After resting by the stream for a while, Li Yingjie began to deal with the wild boar.

The hide of wild boar is very strong, but that doesn't mean the meat of wild boar is also very strong.

The meat is still regular pork.

Li Yingjie put the wild boar in front of the creek, took the engineer shovel in his hand, and cut a gap in the wild boar's skin with all his strength.

Then, the wild boar skin was peeled off directly along this gap.

This whole piece of pigskin was so strong that even a sapper shovel could not be chopped off, but Li Yingjie felt that it was useless.

There is also hair on the wild boar skin, but the hair is not long, and the effect of keeping warm is not good.

It can be made into a leather jacket, or a leather boot, which will definitely improve the defense, but Li Yingjie doesn't know how to do it either.

And he didn't need to do this kind of thing to increase his defense. After all, when he encountered wild beasts, he couldn't really fight them directly.

The most important thing now is wild pork, or to fill the stomach first.

Li Yingjie went around to find some dry firewood and hay, and used an engineer shovel to whittle out a smooth wooden stick, held it in his hand and began to drill wood to make fire.

When he chose the engineer shovel, he knew that he needed to go to the island to drill wood to make fire, because this engineer shovel did not have flint and steel, nor did he have any fancy knives, ear picks or other weird things!

The tail of the engineer shovel is a pointed cone, which is obviously not used for lighting fire.

Therefore, we must drill wood to make fire.

If it is an inexperienced person who drills wood to make fire in this way, he will eventually find that no matter what the fire cannot be lit.

The wood does heat up after being drilled for a long time, but the heat is simply not enough to support its combustion.

To make fire by drilling wood, you have to keep drilling the wood in your hand, and then wait for it to heat up. When the heat is enough to burn the tiny grass clippings, it will start to smoke.

At this time, it is necessary to keep blowing it to make the fine grass clippings burn more, and then gradually ignite the surrounding dry grass.

After the dry grass is ignited, it is particularly easy to extinguish. You cannot directly add wet firewood to it, and you must use dry firewood.

When the flame grows bigger, a piece of firewood is added to it, so that a fire can be considered successful.

A normal fire process takes nearly an hour.

Also, for those who have no relevant experience, this process is very painful.

Rubbing the wooden stick with your hands will make your hands very painful and even cause blisters.

When the grass clippings are burning and start to smoke, if you put them in front of the fire and blow them, they will blow out a lot of smoke, which makes your eyes water continuously.

If you are accidentally smoked and coughed, the sparks may be blown away.

For novices, the most suitable method of drilling wood to make fire is to first dig out an inverted "V"-shaped groove on a wooden board, and then use another wooden stick to slide back and forth in the groove to generate heat by friction.

But now, Li Yingjie looked at the wood in front of him, and what suddenly popped into his mind was the method of drilling round logs. He had a feeling in his heart that as long as he drilled this wood, there would be fire.

So, he picked up two pieces of wood and started to try.

Before that, Li Yingjie had worked on the construction site for a while, and his hands had already grown a lot of calluses. It would not have been a big problem to drill a wooden stick.

But the problem is that his hands are now scratched in many places, and the tiger's mouth is also split, so the process of drilling wood to make fire is still very difficult.

When I rubbed the wooden stick, I didn't feel a lot of pain on the scratches on my hands, but it wasn't uncomfortable either.

The wound at the tiger's mouth will cause severe pain after being touched.

However, he has the skill of drilling wood to make fire given by the system, and he also knows how much strength to use when blowing sparks, and how to avoid smoke and dust, but now he is very proficient in using it.

In more than half an hour, a fire was lit.

Li Yingjie collected a lot of firewood around, and after lighting up the fire, he began to process the pork.

First, cut the pork leg.

The pork legs of wild boars are very thick. They are not like domestic pigs. Domestic pigs usually do not exercise very much and are kept in pigpens.

Wild boars usually run a lot, so they have a lot of muscle in their legs.

After cutting it off, it was a large piece of bright red.

Li Yingjie set it on the fire and began to grill the pork leg.

While grilling, other parts of the pig are also being processed.

At this time, he felt more and more useful for him to choose a sapper shovel. When he was digging a hole by the river to purify water, the sapper shovel could be used as a shovel.

Now when dealing with pork, the engineer shovel can be used as a knife again.

Even when the wild boar was attacked just now, the engineer shovel was a very suitable weapon.

Soon, a wild boar was cut into several large pieces by him, and the inedible parts were buried on the spot, leaving only the meat.

Those pig livers, pig lungs, pig intestines, etc., although they taste good when they are cooked, they look really disgusting now.

Li Yingjie didn't have the materials to deal with them, so the best way was to throw them away instead of wasting time.

After the wild pork is processed, the pork legs roasted on the fire are almost cooked.

Li Yingjie washed his hands, picked up the wild boar, put it on his nose and took a deep breath.

"Well, fragrant!"

He showed it to the drone camera in the sky, and took a big bite.

Oil and heat came out at the same time.

"Cheery on the outside and tender on the inside!" He exclaimed again.

Suddenly, the group of people watching the live broadcast could no longer sit still.

Now it was almost time for lunch, and most people hadn't had time to eat yet. Seeing Li Yingjie eating pig's trotters, their stomachs growled instantly.

Qiu Yu: "I can't take it anymore! I want to buy pig's trotters too!"

I'm Brother Jie: "Hahahaha, I ordered a pork knuckle rice takeaway when he started roasting pork knuckles, and it's just in time."

It was getting dark: "No, I'm going to starve to death, but I haven't got off work yet!"

The fake ones are all fake: "Oh my God, am I watching the live broadcast of Wilderness Survival? Don't people who survive in the Wilderness eat some bugs and wild fruits? You see what the anchor eats, and your mouth is full of oil!"

Bei Ye's black powder: "How can there be bugs delicious here? The head of that thing is removed, and the nutrition is five times that of beef!"


The barrage was almost maxed out.

Li Yingjie was eating roasted pork leg. Although it looked delicious, it actually didn't taste very good.

There is no salt in this wild boar leg. Although it is roasted now, it does not have any salty taste.

However, compared to the bugs that Mr. Bei ate to survive, this roasted pig's trotter was much better.

The main reason is that I have been busy all morning and I am really hungry.

Soon, a large piece of roasted pork leg entered Li Yingjie's stomach.

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