The cyan blade cut through the air and fell directly into the river.

Immediately, the entire river was cut in half by it, and huge waves churned up, rushing directly towards both sides of the river.

The river water spread to the bank, directly eroding the trees on the bank, and green smoke rose in bursts.

This river water actually has such strong corrosive power?
Su Ming frowned, secretly rejoicing that he hadn't entered the river recklessly before.

Otherwise, I'm afraid this is enough to drink a pot by myself.

Rejoicing flashed in his heart, and his figure became a little faster again.

After his stature stabilized, he couldn't help turning his head to look, only to see behind him an eagle with a faint golden light flapping its wings, staring at the third person in front of him who disturbed its prey.


The black fish in the river made a miserable cry, and streaks of black rippled from the blood-colored river water, directly infecting the blood-colored river water into black.

Obviously, the golden blade cut him directly, its power can be imagined.

Of course, in fact, its strength is not as scary as it looks visually.

The most important reason why it succeeded in one blow was because it thought that the big black fish was thrown into the air by Su Ming's four ice dragons, making it temporarily incapacitated, which allowed the golden eagle to succeed in one blow.

This is beyond doubt, Su Ming saw it very clearly.

You know, this big black fish has been escaping in the black water for such a long time, it is running so desperately, and there is still a look of fear in its eyes, none of these can fool Su Ming. .

At first, he thought that the big fish was afraid of him, but now that he thought about it again, he didn't show his strength, and his aura didn't explode. It was impossible for him to let this treacherous fear that was originally a Tier [-] epic.

This... is completely impossible.

Looking back now, there must be something else that frightened him.

A terrifying existence that could threaten its life, otherwise it wouldn't be able to run so desperately in such a panic.

Seeing this big golden eagle appearing now, Su Ming immediately figured it out.

It turned out that all this was because of this big golden eagle.

However, although the golden blade fired by this big eagle is powerful, its speed is not too fast.

Otherwise, how could there be any reason for this big black fish to escape?
Moreover, he didn't see any scars on his body. The golden blade came from behind before, and he dodged it subconsciously, which can also explain a certain reason.

Seeing this, Su Ming was not afraid.

He concentrated his eyes on the big golden eagle in the sky.

Suddenly, a transparent panel ejected from it.

[[Half-step Legend] Golden Fire Eagle (Peak of Tier [-])]

[Attributes: gold, fire]

[Golden Fire Blade Light: Concentrate your own strange power, and shoot out a powerful dual-attribute blade of gold and fire, which is extremely powerful! 】

[Flame jet: Jet flames, endless stream]

[Golden fire double-bladed rain: condensed metal blades and fire attribute blades, like a rainstorm, making enemies inevitable. 】

Seeing the strength displayed by the opponent, Su Ming couldn't help frowning.

To be honest, this big eagle is very powerful!
At least Su Ming has encountered the most powerful treachery now.

Half-step legend?

This is a new vocabulary to see.

Although Su Ming didn't know what it represented, he wouldn't foolishly think it was weak.

"Half-step legend. Then... can it be said that it is almost the same as the legendary treachery. At least. It is more powerful than the epic treachery!"

He squinted his eyes, driving Youxue to keep avoiding.

Obviously, with the help of his wind power, it was very easy to dodge the attack of the golden eagle.

咻咻 咻 ~
One after another golden blades fell from the sky, and Youxue's figure kept dodging.

In the midst of thousands of flowers, the leaves do not stick to the body.

Probably so!

The golden fire eagle roared loudly, obviously anxious.

But when it reached its level, it already possessed wisdom not weaker than that of human beings, and it knew that the person in front of it was not something it could easily deal with.

The main purpose of it coming here today was the big black fish in the river, so it simply turned around and dived towards the river with its wings flapping.

Its eyes burst into light, and the gold and red colors on its claws directly wrapped it, and the flames rose suddenly, distorting the air.

This big black fish has already been injured by himself, as long as his claws go down, then his goal will be achieved.

At that time, as long as the flesh and soul orbs of this big black fish are eaten, the legend is expected to be achieved.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.


With a hissing sound, a black sword glow shot out from the muddy river.

The speed of that black light was extremely fast, it seemed to cut through the space, and it came directly to the belly of the golden fire eagle in an instant.


The black sword glow directly cut through his abdomen, and bright red blood splashed out like blood rain.

Fortunately, the golden fire eagle reacted fairly quickly, and it barely avoided it by turning sideways.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as disembowelling.

I'm afraid that this sword light will directly cut it into two pieces, directly losing the possibility of survival. .

Sometimes, the identity change between prey and hunter is often only in a blink of an eye, and even the most ferocious hunter will become prey with a little carelessness.

This is the rule of the strange world, which is full of unknowns and horrors.

There is sky beyond sky, mountains beyond mountains, and people beyond people.

No matter how powerful you are, you have to be careful.

Otherwise, it will end up like a golden fire eagle!

Su Ming was flying beside him, feeling quite emotional in his heart.

Fortunately, as a human being, he has innate wisdom, and he is extra cautious, so he has managed to have his current strength and activities until now.

After this time, Su Ming's cautiousness was deeply rooted in his heart.

Do not do things you are not sure about unless you have to!

This time I was a bit abrupt, I rushed after him without knowing what was going on behind me, and almost left my life in the air above this corrupt river.

Thinking of this, Su Ming couldn't help being afraid for a while.

On the surface of the river, two monsters are constantly fighting, bursting out with great power

As for Su Ming?

They really didn't pay much attention to them, both of them were half-step legends, and Su Ming was a scum with a third-level strength, so they didn't pay much attention at all.

As for Nether Blood?

It's only the fourth level, and it only has epic quality, so don't care.

It's just that they don't know.

I will pay a terrible price for my contempt.

At this moment, Su Ming was lurking, looking at the two huge monsters with his eyes, waiting patiently.

He is waiting for an opportunity!
A chance to kill with one hit!

This is what a mature hunter should do.

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