Ning An's gaze bypassed the books, and fell on Lin Zexu's face. Lin Zexu in front of him had just arrived in Guangzhou, full of vigor, and was planning to launch a movement to clear opium.

At this moment, Lin Zexu had secretly collected opium information as early as last year, searched for major opium dens, and planned strategies in his mind.

It can be said that he is full of ambition and spreads his wings.

"Is this Lin Zexu, the anti-smoking hero? I'm a little afraid of the murderous aura on his body, so strong."

"The momentum is like thunder, but it is so tough. It's a pity that the rest of my life is unfortunate."

"The current him is the best time, and he has done the most proud thing."

"Fortunately, he has many colleagues behind him to support him. Lin Zexu is also lucky."

"When I read the names of those heroes, I couldn't help crying. They are all heroes, and there are also minorities, who are also heroes. We don't distinguish between ethnic groups, we are all descendants of Yan and Huang, the Chinese nation!!!"

Because of the preparatory homework done in advance, everyone knew that Lin Zexu was not alone.In that era, there were still countless loyal ministers and martyrs who were willing to serve the country, and it didn't matter if they died.

Lin Zexu fired the first shot, and they followed suit.

At the beginning of that humiliation, they sacrificed their lives to prevent the invasion of the enemy.

Also, should be remembered by history.

Guan Tianpei, the admiral of Humen, the British army launched a general attack on the Humen Fortress. Guan Tianpei personally commanded it. The number of defenders was several times lower than the opponent's.Guan Tianpei defended his position and resisted tenaciously.In the end, the reinforcements did not arrive, and they died heroically.

In the Battle of Dinghai, the general soldiers Ge Yunfei, Wang Xipeng, and Zheng Guohong led five thousand defenders in a bloody battle without retreating, and no one survived. They all died for their country, which is magnificent!
During the Battle of Wusong, Chen Huacheng, the veteran Jiangnan admiral, put on his battle armor and led his troops to fight fiercely for a long time. There were only more than [-] people left guarding the fort, and seven of them were seriously injured and died for the country.

The Battle of Zhenjiang is known as the most tragic battle of the Opium War.Swear to defend Zhenjiang, live and die with the city, would rather commit suicide than surrender!It was the slogan of more than [-] people at that time.

500 people died in battle until the last person, no one surrendered, no one escaped, no one survived...

Killed 180 and five enemy soldiers (the British army published data, which is actually far more than that), and the comparison of casualties, is it ridiculous?
This time the enemy had a total of 1 people, seven warships, and more than [-] cannons.

What did the defenders have at the time?Their equipment was just turned into the wealth of those dog officials in the capital, buried in the ground, and excavated together with their eternal infamy, which will never be washed clean.

How can these people deserve to be whitewashed?

Their bodies are covered with the blood of heroes! ! !

What they eat is not rice, but human flesh, steamed buns made of human blood!


The British army personally admitted that the battle suffered heavy losses, and the Chinese fought for every inch of land, which made them deeply fearful for the first time.

Countless people are immersed in the historical materials they watch, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

These vivid figures are the lives of countless heroes who fought against aggression.

"Presumptuous! How dare you tease the court officials? Why don't you kneel down and plead guilty?!"

Lin Zexu's eyes widened with anger, and he let out a loud roar, full of fearlessness.

His roar woke up the crowd, they came back to their senses, wiped away their tears, and looked at the screen.

Kneeling worship was very popular in the Qing Dynasty. Lower officials met their superiors, common people met their parents and officials, and officials met their royal family.

As a result, everyone in the Qing Dynasty had no gold under their knees.

A man does not cry easily, but he can easily kneel down.

Some people have said, why Qingchao has no psychological burden to kneel down in front of foreigners?
Because, as early as the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the ignorant kneeling ceremony had already broken the spine of a person, and after a long period of enslavement, the taste of enslavement was even in the bones.

How, can turn over?

"Poor intentions will not benefit Feng Shui; parents who are not filial will not benefit gods; brothers who are not in harmony will not benefit friends; behaviors that are not correct will not benefit study; behaviors that are perverted will not benefit smartness; arrogance and arrogance will not benefit knowledge; fortune will not help and vain seeking will not benefit; It is useless to give money to people and wealth; it is useless to give medicine without sparing one's energy;

Facing Lin Zexu's reaction, Ning An was not surprised.After all, he's already used to it.If he in later generations heard someone tell him that he traveled from hundreds of years later, he would definitely send him to the mental hospital next door to lie down for a while.

Fortunately, he was already prepared.

When Lin Zexu heard Ning An's words, his face turned pale with shock. This was because of the utter futility in his heart. He planned to keep all his insights after seeing the decline of the world as the ancestral precepts for generations of Lin family to abide by.

It has never been rumored, how does this person know?
As everyone knows, these words have been strictly followed by the Lin family in Fujian Province for a hundred years.

"Learn from the enemy's skills to control the enemy, learn what foreigners have learned, and make the Qing Dynasty prosperous."

If the above incident shocked Lin Zexu, then these words reached Lin Zexu's heart.

Learning from abroad has always been Lin Zexu's idea, but unfortunately, there are still idiots in the imperial court who are arrogant and think that the whole world is the king's land.

Great China, the king of the world, the head of all nations, how can he be afraid of mere foreigners?
Thinking that foreigners' things are nothing more than strange tricks, what is there to learn?
I have sage books in the Qing Dynasty, which is enough.

Disciples of the Eight Banners rode iron cavalry all over the world invincible, mere foreigners, nothing to worry about.

So, continue to live leisurely in your dreams.

I always feel that the Qing Dynasty is the co-lord of the world, and when the tiger's body shakes, the opponent wants to kowtow to worship, but he can't kneel for a long time, and surrenders to the heavenly power of the Qing Dynasty.

In the end, he was severely beaten in the face.

As everyone knows, if it weren't for the garbage policy of closing the country, the arrogant royal character, and the great powers, there would be a share in China.

The west is full of fear and mystery towards Huaxia, but in the end, because of the stupidity of many people, they discovered that Huaxia is just a paper tiger covered with countless gold, silver and jewels.

I don't know if the descendants of these people have changed their names and re-identified their ancestors because their ancestors were too embarrassing.

If they knew about it underground, they would probably be out of their wits with rage.

After all, in that era, fame was above all else.

Lin Zexu was suspicious and surprised, he looked at Ning An, and finally said slowly.

"Hey, isn't that the assassin sent by those foreigners?"

Hearing this, Ning An couldn't laugh or cry.Feelings, I was regarded as an assassin.

But yes, it is not surprising that someone assassinated Lin Zexu just when Lin Zexu was on the cusp of a big fight.

"A Chinese man never condescends to others. He will not be used by foreigners to assassinate the country's heroes." Ning An looked at Lin Zexu with a slight smile, and there was also a different kind of respect in his heart.

In the face of an assassin, he has the courage to scold him angrily, such a character is rare in Qing Dynasty.

For some reason, just hearing this sentence, Lin Zexu believed it.

Huaxia people, never kill Huaxia people.

Lin Zexu suddenly burst out with pride and ambition, and a pair of cloudy eyes suddenly revealed a few gleams of brightness and hope.

"You come from a later generation more than a hundred years later. What does the Daqing look like in the later generations? Did you learn from the foreigners and prosper? Did you drive the foreigners out of China? Has the opium been cut off?"

He looked forward to Ning An with great pride.

In his eyes, Da Qing should be passed down forever.

However, Ning An was silent for a while, and then uttered a famous sentence from later generations.

"The Great dead."

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