An important function of the official live broadcast room is to guide the flow.

If you don’t know whose live broadcast room is interesting, you can watch it for a while in the official live broadcast room, because the live broadcast room will be switched continuously here.

Someone will always find something interesting in it.

However, there are also many people who just go for the host in the official live broadcast room.

Most of the boys stared at Bingbing without blinking, some of the girls stared at Teacher Xiao Sa, and some of them looked at Teacher Chen Zhan, a special soldier.

There were even some people who came to watch Yang Zheng, the "Yang Zhuan family", make a fool of himself.

I saw that after the official live broadcast room switched to the live broadcast room of Li Yingjie and Lin Xiaoying, Yang Zheng's eyes lit up.

He is ready for the next battle.

In the past few days, whenever he saw what Li Yingjie and Lin Xiaoying were doing, Yang Zheng would comment on whether they could succeed or not.

Although Yang Zheng has rich experience, when things fall into Li Yingjie's hands, there will always be times when he will be slapped in the face.

For example, the last time he fired pottery, he concluded that the flame temperature could not reach the temperature required for firing pottery in the wild with firewood.

However, Li Yingjie changed hands and built a pottery kiln, using charcoal to burn it underneath. So far, a clay pot and a pot have been fired.

Now switch to the live broadcast room, the first picture that appears is that Li Yingjie is holding five or six logs and putting them under the sun.

Yang Zheng immediately said: "He can't do this, he is too eager for quick success, and he needs a lot of labor every day in the wilderness, so he must control the amount of labor, or he will be in trouble if he is exhausted and exhausted!"

Each piece of wood as thick as an arm is four to five meters long, and such a piece of wood weighs at least twenty catties.

Holding five or six at a time is equivalent to a weight of more than 100 catties.

No matter how strong a person is, he cannot endure such a workload all the time.

This is the foundation of Yang Zheng's self-confidence.

However, after watching for a while, Yang Zheng stopped talking.

I saw that Li Yingjie's movement speed did not slow down at all, and he even thought it was too slow, so he started to trot holding the wood.

She didn't look tired at all.

Yang Zheng hurriedly excused himself to go to the toilet and left the studio.

In this official live broadcast room, the live broadcast time is from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] am, and from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] pm.

They have to host here for eight hours a day, so it's normal to go to the toilet halfway.

However, after Yang Zheng left, the audience behind the screen still burst into laughter.

Flying dolphin: "This Yang Zhuan family has already mastered the trick!"

Pig that can't fly: "Yeah, every time I see myself being slapped in the face, I go to the bathroom in advance!"

This is also the reason why everyone came to see Yang Zheng.


In the wilderness, Li Yingjie didn't know what Yang Zheng gave him, otherwise, he would definitely show Yang Zheng his strength.

The strength and agility three times that of a normal person is not just as simple as being three times stronger than a normal person.

Li Yingjie, a man of great strength, has also seen him before. Not to mention, there is such a young man in their village.

This young man is as strong as a cow. When eating, he holds a basin as big as a washbasin. The noodles can fill the basin, and the steamed buns can eat a dozen or so. He also brings half a basin of vegetables.

He eats a lot and is very strong.

When harvesting wheat, people in the village use sacks of wheat, and a sack of wheat weighs more than 100 catties.

Ordinary adult men can only carry one sack at a time, but that young man can carry three sacks at a time.

That is more than 300 catties.

One person can equal the strength of three people.

It is said that the young man wanted to participate in a weightlifting competition, but he was rejected in the end.

However, Li Yingjie was not just simply strong at this time.

He drank the body strengthening potion twice, which not only strengthened his strength, but also strengthened his agility.

He doesn't have particularly strong muscles on his body now, but his muscles are very dense. Although his body is not explosive, he has very strong explosive power and strong endurance.

For Li Yingjie at this time, carrying more than 100 kilograms of wood was not particularly tiring.

He put the wood to dry in the sun, and then went about other things.

After about two hours, all the rain on the wood dried up, and Li Yingjie began to build the cabin.

The wood buried in the ground is the skeleton, and the other wood is placed horizontally and fixed on the skeleton.

All the wood to be placed horizontally was cut by him into a length of about five meters, which was used to make the four sides of the fence.

Li Yingjie placed the wood while fixing it with vines. He had the experience of living in the wilderness given by the system, and he was as proficient in these things as if he had done many times.

Soon, the four walls of the cabin were erected.

And these four walls just surrounded their original shelter in the middle.

Lin Xiaoying glanced at it, and asked curiously: "It's surrounded on all sides, how can we get in without a door?"

Li Yingjie smiled and said, "Don't worry!"

Li Yingjie didn't fix the wood on the side facing the door of the shelter with vines. After placing it, he used a sapper shovel to draw a few marks on the wood to mark the position of the door.

Then, he took down the wood again, cut off a section of the wood that had scratched the mark, and put it in again.

A door opening more than one meter high was made.

"It's a bit short, but it's safer." With that said, Li Yingjie lowered his head and got in.

The door opening is more than one meter high. Although you need to bend over and bow your head when entering, it is stronger and easier to make a fence door.

After entering, the space inside is quite spacious.

Each wall is about five meters long, and the cabin has an area of ​​about 25 square meters, which is more than enough for a bedroom.

However, the head of the cabin is now exposed, and there is still a roof missing.

Li Yingjie looked at the sky and knew that it was absolutely too late today.

It gets dark at night and there is no line of sight, which is not suitable for building a roof at all.

So, he started to make a fence gate and fixed it in front of the gate.

"The wall is built, so we don't need to keep watch tonight." Li Yingjie laughed.

Isn't the sense of security exactly what everyone is looking for?

On the island, at first he was worried about not having enough food, and later he was worried about dangerous animals. But now, for Li Yingjie, the problems of food and safety have basically been resolved.

Don't worry anymore!

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