Dark clouds passed by, covering the blood moon in the sky, and the whole world became even darker.

Su Ming drove Youxue to the shore, hid in a tall tree, and focused all his attention on the battle between the two big monsters.

Here he lurks, waiting for the best opportunity.

There is no doubt that the legendary fourth-order treachery at both ends is very powerful!

At least, relying on Su Ming alone is no match for him.

Although the half-step legend has not stepped into the legendary quality, it is not far behind.

At least it already has some of the characteristics of the legend, and the gap between the two is not as big as imagined.

Even though Su Ming has stepped into the legendary profession, and because of the blessing of 'Spiritualism', he has stood at the pinnacle of legendary quality.

Even among all legendary professions, it belongs to the top level.

But even so.

With Su Ming's current strength, it is still impossible to beat a half-step legendary treacherous who is a fourth-order peak by a higher level.

At least, the golden fire eagle in front of him is definitely not his opponent.

He still had a vivid memory of the golden blade of the Golden Fire Eagle before. It was so powerful that it could even cut his own body directly.

The only weakness is that the speed can't keep up, Kong has a strong destructive power, and can't hit the opponent very well.

Even so, it was enough to make Su Ming feel in awe.

What's more, the golden blade is just one of its skills, and it also has more terrifying and indiscriminate attack skills with a wider range.

If that trick is used, even if Su Ming wants to hide, he will have nowhere to hide.

The rain of golden and fire double blades directly rains down the terrifying blades, and its density is extremely terrifying, making it impossible for people to avoid it.

Su Ming knew very well that even if he was tough with him, he would end up running away in the end.

Although he is a legendary profession, his level is only the peak of Tier [-].

If it is to deal with the epic treachery of the fourth-order peak, it is relatively easy.

But if it was the golden fire eagle in front of him, it was impossible to be its opponent.

Fighting hard with it, the best result is that both sides will suffer.

Even, the chance of this happening is very low.

After all, the half-step legend of the fourth-order peak is not a vegetarian, its strength is powerful and terrifying.

That golden blade carried a terrifying aura, it could even cut through space, not to mention Su Ming's flesh and blood!

Even though Su Ming's Nine-Turn Golden Body Art had already achieved a great success, he still didn't have enough confidence to resist it unscathed.

The Nine-Turn Golden Body Art is certainly powerful, but he has only just mastered one turn, and he can't resist the golden blade with terrifying cutting power!

That's really powerful.

A half-step legend of the fourth-order peak, can it not be powerful?

Although a half-step legend is not a real legendary quality, it carries the word 'legendary', and it cannot be compared to an epic.

Now that Su Ming has unleashed all the strength in his body, he can at most tie the battle with this golden fire eagle.

This is still an effect that can only be achieved by breaking out the Nine Transformations Golden Body Art.

If you don't use the power of the golden body, you may not even know how you died.

However, Su Ming has always been cautious. When faced with such an uncertain battle, if he could avoid it, he would naturally try to avoid it as much as possible.

After all, he only has one life, Su Ming doesn't want to sacrifice himself in vain because of his recklessness.

There is no doubt that such a sacrifice is the most stupid and meaningless thing.

"Huh~ Fortunately, I am cautious enough. Otherwise."

Su Ming hid behind the big tree, watching the terrifying battle erupting in the middle of the river, he couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

He never imagined that the big black fish that looked so easy to bully would have such powerful strength.

Its strength is no match for the Golden Fire Eagle in the sky that day.


Something is wrong!

This big black fish obviously has the strength to fight with it, why is it timid.

And, it's clearly not meant to be much of a fight, she seems to just want to get out of this fight?
Su Ming squinted his eyes and found the clue.

With his perception, he could clearly sense the treacherous battle situation at the two ends of the river.

The big black fish that he was chasing turned out to be a half-step legend, and his strength was even comparable to that of the golden fire eagle.

Even its strength seems to be somewhat stronger than that of the Golden Fire Eagle.

However, this guy has no will to fight at all.

Even if it is a shot, it is only when there is no other choice that they will choose to fight back.

The attack of this big black fish is not ineffective, every attack of it will pose a great threat to the golden fire eagle.

Even several of them almost seriously injured him.

However, it doesn't have much fighting emotion at all, and every time it makes a move, it chooses to attack when it is forced by the opponent!

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

According to normal logic, this is not in line with common sense at all.

You know, the other party has already hit the door, even chasing and beating him.

Moreover, this golden fire eagle was killed by tricks, and there was no intention of showing any mercy at all.

Under such circumstances, why didn't the big black fish make a move?
If the strength of the big black fish is relatively weak, and it can only dodge non-stop in order to fight for its precious life, that's all.

After all, you only have one life.

Whether it is human or treacherous, it is already a big luxury to survive in the face of beings that are much stronger than oneself.

Survival has also become the first priority.

At this time, where there is too much control, as long as he can survive, it will not surprise anyone to do anything.

But that's not the case.

The strength of this big black fish is comparable to that of the golden fire eagle, and it may even be somewhat stronger than it.

Undoubtedly, between two existences of equal strength, if one of them stalks so hard, it is simply not giving the other face.

As a half-step legend of the fourth-order peak, they seem to belong to the ranks of the strong.

They won't do such a thing that makes them lose face easily.

This point is very clear, the intelligence quotient of these fourth-order treacherous beings is not much different from that of human beings.

The so-called seven emotions and six desires, they all exist.

It's just that the form of expression may be a little different.

The two kept chasing, and the aftermath of the battle kept rippling, and a powerful roar erupted.

Su Ming followed closely behind, and endless golden light suddenly shot out from his eyes.

It's now!

Finally, after lurking for so long, he finally got an opportunity.

A one-hit-kill chance!
It was too late to say it, but it was too soon, when the opportunity came, the evil spirit in Su Ming's hand instantly condensed with the long knife.

The three-color energy on the right gauntlet was also poured into the long knife with evil spirit, making it a little thicker and more mysterious.

Soon, a multicolored, energy-like long knife gathered together.

The light in Su Ming's eyes was shining, he tried his best with his right hand, and threw it forcefully, it turned into an afterimage, and went towards the terrifying and treacherous direction at the two ends.

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