But facing Lin Fan's words, these citizens of the universe were indifferent, and just glanced lightly.

Just keep doing your own thing.


Lin Fan tilted his head, feeling that the way he spoke was a little too friendly?

After thinking for a while, Lin Fan stretched his left hand toward the sky, and in the next second, a huge fireball appeared in the sky!

The fireball instantly grows bigger!And the temperature in it is close to the surface temperature of the sun!And it's still growing.

The fierce scorching heat made people on this planet dry mouths and sweat profusely.

At this moment, facing Lin Fan who was holding a huge fireball in his hands and wearing a black superman suit, these people could no longer keep ignoring him.

They begged one by one.

Lin Fan shouted again.

"Believe in the extraordinary god! Otherwise, my little sun can't help but get in touch with your planet!"

"I don't know how powerful it is, but you all probably burp!"

Lin Fan's words clearly spread to everyone's ears. At this time, many people glared at Lin Fan who was in mid-air.

However, some people knelt down directly!He kept kowtowing and begging Lin Fan to let him go.

"God of Evil!"

"Don't let us believe in you!"

"I only believe in blondes and big boobs! Everything else is a cult!"

The people on this planet seem to be very passionate, and they are yelling crazily.

Led by an old man, most people on the entire planet are rebelling against Lin Fan!
Some people even prepared missiles ready to attack Lin Fan at any time!

Check out the responses below.

Lin Fan smiled lightly.

"Believe in the extraordinary god, and only allow two days of work in a week!"


Some people are silent directly.

Lin Fan continued.

"After believing in the extraordinary god, we will distribute all the property of the rich and unkind to the poor, so that there will be no more oppression in the world!"

As soon as this word comes out.

The voices of the people in front who were still waving their arms and shouting gradually faded away, and the people in suits and leather shoes who were drinking coffee behind were stunned.

Looking at the weird eyes one by one, for some reason, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Lin Fan was very satisfied with everyone's reaction, and continued to bewitch!
"What are you waiting for? I will make a special day in the name of the extraordinary god!"

"Every year on this planet, you can ignore the law and ignore morality to do anything! Every year on this day, you can redefine everyone's status!"

"Whether it's by robbery! Killing! Robbing! No one will be held accountable today! Until the sun rises the next day!"

As soon as this word comes out.

The people on the entire planet couldn't help but look at each other at this moment, and their eyes were a little ready to move when they looked at the people around them.

"Come on! Take back everything we deserve!"

"I work so hard to be a social animal, but what I eat is disgusting big fat bugs! Why can a classy person eat delicate steaks!"

"Human race! You actually treat us insects as food! I will fight with you!"

"Come here! I've been disgusted with you for a long time! Every time I walk on the street, I leave a lot of slime! It's so fucking disgusting!"

"Kill them!"

"I fought with you!!"

Lin Fan's voice seemed to have magical powers, and it directly limped everyone on this planet.

Kill each other angrily.

In any corner of the entire planet, those beings are killing each other, one by one or holding a hatchet.

Or take tables, chairs and benches, and throw them at the people around you desperately!


These two emotions surrounded everyone's foreheads, and everyone's thoughts became clear at this moment, as if they let themselves fly at this moment!

A group of people rushed into the rich man's home in groups, and at this time, there were usually precious and never-before-seen luxury furniture.

was arbitrarily seized by these people.

"Hahaha! Praise the extraordinary god!"

"Great extraordinary god! You have given us everything!"

A big man was holding a pile of gold in his hand, he ignored the blood on it, but approached it excitedly.


next second.

The big man was knocked to the ground by a bug, and before he could react, his throat was directly bitten by the bug.

Blood flowed all over the place.

"Hahaha! Praise the extraordinary god!"

The worm rushed into the pile of gold and rolled excitedly, which was a reward he could never earn in his life.

But now there are so many!

In the middle of the sky, Lin Fan had already dissipated the little sun in his hand. At this time, his face was full of excitement, watching his constantly increasing faith value!
"Oh my god, a billion, two billion! Three billion!!"

Lin Fan saw that his faith value increased by a full 30 billion in an instant, and couldn't help but wiped his eyes.

The belief value increased by 30 billion in an instant, which means that at least half of the people on this planet are excited about the current change full of bloody killings!

Full of admiration for Lin Fan!
"Hahahaha! This world is really a blessed place! It is really my blessed place!"

Lin Fan was a little excited, this is just one planet, and there are countless planets in the entire universe, even if he can't convert all of them into his followers.

Just to be able to convert some.

It can also gather enough Lin Fan to exchange for the Faith Point of the Creator God!
"If this is the world of Rick and Morty, then the one thing I need most right now is the portal gun in Rick's hand!"

Lin Fan looked at the planet in chaos below, and casually cast Ten Thousand Gods, which immediately aroused another wave of cheers.

Looking at these crazy guys, Lin Fan also shook his head helplessly, the planets under the Cosmic Federation are too severely oppressed.

Just like after Rick threw himself into the trap, the entire earth is under the control of the Cosmic Federation!

The management robots that can be seen everywhere on the streets simply make Jerry eat medicine like a meal.

People are like powder kegs, Lin Fan just lit the fuse, and it exploded like a bomb!
There is no meaning to stay here anymore, Lin Fan's spiritual sense can feel that dozens of police cars from the Universe Federation are approaching here not far away.

There is no hesitation.

Lin Fan flew straight into the sky, and rushed into the vast space amidst the cheers of more than 30 billion believers!

The universe of this world is incomparably vast.

Because there was no teleportation gun, Lin Fan could only search slowly in the vast starry sky.

However, Lin Fan unplugged the navigator on the police car, and was able to confirm the nearest planet around him.

The last time he felt the thrill of the skyrocketing faith value, Lin Fan became a little addicted, anyway, the most indispensable thing in this universe is life!
No matter what method Lin Fan uses, even if these believers are used as one-time consumables!Lin Fan can also get an astronomical figure!
"Omega! Rick, look! There's a man in space flying with a physical body! God, it's Superman!"

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