Li Yingjie first dragged the bear to the side of the creek, and was going to finish skinning the bear in a while, and deal with the bear meat directly here.

It was still afternoon, and it was estimated that there were three or four hours before it got dark, so there was no time left.

This bear weighs about three hundred catties, because its fur is relatively long, about four to five centimeters, and it looks relatively large.

Therefore, Li Yingjie miscalculated its weight before, thinking that this bear should weigh four to five hundred catties.

But it doesn't.

However, a bear of about 150 catties should be able to produce at least [-] catties of meat.

The meat is processed, enough for them to eat for a long time.

Most importantly, you can also get a bear skin!
When he came to the side of the stream, Li Yingjie took a knife and first cut a hole in the bear's abdomen.

At this time, it was very cruel, Li Yingjie instinctively wanted Lin Xiaoying to hide and not look at it.

But just as he was about to speak, he thought of the girl's major, and suddenly, he felt that he was just worrying about it.

This girl may have seen more cruel scenes than she imagined. Moreover, people might not regard such things as cruel at all.

Li Yingjie saw a picture on the Internet before.

A girl, with her hands behind her back, is holding a live bullfrog in her hand, standing in front of the laboratory table and listening to the class attentively.

Li Yingjie felt that Lin Xiaoying was exactly that kind of girl.

The other girls screamed in fright when they saw mice, frogs, etc., but Lin Xiaoying didn't have this kind of situation at all.

Maybe after seeing them, you will still think about how to dissect them.

At this time, Lin Xiaoying watched her skinning the bear wholeheartedly, with a serious expression on her small face, obviously preparing to learn this skill.

"Well, cut the knife from the abdomen first."

After Li Yingjie poked a hole in the bear's abdomen, he cut the bear's skin along the inside.

While paddling, he said:
"The outside of the bear skin is very tough, and it takes a lot of force to cut it with a knife, but the inside is relatively fragile, so it is still very easy to cut it from the inside!"

He kept scratching the bear skin, from the slit in the belly down to the tail.

Then, from that opening upwards, along the midline of the chest and abdomen, the neck was cut all the way to the lower jaw.

"Don't want the bear head, it looks scary!"

As he spoke, Li Yingjie cut the bear's skin in a circle along the upper end of the neck, leaving the bear's skin on his head without peeling it off.

In this way, after all the bear skin is peeled off, the part of the head can be cut off and thrown away.

After cutting the midline of the chest and abdomen and the skin on the head, Li Yingjie lifted the bear's front paws.

He continued to preach to Lin Xiaoying:
"After cutting from the chest and abdomen, the bear's four paws are then processed. Along the paws, the bear skin is cut open to disconnect the skin from the paws."

Lin Xiaoying listened attentively, and after Li Yingjie spoke, she nodded seriously.

Looks like a good student.

Li Yingjie couldn't help laughing.

Then, he cut the skin around all the bear's paws, and then cut vertically along the inside of the limbs and the abdomen, and peeled off all the skin on the four legs.

"We have already cut off the head, and peeled off all the skin of the limbs. Next, we only need to peel off the skin on the chest, abdomen and back!"

As Li Yingjie spoke, he pulled the skin from the bear's abdomen and peeled it off with the tip of a knife.

"Pay attention when peeling, the incision should be neat, don't cut through the subcutaneous fat, the connective tissue of the meat should be peeled off, and be careful not to cut the bear skin."

He urged, Lin Xiaoying listened carefully.

Li Yingjie suddenly felt that there was no paper and pen, otherwise, Lin Xiaoying would probably take a note.

Sure enough, just after Li Yingjie had this idea in his heart, Lin Xiaoying sighed:
"If only I had a pen and a notebook with me, I may use this skinning method in the future, so I should write it down!"

Li Yingjie: "..."

He said helplessly: "Actually, there is no need. If you are really interested, we will catch some other animals later and practice more."

As he spoke, he stopped and handed the knife in his hand to Lin Xiaoying.

"Come and try, be careful not to get cut by a knife!"

Lin Xiaoying's eyes lit up immediately.

In fact, to Li Yingjie, skinning is no longer a very mysterious thing.

After the system gave him the basic knowledge of wilderness survival, it was equivalent to instilling a large series of memories in his mind, so he was as proficient in many things as if he had done it many times.

It's like skinning this bear.

He is very proficient in doing it, because he has methods of peeling sheepskin and cowhide in his memory, so there is no problem of manual skills at all.

But after Lin Xiaoying got started, the operation was very unfamiliar.

"Try to cut with the tip of the knife, lift the bearskin up with your hands, and cut along the connective tissue!"

Li Yingjie pointed her.

After watching for a while, he asked curiously:
"What's the use of learning this? Do you want to work in a slaughterhouse in the future?"

Lin Xiaoying gave him a straight look.

"Does it make sense to go to work in a slaughterhouse?"

After a pause, she explained: "My instructor said that I might do a sheep experiment with her next semester. If I can learn how to skin the sheep now, then I can show my skills in front of the teacher."

Li Yingjie: "..."

Good guy, I skinned the bear skin using the sheep skinning technique. Now you have to learn to skin the sheep through this. What a hassle!

He asked for the knife in Lin Xiaoying's hand, asked her to wash her hands and wipe off her sweat, and let him peel off the rest.

Li Yingjie thought for a while and said, "Actually, I know how to skin a bear because I have seen others peel sheepskin before. I can teach you how to skin a sheep after I go back, even after I go back to school!"

When Lin Xiaoying heard it, her eyes lit up.

"That's right! I forgot that you and I are in the same school!"

She suddenly smiled and narrowed her eyes, "Brother, you must teach me when the time comes. After arriving at school, I will treat you to the most delicious stick food in the vicinity!"

"Bangzi... just Korean food?"

This name, Li Yingjie almost didn't realize it.

Lin Xiaoying nodded with a smile, and said with great interest:

"There are actually a lot of snacks next to the school, such as puffs, butterfly crisps, charcoal-fired barbecue, meat pie with dried plums, bridgehead ribs..."

While talking, Lin Xiaoying's stomach suddenly growled.

She said shyly, "I'm hungry!"

Li Yingjie smacked his lips and said, "Me too!"

Lin Xiaoying thought of the delicious food near the school and suddenly felt a little hungry, but Li Yingjie was really hungry.

It had been several hours since lunch, and being chased by a bear all the way away consumed a lot of energy. Li Yingjie felt hungry just now.

So he quickened his movements.

"Let's take the time to peel off the bear skin, process the bear meat, and then make a hot pot to eat!"

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