Lin Fan didn't maintain his super hearing and vision all the time, but he was able to capture things about himself in time.

Hearing someone talking about him in the thousands of miles of space world, Lin Fan immediately continued to listen to the source of the voice.

"Morty, listen to me! A guy like this who can fly directly in space is not a good guy."

"Maybe he traveled from another world, maybe he is carrying some deadly virus!"

"Listen Morty! If you don't want to destroy the world again, then don't make extra troubles! Got it Morty!"

Inside a round spaceship, one has a blue exploding head and is wearing a white scientific research uniform. His face seems to have a bitterness unknown to the world.

Talk upside down.

He seemed not very conscious, and there was still saliva in the corner of his mouth.

And beside him is a child with brown crew cut and wearing yellow clothes.

Morty looked helplessly at his drunken grandfather, but looked at the flying Superman on the display screen in front of him.

There was still a look of shock on his face.


After discovering this grandpa and grandson by accident, Lin Fan had an excited look on his face. He didn't expect that he was so lucky.

It seems that the Xuangui who was by his side played a role!

Without any hesitation, Lin Fan flew directly to the side of the spaceship in an instant, knocked on the glass, hesitated for a moment, and spoke in Chinese.

"Low! Superman!"

Morty seemed to be surprised that Lin Fan could come to him from a distant place in an instant, and it was still a little unbelievable at this moment.

But when he saw Lin Fan's face, Morty was a little disappointed.

Because it's not Superman's face.

is a stranger.

The corner of Lin Fan's mouth twitched, it's like the whole world is speaking Chinese!
Rick seemed very impatient with Lin Fan, just cast a glance, took out the wine bottle from his inner pocket and drank.

"Another guy from outside!"

Morty ignored Rick's muttering, but excitedly wanted to invite Lin Fan into the spaceship.

Lin Fan did not refuse, and directly entered the spaceship.

Surprisingly, the spaceship doesn't look big from the outside, but after entering it, the space becomes more spacious.

But the facilities inside are really old!
Looking at the patch on the back seat, Lin Fan felt a little emotional.

What a misfortune.

Who can believe that such a powerful super spaceship is actually so dilapidated inside!
"Oh, let me think about it, this is the existence of the first strange dimension, you guys always make trouble and then leave!"

Hearing Rick's words, Lin Fan glanced at Rick in surprise, always feeling that Rick seemed to have something to say.

"Leave him alone, he's insane like that."

Morty seemed to be very curious about Lin Fan, and excitedly asked about Lin Fan's background, abilities, and so on.

Lin Fan naturally smiled and made friends with him.

When the two were chatting happily, Rick suddenly slammed on the brakes, and the spaceship Corden stopped quickly in space.

"What's your purpose?"

Rick said something nonchalantly.

Lin Fan yelled?
Rick then repeated impatiently.

"What task do you have? Or what do you need to get from me? Or get some favors! Don't hide it! I have seen many people like you!"

"A lot, people like me?"

Lin Fan was a little puzzled, but he still said so.

"I need a teleportation gun!"

"Okay, teleportation gun!"

Rick was very decisive, directly opened the drawer under the spaceship, and took out a transfer gun with a green glass tube.

Throw it to Lin Fan.

Then he directly opened the door of the spaceship and sent Lin Fan out.

By the way, a wine bottle was thrown out.

The spaceship didn't have any intention of staying behind, and it fled forward in an instant.

With Lin Fan's powerful hearing, he heard a roar from inside the spaceship.

"I'm in pain, please help me!!"

"It's strange."

Lin Fan shrugged his shoulders, but fortunately he had the teleportation gun in his hand, without any hesitation, Lin Fan opened the teleportation gun directly in front of him.

A green light wave appeared in front of him instantly, Lin Fan looked at this green light wave with some strangeness.

Then jumped right in.

After landing, it was another world!
Although it was the first time to use a teleportation gun, Lin Fan had traveled through the world many times through the system.

Even this trip to the world of Rick and Morty was done by Lin Fan himself.

So it's not particularly surprising.

Ten years passed in a flash.

Lin Fan wandered among the various planets, using violent means to promote his followers of the Transcendent God.

During this period, he met tens of thousands of people from the Universe Federation, and every time Lin Fan mercilessly killed them all.

This made the Cosmic Federation's arrest of Lin Fan more severe, and even every planet has information about Lin Fan!

However, it did not affect Lin Fan's ability to gain faith points!
During this period, Lin Fan also came to Ruicheng, and met many Ricks here, but they were different from the Ricks he met for the first time.

Lin Fan felt that if there was only one Rick in the world, it would definitely be the one he met for the first time!

In the words of the original.

He's the most Rick's Rick!
Looking at his belief value, after so long accumulation, Lin Fan has already accumulated a full 6000 billion belief value!
Originally, Lin Fan wanted to accumulate one trillion faith points in this universe before leaving, but so much time has passed.

Lin Fan's system has already begun to rush, and the task cannot be completed for a long time, there is no way.

Only use the coordinates to return to the mission world.

(Yes, I just rely on this copy to brush up a wave of faith)
After returning to this world, Lin Fan only felt that a long time had passed in this world, and the Boundless Empire had disappeared.

It was replaced by Shenting!
After carefully observing everything on the mainland, Lin Fan found that he had been away for more than ten years, and this place seemed to have undergone a hundred years of changes.

No wonder the system reminded me to come back quickly.

If he doesn't come back, Jiang Ming, the protagonist, will already inherit the position of Emperor of Heaven.

"Oh my god, Jiang Ming unified the world and brought 3000 beauties to the fairyland?!"

"This is really like a fairy tale!"

The corner of Lin Fan's mouth twitched.

But fortunately, the more than ten years of wandering in the universe made him see more nonsense.

At this time, no matter how bizarre it was, it wouldn't surprise him too much.

Lin Fan came to the original teleportation array.

This teleportation array seems to have not been used for a long time, and it looks rather deserted at this time.

Lin Fan searched in his storage space, and found the one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones in the corner.

Then I remembered the method of use that Liu Hua and the others had said before, and I was just about to try it.

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