With four walls, there is no need for a vigil at night.

Li Yingjie sat in front of the shelter, fiddling with the fire.

The fire was moved into the cabin, so I didn't dare to burn too much, for fear of burning the surrounding walls.

After all, it is all wood, and it may burn if you are not careful.

However, it is much easier to just focus on this fire than to worry about the wild beasts outside.

That night, Li Yingjie and Lin Xiaoying slept peacefully, and they both felt refreshed when they woke up the next morning.

"Let's have something to eat first. Let's go to the south to explore in a while and see if there is anything useful there." Li Yingjie said.

A wing of hope flashed in Lin Xiaoying's eyes, and she also said, "If only we knew where the sea is, let's hurry over and dry some sea salt."

Lin Xiaoying has been eating tasteless food these days, and Lin Xiaoying is about to throw up.

Li Yingjie smiled.

In fact, this time I went there to find the sea, and I stopped by to see if I could catch prey on the way.

Or if you go to the beach, see if there is any seafood you can eat.

Moreover, Li Yingjie already knew how to find Hai's location, but he didn't say it in order to surprise Lin Xiaoying.

The two ate something and drank enough water. Li Yingjie carried their twig baskets on their backs, put clay pots and pots and homemade water purifiers in them, put some mint to repel mosquitoes, and put in two pieces of jerky , and some charcoal.

These things are very heavy, but with Li Yingjie's physical strength at this time, it doesn't feel much to carry them on his back.

He closed the fence door in front of the wooden house, held an engineering shovel in one hand, and a stick as thick as a rolling pin in the other, and asked Lin Xiaoying to take a stick, and the two set off.

When he got off the plane, Li Yingjie knew that he was not very far from the sea.

It's just that after arriving on the island, I don't know which direction to go and how long I walked.

So it is not clear how far it is from the sea.

Before Li Yingjie acquired the knowledge of survival in the wilderness, he didn't know where to look for it, so when he explored a few days ago, he randomly chose two directions.

It turned out that neither direction was the location of the sea.

But now, Li Yingjie has mastered several search methods, and he is no longer as blind as before.

"Sister, let's walk along the stream, it's cooler here."

Because Lin Xiaoying was almost washed away by the creek on the first day, she was still a little scared when she saw the creek, so she avoided the creek far away at first.

But after hearing Li Yingjie's words, she thought about it and moved closer.

It was almost washed away that day because of the heavy rain, and she sprained her ankle. In this situation, there must be no such danger.

They walked along the creek, and Li Yingjie walked ahead to open the way. If there were vines or something blocking the way, they would cut them with a sapper.

Lin Xiaoying walked through the creek for more than an hour to the south. At that time, she was in the downstream of the creek and wanted to find the location upstream.

Lin Xiaoying asked: "Why do you want to walk along the stream? There are more plants here. Although it is cooler, it is not as easy to walk outside!"

There is abundant water beside the creek, and the plants are several times more lush than outside.

There are too many plants, and the road becomes difficult to walk. From time to time, it is necessary to stop and cut some vines.

Faced with this question, Li Yingjie smiled and asked back:
"Sister, where did the water in the creek end up?"

Lin Xiaoying was taken aback.

"Should, it will flow into a certain river. This small stream is a tributary of a certain big river... No!"

Lin Xiaoying immediately discovered the problem.

If it's just a stream, the water may end up flowing anywhere.

However, when it rained heavily, the turbulent water flowed forward along the direction of the creek.

There is so much water that it is impossible to flow anywhere casually.

It must have ended in the sea.

"So, you can find the sea along the creek, right?" Lin Xiaoying said pleasantly.

Li Yingjie nodded with a smile.

Before obtaining the knowledge of wilderness survival given by the system, Li Yingjie was not aware of this problem either.

But after obtaining it, he immediately discovered the situation.

Moreover, not only because the creek flows south, but more importantly, the river they found on the west side also flows south.

So Li Yingjie concluded that the south must be the location of the sea.

Knowing the destination, Lin Xiaoying was very excited to leave, and no longer complained that there were more vines.

In fact, walking next to the stream is much cooler than being outside.

And it was a waste of time to mark the ground. Anyway, go back along the creek, there will be absolutely no problem.

They walked all the way for about three hours, and Li Yingjie keenly observed that the trees in front were not the same as those in the back.

He went forward and poked the bark of a tree with his hands.

"Did you find anything?" Lin Xiaoying asked panting.

Now that the temperature has risen, even though it is cooler walking by the stream, they are still sweating.

And after walking for three hours in a row, Lin Xiaoying felt a little out of breath after stopping.

Li Yingjie picked out a piece of bark, smelled it, and smiled.

"We may not be far from the sea!"

As he spoke, he pointed to these trees and explained to Lin Xiaoying.

"Look, the color of the ten centimeters below these trees is obviously darker than that of the top. Why?"

Lin Xiaoying was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it, she seemed to have never learned such knowledge, so she shook her head.

Therefore, Li Yingjie continued: "This shows that the trees here are often soaked in water, so the color of the lower part is different from the upper part."

Lin Xiaoying's eyes lit up after listening.

"That's right! Yes, student Yingjie, how do you know this?" She praised.

Li Yingjie chuckled, but did not explain.

After all, the acquisition of system capabilities cannot be said, and the survival knowledge I suddenly possessed cannot explain the source at all.

They judged the situation around them, got up and continued to move forward.

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