my girlfriend is the president

Chapter 660 Immersed Tube Reclamation

"This island has existed for tens of thousands of years or even longer, and the underground rock formations have become more stable. Otherwise, the ancestors of these dwarves would not have chosen this place as their home. I think the only way to do it is to blast it. Otherwise, you have other options. Is there a better way?" Ma Guoliang scoffed at Zhu Kai's words, he is also a national expert, he thought Zhu Kai was too cautious.

Zhu Kai was at a loss for words at the moment, the situation of Treasure Island is very special, the surrounding terrain is complicated, and there is no place suitable for building a port at all. In order to transport the materials on board the ship to the shore as soon as possible, the fastest way is to open up a channel that can be used by small boats for supply and transportation. .

Other experts and George, Song Yanran, Yelia and others have no better way.

It would be great if Xiao Jian was here, Song Yanran suddenly had such a thought in her mind, when people are helpless, they always regard the person they love the most as the backbone.

"Okay, after the instrument lands, I will measure here first, and if the geological conditions permit, I will blast it. However, I will send a few more observers at that time. Once a situation occurs, all of us must evacuate as soon as possible, including the original on the island. Residents." Of course Zhu Kai knows the current situation, time is tight and tasks are heavy, so he can only take a risk.

When George heard that blasting the waterway was dangerous, he was a little reluctant. After all, he had lived in Treasure Island for so long, and George already had feelings for it.But he also knows that if the waterway is not opened, all kinds of materials will not be transported in, and Treasure Island will only be a barren island abandoned by modern civilization forever. Gold and sigh.What's more, it is Xiao Jian's dream to establish a country on the island, and George doesn't want to disappoint Xiao Jian.

"Dear Song, I'm going to organize the gathering of the dwarves so that they can evacuate easily if something unusual happens." George said to Song Yanran.

"Okay, I've sent people to lower all the lifeboats on the freighter, and it won't be long before it lands." Song Yanran said.

"The dwarves also have a lot of canoes, which should be usable." George thought about it in his mind, and if all the boats and boats were added up, it would be enough for more than 1 dwarves to evacuate.

At this time, the small boats transporting various instruments docked, and the experts stepped forward to touch their tools and began to get busy.

With the help of his assistant, Zhu Kai changed into a diving suit, and plunged into the sea with an instrument...

After instrumental measurement and field investigation, Zhu Kai discovered that the so-called Treasure Island is actually just the top of a huge submarine volcano. The size of this submarine volcano has exceeded human perception, and it is several times larger than the largest mountain on land.Even Mount Everest is just a little brother in front of it.

Those reefs that are sometimes hidden under the water and sometimes exposed to the sea are nothing more than some abrupt rocks around the mountain pass. After hundreds of millions of years of waves and erosion, they have formed the current jagged appearance.

One day later, Zhu Kai finally came to a conclusion that the substrate under the Treasure Island was very large, and an explosion with a proper yield would not affect it.

This conclusion made George, Song Yanran, Yelia and others very happy, because it meant that even if large-scale construction was carried out on the island in the future, there would be no problems.

Zhu Kai took his assistants to the crater to continue the investigation, while Ma Guoliang led people to start arranging explosives underwater.

Accompanied by military blasting experts, they accurately quantified the amount of explosives needed according to the size of each reef. In order not to cause resonance between sea water and mountains, the experts decided to use delayed blasting technology, which is to let each reef explode in turn.

From Treasure Island to the deep sea, there are more than a thousand reefs on the bottom of the sea, and it took a full ten days just to drill the holes on these reefs.

Within ten days, geological expert Zhu Kai traveled to almost every corner of Treasure Island. With the help of advanced equipment, he obtained a holographic image of the island. What surprised him even more was that this ancient volcano was on the verge of Death, now is just a regular eruption of some gas, lingering on.When the volcano actually dies, the island is more stable.

Based on the geological conclusions drawn by Zhu Kai, Ma Guoliang thought over and over again, and after discussing with the domestic ICBC, he proposed the idea of ​​using the immersed tube method to build artificial islands and ports.

"Professor Ma, can you explain in detail?" Song Yanran was confused, and the lines were interlaced like a mountain. She graduated from an arts major and was very unfamiliar with those professional terms.

"Ahem, well, since the geological structure here is very stable, we can order countless seamless steel pipes. Of course, the diameter and length need to be determined according to the project. These steel pipes are driven deep into the rock formation, and then the seawater in the steel pipes Drain it, pour it with reinforced concrete, and fill the area surrounded by steel pipes with sea sand to form an artificial island, on which we can build any buildings." Ma Guoliang explained to Song Yanran and the others in the most common language over again.

Song Yanran finally understood, "Professor Ma, is there any example of the method you mentioned?"

"Of course there are, but currently there are only a few countries that have mastered this technology. Fortunately, China is one of them." Ma Guoliang said.

"Can our country produce the required steel pipes?" Song Yanran asked.

"Yes! However, I am afraid that the quantity needed this time is very large, and I am afraid that they will not be able to supply it." Ma Guoliang was a little worried, because this kind of seamless steel pipe has high requirements on strength and corrosion resistance, and currently there is only one steel company in Shanghai The factory can produce. I heard that their order tasks are very tight, and I'm afraid they won't be able to make an order in a short time.

"Let me figure out a way. At worst, I will spend more money. I will try to transport the steel pipes in the shortest possible time." Song Yanran said.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare to blast the reef." After Ma Guoliang finished speaking, he hurried to the beach.

Qiao Zhi was always worried about Xiao Jian, but seeing that Song Yanran and Yelia were very busy, he swallowed every time the words came to his lips.

However, in order to fulfill Xiao Jian's wish, George ordered Samba and Lumba to select thousands of strong and strong men from among the dwarves to form a construction team and also a loading and unloading team. These people were always on standby.

"Dear Song, the manpower is ready to listen to your orders at any time. Keke, can I make a call to Xiao Jian?" George saw Song Yanran coming out of the room with a satellite phone in her hand, and rushed to accompany her. Said with a smile.

Song Yanran froze for a moment, then sighed softly: "Oh, Mr. George, let me tell you the truth, Xiao Jian is now in prison."

"What? This, this is impossible. Unless the lone wolf is willing, no one can trap him." George was taken aback, shaking his head and waving his hands again and again.

"You are right. Xiao Jian was arrested willingly because of us, and we came to Treasure Island in order to rescue him." Song Yanran briefly told George what she knew. On an island far away from the mainland, Song Yanran was not afraid of news leaking.

George was silent. There are political struggles everywhere, and national interests are above all else. Song Yanran is right. Only when Treasure Island is well established and the country is established can Xiao Jian's safety be more guaranteed.

"Dear Song, this is all my savings, about 50 billion US dollars, you can use it, Xiao Jian is my only friend." George took out a bank card from his pocket and stuffed it into Song Yanran's hand .

"Here, Mr. George, I can't take your money." Song Yanran was very moved, but the money was George's pension money, how could she bear it.

"Hehe, is this money still useful here?" George leaned over and picked up a small rock from the ground, "If it was on the mainland, this rock would be worth hundreds of dollars because it contains gold, but here, it It's just a rock."

Song Yanran understood, she nodded, and took the bank card, "Mr. George, I believe Xiao Jian will come to Treasure Island soon."

"This is my hope. It seems that we have to speed up the progress of the project. I am getting old day by day. It is also the expectation of all the dwarves to see Xiao Jian sooner." After George finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving Song Yanran A lonely figure.

Xiao Jian, there are so many people who are willing to sacrifice their lives to help you and give their all. I believe you will be able to return to Treasure Island and lead them all to live a happy life.

"Dad, I'm Yanran. We need a lot of seamless steel pipes here, yes! It's the kind of construction steel pipes produced by Shanghai Steel Factory. Can you help us find a way?" Song Yanran called the old man on the satellite phone phone.

"How much do you need?" Song Aiguo asked.

"The exact figures haven't been calculated yet, and I'll tell you as soon as I get the results." Song Yanran said.

"Forget it, I'll let the Shanghai Steel Factory contact you." Song Aiguo said, he believed that the chairman would definitely give priority to the request made by the Xiao Group...

Huaxia State, Shanghai Steel Factory Director's Office.

"Director Liao, I am the General Office of the Central Committee. Please be sure to arrive in Jinghua City before two o'clock this afternoon. The chairman wants to see you."

After answering the phone, Liao Yifan, the factory manager, raised his wrist and looked at his watch. The time was still too late. He pressed a button on the table and said, "Book me a plane ticket to Jinghua immediately, yes! The sooner you The better!"

The chairman actually wanted to meet me in person, what could happen?Lucky?Woe?

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