This sentence was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and it exploded in Lin Zexu's ears. He was stunned, and then showed a furious look.

"Shuzi, lie to me!"

After listening to Ning An's words, Lin Zexu's veins were exposed immediately, and his face was fierce. He took out a flintlock gun from his sleeve and pointed it at Ning An in extreme annoyance. Blended into the air, mixed together, exuding a weird smell.

Immediately, the audience in front of the screen was startled.

"I'll go, my lord, you don't talk about martial arts. In this day and age, there are still pistols?"

"Upstairs, it's called a flintlock gun. It was originally developed by a Frenchman. Bi Maokang, a firearms researcher in the Ming Dynasty, also made a flintlock gun. In this era, there are indeed."

"Unexpectedly, I thought you could only know swords, but I didn't expect you to play with me with guns?"

"To be honest, if I hadn't watched this live broadcast, I really didn't know that there were flintlock guns in that era, and I learned a lot."

No one worried about Ning An's safety. After all, this wasn't the first time something like this had happened.

When the flames swept through Ning An's body and the bullets flew straight into the wall, Lin Zexu froze.

He quickly glanced at the gun, and the undissipated white smoke was billowing towards the roof like a cloud of mist.

The pungent taste penetrated straight into his lungs, full of sour taste.

You can even see a slight redness at the muzzle of the gun and feel the temperature in it.

On the wall, the bullet was also deeply embedded in it, leaving a deep black hole.

Grief and bewilderment appeared on Lin Zexu's face, his goatee trembled slightly, and the aggressive posture just now receded like a tide, disappearing invisible.

Aging and fatigue emerged. Only then did I know that the old man in front of me was 54 years old.

Lin Zexu collapsed. Like many great historical figures, Lin Zexu was a human being, not a god.

Born in that era inevitably has class and historical limitations.In the Huaxia where he lived, foreign capitalism was rampant, and the country was trampled.

The scholar-officials Wei Yuan and Gong Zizhen are like-minded people with him. They are determined to save the decadent, dilapidated and ignorant dynasty, make the court prosperous, resist aggression, and defend the dignity of the country and the way of national survival.

However, he was loyal to the Qing Dynasty.

You can't judge his right or wrong, after all, times are different.

We can't judge his right or wrong from the current height, but it doesn't prevent him from being a national hero.

I have fought for the Chinese nation, I have been passionate, I have been crazy...

It was not his fault that he had been born in this era and was loyal to this country.

It is also the same that I feel the greatness of the heroes in that era.

It is precisely because of the walls they guarded with their lives and blood that they defeated the invaders that we have a beautiful life today.

Otherwise, if we lost that year, will we be assimilated after a hundred years?

The other party is as high as a nobleman, just like the Qing Dynasty in later generations?

Can't think, can't think.

Fortunately, our ancestors blocked a disaster for us and completely killed slavery.

In that dark age when we don't know what the future will look like, it gave us a glimmer of light for future generations, and finally, it became the scorching sun.

The world is illuminated very warmly.

At this moment, hurried footsteps suddenly sounded outside. It was the guards who heard the gunshots and hurriedly slapped on the doors and windows.

"My lord, my lord, are you all right?"

In a hurry, he was about to kick open the door.This is already considered good, there was a ridiculous incident once, the guard thought it was an assassin who broke into the room to protect the master, and ended up losing his head.

The relationship went off the rails, and the guard frightened the official, so he chopped it off.

It can be seen from this that the enslavement and arbitrariness of the Qing Dynasty can be seen.

"It's okay, step back." Lin Zexu showed a tired look on his face, and he responded weakly to the people below.

Hearing Lin Zexu's words, those people hesitated for a long time and stood at the door.

This is already considered a very conscientious soldier, whoever cares about you if you change to those who eat imperial rations or military rations.

If there is a fight, it would be fine if you don't run away, and come back to save you, isn't it a dream?
Since the end of the Ming Dynasty, there has been a practice that officers and soldiers are unreliable and all waste.Can't eat enough, Shangguan drinks soldiers' blood, and treats them like slaves, can you train a hammer?

In a real fight, the officials are all servants and guards supported by themselves.

This is the greatest tragedy of this era.

"Go back."

Lin Zexu spoke again, and those people left respectfully at the door.

Seeing Lin Zexu's grief-stricken face, Ning An spoke again.

"As for the later generations, although they have never surpassed the foreigners, there is not much difference. Foreigners still exist in China in the later generations, but they are guests, and they can no longer show off their power. They are the masters who occupy the magpie's nest."

In today's era, foreigners have long coveted China, and not long after, the opium struggle that shocked the world kicked off.

Hearing this, Lin Zexu showed a little relief on his face.As long as the Huaxia of the future generations is not occupied and swallowed by foreigners,'s fine.

He, Lin Zexu, was a loyal minister of Daqing, so he died for Daqing.

If Daqing's vitality is exhausted, then he will die with Daqing in the world and be buried in history.

This is his loyalty to Lin Zexu.

"As for the opium that the adults said, although it has not been revealed, the same kind of drugs still exist, harming happy and happy families. However, later generations of the country will crack down on it, and the police will strike hard. Under the sun, these things have nowhere to hide. Very little."

"In the future generations of China, under the leadership of the new country, the people will be happy and healthy, live and work in peace and contentment. Once illegal and harmful poisons are investigated, they will never be tolerated!"

"You can rest assured. Those transactions hidden in the dark corners will be cleaned up one by one sooner or later until the whole country is clean. This is the determination of future generations!"

Ning An became respectful, and at the same time his tone was full of pride and pride.

Drug control has always been the strictest in China.The country is relentless.

In fact, Lin Zexu is No. 1 in drug control if it is true.

This thing was a real drug at the time, and it was still a business for foreigners.

In the imperial court at that time, officials and businessmen colluded, and the opponent's eyeliner was everywhere.

Lin Zexu wanted to set off a storm, but it was difficult to move forward.

How strict the police of today's future generations are in investigating and dealing with drugs, and how much secrecy they have can spy out the risks involved. What's more, it was an era when people could eat people at any time.

The pressure and risks Lin Zexu endured are beyond our imagination.

Someone impeached at the center of the imperial court, local officials did not cooperate at all, and secretly plotted an assassination by a businessman.

In such an environment, Lin Zexu won.

It won very well, and it fought the first war against aggression for the world to see.

Tell the whole world, Huaxia is still proud!

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