house overnight."

'God helped me to step on a horse! '

"Article [-]: Party B must address Party A as a couple when they are not alone.

In front of outsiders, you must show your status as a couple. "

"Article [-]: Party B, Mr. Lu Feng, during the contract signing period, must not have any ambiguity with other members of the opposite sex. If you violate the contract, you will be fined ten times the liquidated damages."

(Note, according to the total income received by Party B, Mr. Lu Feng, from Party A, Ms. Zina, multiplied by ten to record the fine.)
"Article [-]:."

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