my girlfriend is the president

Chapter 659 Artificial Island

The waters near Treasure Island are full of hidden reefs, and there are almost no ready-made waterways.The waves hit the reefs out of the sea and splashed high waves. There are more reefs hidden under the seemingly calm sea. If you sail in such waters, the ship will be destroyed if you are not careful. Fortunately, the pilot of the small boat With a lot of experience, relying on their skilled skills, they shuttled left and right in the reef, and after a lot of effort, the small boat that Song Yanran and Yelia took finally arrived at the coast safely.

"Oh! Dear Yelia, nice to see you again." Yelia was the first to jump off the boat, and George stepped forward to hug her excitedly.

"Old George, this is Song Yanran, the vice president of the Xiao Group." Yelia introduced George.

"Hi, Mr. George." Song Yanran extended her jade hand gracefully.

"Oh! My God, am I dazzled to see an angel in such a ghostly place." George was amazed by Song Yanran's beauty, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart, could it be that she is also Xiao Jian's woman?

"Hello mistress!" Samba and Lumba came forward and prostrated themselves at Yelia's feet, kissing her feet.

Song Yanran was shocked when she saw this, it was the first time she had seen this kind of etiquette of kissing someone's feet.

Yelia hurriedly pulled them up and introduced them to Song Yanran, "His name is Samba and his name is Lunba. Both of them are the leaders of the dwarf tribe."

Samba and Lumba were about to prostrate on the ground again, but Song Yanran hastily stopped them.After waiting for them to shake hands, George asked suspiciously, "Where's Xiao Jian? Why didn't he come?"

Song Yanran and Yelia looked at each other and couldn't help but her eyes turned red. Song Yanran said, "Mr. George, Xiao Jian has something important to do and he can't get away. He asked me to say hello to you on his behalf."

George had already seen the strangeness on the faces of the second daughter, but when he heard what Song Yanran said, he knew there must be something inside, so he didn't continue to ask, "Let's talk about it when we get back, both of you, please!"

Samba and Lunba led the way, and Song Yanran and others returned to Xiaojian City together.

Along the way, George briefly introduced the recent development of Treasure Island to Song Yanran and Yelia.Seeing such neat streets and houses, Song Yanran secretly admired George's governance ability.

"I gave this place a nice name, Xiao Jianshi." George said, the expression of satisfaction was beyond words.

Song Yanran and Yelia smiled, it seemed that Old George's affection for Xiao Jian was not as deep as usual.

The dwarves saw the guests, although they were curious, but due to the presence of the patriarch and George, they just watched from a distance. smile.

Walking into a big room, there are simple tables and chairs made of logs in the room.

After the guests were seated, George asked, "Dear Jelia, I saw three freighters in the distance. Are you passing by here?"

Yelia shook his head slightly, "Those three freighters belong to our Xiao Group, and this time they came to Treasure Island. Old George, the dream of you and Xiao Jian will soon come true."

"Oh! My God, isn't your boat full of building materials?" George was surprised and delighted.

"Yes! This is only the first batch, and more supplies will arrive later." Song Yanran said.

"We've also brought in a lot of experts who can help us build this place into a paradise on earth," Yelia said.

"Are there any geological experts? I am very worried that the volcano on Treasure Island will erupt." George said.

"Of course!" Song Yanran said.

"Great, I think we can clear the channel first and build a simple pier, otherwise the supplies won't be able to go ashore." George said after thinking for a while.

"That's what I mean too. The three freighters are full of building materials and machinery, and they can't be unloaded without a dock," Song Yanran said.

"If this is the case, let the experts go ashore? The construction can start after the site is selected. The time is tight. We must do the basic work well during this monsoon period, and our freighter can dock at any time." Yelia said .

"I'll notify them to come here." Song Yanran took out the walkie-talkie and asked the experts to go to Treasure Island in a small boat.

While waiting for the experts, George led Song Yanran and Yelia to the warehouse where the gold bricks were stored.

"Ah!" It was the first time Song Yanran saw so much gold, and she couldn't help opening her mouth in surprise.

"Hehe, the gold is just a small part of the island, and the name of Treasure Island is not groundless." George laughed.

"Mr. George, are there any other minerals on the island besides gold?" Song Yanran asked while stretching out her hand to caress the gold.

"I don't know, didn't you bring experts here? You can ask them to do a good survey. I guess there should be other associated minerals. The volcanic eruption should not only bring out gold from the ground." George said.

"With these gold reserves, our Yanhuang Kingdom can gain a foothold in the world." Song Yanran said.

"That's right, the size of a country doesn't matter, gold is the only criterion to measure a country." George said a very philosophical sentence.

"However, Mr. George, we have to pay enough attention. Once the Yanhuang Kingdom is established, the outside world will know that it is full of gold. I believe that many countries will spy on it. We should have our own army in advance." Song Yanran reminded George.

"That's natural. There are no permanent friends in this world, only eternal interests. However, I believe that you must have come with a certain mission. The current Huaxia Kingdom has become stronger and stronger, and the future Yanhuang Kingdom will belong to the Huaxia Kingdom. Allies, a war is about to start, and the Huaxia government will definitely not sit idly by." George glanced at Song Yanran and said.

Song Yanran nodded, George is worthy of being the founder of God's Eye, he really has a thorough and sophisticated way of seeing things.

At this time, Samba came in to report: "My lord, the experts have come ashore."

George ordered: "Samba, prepare our best house and arrange for guests to stay."


After landing, many experts from Huaxia Kingdom started working according to their respective division of labor, regardless of rest.

Zhu Kai is the most authoritative geological expert in China. He has been attracted by the unique landforms since he came to the island.Knock here and there with a geological hammer, and from time to time pick up a rock and examine it carefully with a magnifying glass.

What Song Yanran cares most about is whether the crust under Treasure Island is stable. Of course, this is also what George and others care about.

"Professor Zhu, will the volcano on Treasure Island still erupt?" Song Yanran stepped forward and asked.

"It's hard to say now, we need to bring the instruments over for surveying." Zhu Kai said as he looked up at the steaming volcano in the distance.

At this time, Ma Guoliang, an architectural expert, came over, "Mr. Song, I just briefly asked the residents on the island to get a general understanding of the situation. According to the geographical conditions here, it is obviously not suitable to build a port on the coast. Said that the water depth does not meet the requirements. I suggest that an artificial island can be reclaimed far away from the coast to build a deep-water port, and then connected to Treasure Island with a bridge.”

"Yes! This proposal is good. As a country, Treasure Island is too small. We can ask the sea for land!" Song Yanran said.

Ma Guoliang said: "Reclamation requires a professional engineering team, and your people alone may not be able to do it."

Song Yanran smiled and said, "Professor Ma, I can guarantee that no matter what kind of talents I need, I can find them."

"Okay, then I'll hurry up and make the drawings!"

"Professor Ma, don't be in a hurry. Can you open up a waterway first and transfer the building materials on the freighter to shore with a small boat?" Song Yanran said.

"This is easy, just use explosives to blow up the reefs in the sea." Ma Guoliang said.

"Absolutely not! Treasure Island is formed by the accumulation of magma from volcanic eruptions. I am worried that the geological layer is unstable. Once it is blasted, it may affect the original geological structure. If not, the entire island will collapse and sink into the sea." Zhu Kai He waved his hands again and again, interrupting Ma Guoliang.

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