Lin Qingqing stretched out her tail, and there was a wound on the tip of one side of the tail, and more than a dozen scales fell off.

Seeing her nonchalant expression, Li Yingjie immediately understood that the injury was not serious.

The mermaid's scales fell off, probably the same as a person's skin being smashed, a small injury.

However, she said that there was a big guy in front of her, and Li Yingjie became a little nervous.

The so-called big guy, to a certain extent, actually means strength. Judging from the actions of this mermaid just now, her strength is not weak at all. If she thinks it is powerful, it is probably not an ordinary creature.

"What's the big guy?"

Li Yingjie didn't try to guess, but asked directly.

When talking to this mermaid, you need to pay attention to changing your concept. She lives in the water, while Li Yingjie lives on land.

For Li Yingjie, he might not be able to notice the monsters in the water, because he could avoid them if he couldn't beat them.

But for Lin Qingqing, things in the water are difficult to avoid, and she is obviously not good at walking ashore.

So this big guy must be something that moves in the water.

Sure enough, Lin Qing tidied up her hair, thought for a while and said, "That should be a crocodile!"

"Oh!" Li Yingjie nodded, and was relieved to hear this.

The crocodile is okay, he's faced a crocodile before.

After all, crocodiles are relatively cumbersome animals. They may be very fast when they prey, but they are still relatively cumbersome in normal actions.

Moreover, this is a cold-blooded animal. The nature of the species determines that it is not a threat at all to a person like Li Yingjie with a quick reaction.

When Li Yingjie and the others competed for the first time, they met a big crocodile.

At that time, his strength and agility were not more than half of what they are now, so he was no longer afraid of crocodiles, and naturally he didn't take them seriously now.

But thinking of this, he turned his eyes to the mermaid curiously.

"The crocodile's skin and teeth are really strong, but that kind of animal reacts very slowly. How could you be bitten by it?"

Speaking of this, Lin Qingqing flicked her tail suddenly, making a large splash of water.

She said a little irritably: "That thing may not be a crocodile, I think it looks a bit like a dragon!"

Hearing this, Li Yingjie was suddenly shocked.

If there are dragons in this world, then he must believe it.

It is not uncommon for this kind of world where all members are mutated.

But now that he was told to face and fight a dragon, Li Yingjie began to worry from the bottom of his heart.

"Why do you say it looks like a dragon? What does it look like?"

It can be said that the dragon has surpassed the level of mutation.

This is already fantasy.

But the next moment, Lin Qingqing's words brought him back to reality.

"It... just looks like a crocodile!"

Li Yingjie: "...Then you still say it's a dragon."

Lin Qingqing flicked her tail and shook her head. "I mean it's very powerful. Have you ever seen a dragon? I saw it once before. The dragon is very powerful. It can break a big tree with a flick of its tail. This crocodile may be his child!"

Li Yingjie scratched his head, and suddenly felt that he was a little hasty.

The mermaid obviously didn't know anything, and maybe she was talking nonsense, but she actually discussed dragons with him seriously.

Also said that the crocodile is its child.

Li Yingjie skipped this topic and asked instead: "Where is it? Is it far from here? If it's not far, I'll go and have a look with you. If you can beat it, why don't you take me to find that girl? "

Li Yingjie decided to go and have a look first, and talked about the conditions by the way.

The mermaid readily agreed.

"No problem, but the distance may be a bit far. I started running for my life yesterday afternoon and didn't stop until just now!"

"It's okay, we can rest while walking, as long as that big guy doesn't leave." Li Yingjie said empathetically.

The mermaid suddenly smiled.

"That big guy will definitely not leave, it should be its new territory, but let's hurry up, the girl I met is near the crocodile's territory, she might be late... hey You wait for me!"

Before she finished speaking, Li Yingjie rushed forward.

"Then why are you talking nonsense, hurry up and come over, I'll kill that stupid crocodile!"

Before the voice fell, people could hardly see clearly.

"Hey, wait for me!"

Saying that, the mermaid swung her tail, dived into the water and swam forward quickly.

Five minutes later, the mermaid urged, "Hurry up, why are you running so slowly!"

Li Yingjie: "..."


She really underestimated Lin Qingqing's speed at the bottom of the water. The mermaid flicked her tail and rushed forward like a rocket. She was ten times faster than ordinary people, but she couldn't keep up.

"Why are you so slow!"

"If you can only run so fast, it will be the day after tomorrow when we get there!"

"You can come to me quietly, I thought you could run fast!"

Every time Lin Qingqing swam a certain distance, she would turn around and urge Li Yingjie.

Ten minutes later, Li Yingjie stopped, patted his forehead, and looked very annoyed.

Lin Qingqing said helplessly in front: "Why did you stop again? If you really can't run fast, I can swim slower!"

Li Yingjie shook his head.

"It's not this, I forgot a little squirrel, wait for me here for a while!"

With that said, Li Yingjie turned around and ran towards the back.

Just now, I just wanted to rush over to find Lin Xiaoying, but I forgot that the little squirrel was still in front of the shelter last night, and most importantly, it was still locked in a cage.

Li Yingjie felt that if he didn't care about it, it would definitely starve to death in the cage.

After all, the squirrel was caught by himself, so it would be a pity to let it starve to death.

After turning around and running for more than ten minutes, Li Yingjie returned to the place where he camped last night, took the little squirrel with him, took other tools, turned around and continued to chase Lin Qingqing.

According to what the mermaid said, after she met that big guy last night, she escaped all night and one afternoon before coming here.

She swam so fast in the river, and it took one night plus one afternoon, so she might really run until the day after tomorrow.

In this calculation, it may be thousands of miles away.

So prepare yourself for the night.

After returning to the river, Lin Qingqing was a little surprised to see that Li Yingjie had brought so many things with him when he went back.

"I thought you didn't need anything else, but you also use a bucket!"

She looked at the little squirrel in the cage again, and asked curiously, "Is this a squirrel? It doesn't seem to have mutated, can you let me have a look?"

Lin Qingqing's eyes were full of curiosity, as if to her, animals without mutations were strange animals.

Li Yingjie asked curiously: "Aren't there many mutated animals here? Haven't you seen them before?"

Even though he said so, Li Yingjie didn't approach the river, and he was worried about giving the squirrel to Lin Qingqing.

After all, I still don't believe it.

However, he did not directly refuse, but changed the subject and started discussing the issue of mutant animals with Lin Qingqing.

"I saw a lot of animals along the way, and they all seemed to have been mutated. Are there no normal animals here?"

When Lin Qingqing was asked such a question, she was no longer interested in the little squirrel, and started to introduce it to Li Yingjie.

"This is the case in this forest. The animals here are basically mutated. If they haven't mutated, they have already escaped here. I have been playing here for a long time, and I haven't seen a few animals that haven't mutated. If they haven't mutated, they should It's hard to survive!"

she said triumphantly.

However, from her tone, she actually discriminated against mutant animals.

It was clear that she herself was a mutated mermaid.

Li Yingjie then asked: "Why are the animals here mutated, and is it the same in other places?"

This is one thing Li Yingjie particularly wants to know.

If he hadn't seen so many mutated animals, he might still feel that he was still on the earth. After all, many of the flowers, plants and trees here were still the same.

It was only because the animals had mutated and there was no sun in the sky that Li Yingjie had a feeling of time travel.

Coincidentally, Li Yingjie wanted to hear this, and Lin Qingqing also wanted to talk about it.

She said excitedly: "I have been exploring this forest for a long time, and I found that the creatures here are basically extinct because of the space capsule crash, but most of the mutated animals survived, and many mutated animals survived." Very good!"

Her answer was a little confusing, but Li Yingjie immediately extracted a noun from it.

The capsule fell!
"Why did the space capsule fall? Is it because the space capsule fell that the sun here doesn't come out?"

Li Yingjie continued to ask.

He noticed another point.

When I communicated with this mermaid, many nouns can be spoken without any obstacles, which shows that the humanistic living environment of the two people should be very similar.

The mermaid obviously cannot be classified as an animal, because her parents are both human, and she was also taught by her parents when she was young.

Therefore, Li Yingjie came to a conclusion——

The human beings here are likely to be basically similar to the human living environment on Earth!

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