Li Yingjie originally thought that he would have to work hard, but he didn't expect that after walking two or 300 meters, he found water.

He looked intently, it was a small stream, the water was very shallow, but very clear, it seemed to be a mountain spring somewhere.

There are still many mountains on this island. Although there are no mountains with a height of several thousand meters, ordinary hills may also generate spring water.

Li Yingjie squatted beside the stream and took a closer look. The stream was very clear, and it didn't look like it was polluted.

But I can't guarantee cleanliness. Who knows if there will be dead animal corpses upstream, and bacteria and parasite eggs are mixed in the water, so I can't see clearly!
After thinking about it, he first dipped his finger in some water and tasted it. It didn't taste salty, it wasn't salty water, it was fresh water that could be drunk.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Yingjie carefully cleaned up the mud on his hands, trying to avoid the wound.

When I killed the wild boar just now, my hands were stained with a lot of dirt. If I didn't wash them in time, it would easily affect the recovery of my hands.

However, it is not particularly suitable to wash with this stream water.

The stream water is also dirty and cannot be cleaned at all, but this is the only thing Li Yingjie can do at present.

After washing his hands, he observed the wound again. The bruised part was no longer bleeding, but some clear liquid was still flowing out from the gap in the tiger's mouth.

Maybe it will scab over soon.

Since childhood, Li Yingjie has had many wounds on his body, but the number of wounds on both hands is really not many.

I don't know if there will be a problem.

Sitting by the stream and resting for a while, Li Yingjie felt a little thirsty again.

After coming to the island, I have been sweating a lot, and now my body is a little dehydrated.

Although he is now by a small stream, the water in the wilderness cannot be drunk directly. The spring water looks very clear, but there may still be parasite eggs and the like.

Once the parasite eggs are drunk into the stomach, it will be troublesome.

In fact, the most suitable method is to boil water. Li Yingjie also has the skill of drilling wood to make fire, but for a while, he couldn't find anything that could boil water, so this method was not very suitable.

After thinking about it, Li Yingjie remembered a method that Master De used to survive.

Filter water with surrounding sand.

There was a shallow layer of sand near the creek. Li Yingjie dug a hole on the ground by the water, and then gathered the surrounding sand into the hole to form a circle, leaving an empty space in the middle.

After the water in the creek flowed through, it slowly began to seep into the circle surrounded by sand. After penetrating for a while, there was a shallow bay of water in the circle.

Even if the water has been purified with the sand and soil, although the purification is not particularly thorough, at least all parasite eggs and the like can be eliminated.

It is also the most appropriate method at this stage.

Seeing the muddy water, Li Yingjie took a deep breath, leaned down and took a few big gulps.

Well, you have the demeanor of Master De!
After a few sips, the feeling of thirst disappeared immediately, and Li Yingjie exhaled happily.

The water was still seeping into the sandpit. After drinking it, after waiting for a while, Li Yingjie used the water inside to wash off the mud on his hands.

"It's still impossible to avoid dirtying the wound!" He sighed.

After standing up, he walked towards the place where the wild boar was killed just now.

It's almost noon, and we still have to get the wild boar over and deal with it quickly, so that we can have something to eat in a while.

When looking for water along the road, Li Yingjie broke off branches along the road and made simple marks.

However, the total distance was only 300 meters. After a few minutes, he came to the place where he killed the wild boar just now.

I saw that a lot of insects and ants had gathered on the ground, all around the blood on the ground.

However, there were no bugs on the wild boar in the tree.

Li Yingjie suddenly felt that it was really a very correct decision to hang the wild boar up just now.

He went over and let the boar down, dragged by the vine rope, and started walking towards the river.

Without the body strengthening potion, Li Yingjie might not be able to drag the wild boar at all, but at this moment, he could drag it away with all his strength.

Fortunately, the creek is not too far away.

When he came to the creek, Li Yingjie clapped his hands, as if he had done a small thing, but in fact his eyes were dark because he was tired, and he stood there resting for a while before recovering.

"Easy!" He said to the aerial camera above his head.

The barrage exploded again in an instant.

Charge: "My God, what did I see? The anchor dragged a wild boar weighing several hundred catties for more than ten minutes."

Dawangba: "No, why isn't he tired?"

Hash Browns: "Lugging things on the ground, it seems that I'm not particularly tired!"

Your Majesty: "That's the way it is said, a pig with hundreds of catties is not equipped with wheels, can you try it?"

I don't eat boiled fish: "Am I the only one who thinks that the host is actually very tired? Wasn't he panting just now?"

Zhayi: "Haha, I also felt that he was too tired to speak just now, otherwise why did he stop for a while before saying it easy?"

A group of people had a heated discussion, and each had their own opinions on whether Li Yingjie's easy statement was true or not.

Li Yingjie squatted by the stream and washed his hands again.

He always felt that his hands were going to be inflamed. In this sweltering weather, he had no medicine and had to work non-stop. The outcome would definitely be bad.

After a while, make a fire, get some plant ash to wipe it, and see if it is useful.

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