If the temperature changes only by two or three degrees, it is not easy to feel it.

Especially after a day has passed.

However, the current position is significantly warmer than when it was camped last night.

Lin Xiaoying has lived in Shanghai since she was a child. Although it can be regarded as a southern city, it has four distinct seasons, and the temperature changes in spring, summer, autumn and winter are relatively large.

So she is also more aware of temperature changes.

If the temperature in the place where we camped yesterday was only two or three degrees at night, it would be around ten degrees here.

These are two different feelings.

When the temperature is two or three degrees, the evening wind blows a bit cold, but when the temperature is around ten degrees, it is not so uncomfortable.

But the kitten obviously didn't think about this, it stayed by Lin Xiaoying's side first, and after Lin Xiaoying lit the fire, it stayed lazily by the fire.

It waited until it was dark and Lin Xiaoying found almost all the materials to build the shelter before it walked towards the river with proud steps.

He jumped into the water with a splash, and climbed up after a while, with a fish in his mouth.

The cat, which was not much bigger than a slap, held a half-meter-long fish in its mouth, which seemed awkward no matter how you looked at it.

But this little guy was holding a big fish in his mouth, and he walked briskly forward like a cat that had nothing to do.

When he got to the fire, he threw the fish down and continued to lie down beside the fire to make a fire.

However, when Lin Xiaoying came to prepare to handle the fish, she got a little tangled up.

I didn't find Xiaohe today. The place where they are, the nearest is the big river next to them.

But Lin Xiaoying didn't dare to kill fish beside the big river, for fear that some dangerous animals in the river would sneak up on her.

So in the end, the kitten had to come out, pulling Lin Xiaoying's trouser legs to the side of the river, and motioned her to deal with the fish, and be careful!

There are actually quite a few fish in the river, and when Lin Xiaoying got to the river, she could see the fish swimming in the water from a distance.

But the strange thing is that after the kitten came, the fish scattered away with a clatter.

Wherever the kittens go, they hide far away and never get close.

So, Lin Xiaoying took advantage of this calmness to wash the fish safely, and then used the bamboo tube she found to fill some water back.

Grilled fish in the evening.

In fact, it was also grilled fish at noon, last night was also grilled fish, and yesterday was still grilled fish at noon.

However, the types of fish in these four meals are not the same!
The kitten is also very particular about catching fish. Every time the fish caught is different, not only the body shape is different, but the meat quality and taste are also completely different.

So these four meals of grilled fish are completely four flavors.

The only pity is that there is no salt.

Rest after eating, nothing to say all night.

After dawn the next day, Lin Xiaoying woke up and continued walking.

As she walked forward, she felt that the temperature was rising. When she was having lunch at noon, Lin Xiaoying felt that the temperature was already fifteen or sixteen degrees. She was wearing a cotton coat and running forward, and she could already clearly feel the heat.

Moreover, starting from the morning, the further you go, the more often you will encounter the corpses of some wild animals.

Those with cows and sheep can be distinguished at a glance by the horns and horns left by them.

However, the meat has been almost gnawed, and the ones that have not been gnawed are almost rotten.

There are also only a skeleton left, and it is impossible to tell what kind of animal it is at a glance.

When eating at noon, Lin Xiaoying climbed to the tree and looked ahead, it didn't matter, she immediately found out from the faint clouds that there was a mountain in the distance!

The air here is not very good, even the entire sky is gray, and it is difficult to see clearly from too far away.

Generally, it is only slightly clearer at noon.

However, this mountain is very tall, Lin Xiaoying raised her eyes and felt that she couldn't see the top of the mountain at all.

She scratched her head and thought curiously, "Is this the mountain I saw on the grassland?"

When I was in that prairie, I could see a big mountain in the distance, but considering the distance of the mountain might be very far, Lin Xiaoying didn't go directly there.

Instead, he followed the direction of the river and finally came to this forest.

But thinking about the distance traveled in the forest these days, Lin Xiaoying felt that this might really be the mountain found on the grassland.

After thinking about it, Lin Xiaoying decided to continue walking in this direction, going to the side of this mountain first.

Going in that direction, the temperature is constantly rising, maybe there is the sun there!

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