Li Yingjie was stunned by this scream.

"what's the situation!?"

He glanced outside, then glanced at Lin Xiaoying again.

Lin Xiaoying didn't know why, she shook her head and guessed:
"Could it be the bear that barked?"

Outside, the screams continued.

Li Yingjie listened carefully, and it was indeed the scream of a bear, so he looked outside again.

Judging by the sound, it is likely that the bear fell into the trap he dug.

But the trap was obviously not disguised, it was directly exposed outside, so why did it just fall into it.

"Is this bear blind?" Li Yingjie muttered.

But when they thought about it, the black bear was also called Hei Xiazi, and they immediately felt that the bear had fallen into a trap...

Very reasonable!
Li Yingjie looked outside carefully to make sure that there were no signs of bears around, and he did not sense any danger.

So he opened the door again and went out of the cabin.

"You hide here first, if there is danger in a while, I will drill back, and you will close the door for me in a while!"

Li Yingjie warned Lin Xiaoying not to come out.

Holding the engineering shovel himself, he cautiously approached the trap.

If you come out alone, if there is any danger in a while, you can deal with it in time.

"You're a bear with eyes, you won't really fall into it!"

Li Yingjie muttered, clutching the engineer shovel in his hand, and slowly walked to the side of the pit.

But at this time, the screams of the bear in the pit had stopped, and there was a rustling sound from the front.

Just when he was about to poke his head to look, suddenly, a huge, fluffy bear head popped out!

Li Yingjie took a step back in fright, waved the engineer shovel in his hand reflexively, and slapped this head.

Panicked, the shovel mustered all its strength, and the big head was tilted, and fell into the pit again all at once.


There was another scream from the pit.

At this time, Li Yingjie came back to his senses, and patted his chest with lingering fear.

Unexpectedly, the bear really fell into the trap, and it seemed that the fall was not light. There was a large bloodstain on the head that emerged just now.

Li Yingjie took another step forward and looked down, only to see that the bottom of the pit was already stained with blood one after another.

And after the bear inside was photographed, it seemed that one eye was pierced, and it was covering its eyes and screaming incessantly.

It also had several wounds on its body, all of which were obviously pricked by bamboo slices, and those sharp bamboo slices were still stained with blood.

There was even a piece of bamboo pierced directly through its sole!

Li Yingjie suddenly took a breath.

This scene, not to mention the 'bear', Li Yingjie felt pain even looking at it from the outside.

His eyes were pierced again, and his feet were pierced again!
With such a cruel scene, coupled with the screams of bears coming from time to time, Li Yingjie felt that he really couldn't stand it anymore.

Can't let it hurt like this!
Li Yingjie looked around, and suddenly saw a few big rocks beside him.

"I'll help you relieve your pain, Xiong Da!"

Amidst the screams, Li Yingjie yelled, lifted a stone to the edge of the pit, and smashed it hard on the bear's head.

The screams stopped abruptly.


When Lin Xiaoying came out of the cabin, Li Yingjie was squatting beside the trap, thinking about how to get the bear out of it.

There are still a lot of bamboo pieces in the trap, if you go straight down, you will accidentally prick yourself.

Lin Xiaoying came to the trap cautiously, glanced inside, and said doubtfully:
"Are you sure the bear is dead? The bear skin should be very strong. Can it really be stabbed to death?"

Li Yingjie came back to his senses and smiled.

"Definitely dead, if not stabbed to death, he was crushed to death."

Li Yingjie pointed to several big stones in the pit.

At this time, Lin Xiaoying realized that the few big rocks inside were originally used to smash bears.

In fact, Li Yingjie knocked down the bear with only one stone, but he was afraid that it was not dead, so he made up the knife several times in a row, smashing all the stones nearby.

The bear's head was smashed.

When the two mentioned the stone, Li Yingjie suddenly had an idea in his heart.

There are many large and small stones around here, the big ones are about the size of a car wheel, and the small ones are the size of rice grains.

These stones can just help themselves and solve the problem that they may be pierced by bamboo chips.

Li Yingjie moved nearby big stones and threw them into the pit one by one, breaking all the bamboo pieces in the pit, and the bottom of the pit was almost covered with a layer of stones.

"Now you don't have to worry about getting stuck!"

He smiled, and then went down into the pit with confidence.

Xiong was definitely dead, so Li Yingjie was not afraid.

He took down a rope woven from vines and tied it firmly around the bear.

After climbing out, he handed one end of the rope to Lin Xiaoying, and held the other end in his hand.

"I'll call one, two, three, let's pull hard together!" Li Yingjie said.

"Okay!" Lin Xiaoying stood behind, thinking about the huge bear in the pit, she suddenly felt that it was definitely not light.

"One, two, three!" Li Yingjie shouted while pulling back.

Lin Xiaoying immediately used her strength.

But just when he had used all his strength, he saw Li Yingjie in front of him suddenly took two steps back, and he had already retreated in front of her. She happened to push back, but in the end, she didn't use any strength at all, but staggered and fell on her buttocks pier.

Look again, the bear has been pulled out.

Lin Xiaoying: "???"

You are already so strong, why do you want me to help you!
I haven't had time to force it, and the bear is pulled up!

Ass hurts!



After Li Yingjie dragged the bear to the ground, he hurried over to help Lin Xiaoying up.

"Are you OK!"

"Hmph! It's okay!"

Lin Xiaoying patted the dirt on her buttocks, gave Li Yingjie a white look, then changed her mood instantly, and moved to Xiong's side with a smile.

Li Yingjie explained later: "It's my fault that I didn't realize that this bear is too light. I thought it would weigh four to five hundred catties, so I used too much force!"

After speaking, he found that Lin Xiaoying wasn't listening at all, but looked at the bear on the ground with great interest.

The grievance on her face also turned into excitement, and the speed of this change is obviously only an adult who can switch emotions freely.

"Is the bear skin easy to peel?"

With one word, she directly touched on another topic, as if what happened just now had never happened.

Li Yingjie thought about it.

He searched his memory and found that there was no way to skin a bear, probably because all he had was the basic knowledge of survival in the wilderness, and it didn't involve skinning a bear at all.

However, there is a method of skinning sheep in memory.

He looked at the bear and felt that the skinning method of the two should be the same.

So he nodded and said, "Let me try!"

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