At this moment, I have awakened the eternal heroic spirit of China

Chapter 415 The Emperor Shunzhi who is not dedicated

In particular, Li Zicheng's group of child soldiers caused the Qing army a headache. They never imagined that these children had such a strong combat effectiveness, and they were inseparable from their elites.

The important thing is that these baby soldiers are not as easy to be defeated as those of the Ming Dynasty army, but they are all reckless masters, and they are easy to get red-eyed and go crazy when they are killed.

Therefore, the reason why Huang Taiji is very important to the Qing Dynasty lies in this.

He has a very high strategic vision and mind, and he knows the importance of the Han people when the Eight Banners look down on the Han people.

It even proposed a family of Manchu and Han, and disbanded some slaves, limiting the power of Manchu nobles.

For the Han culture, it is to learn with all my heart.

Nurhachi is a man with strong military capabilities. Huang Taiji may not be as good as his father in this respect, but he knows people well, is open-minded, far-sighted, and decisive.

It is far beyond the comparison of others, so when Huang Taiji passed away, the policy towards Han Chen changed again and again, which made many Han Chen's hearts turbulent.

You must know that not all Manchus treat the Han people in this way, such as other Baylor nobles, they all look down on the Han people.

I have said more than once that what is the use of them, they are nothing but slaves.

Because of this matter, Huang Taiji dealt with many people and told them that the Han people were not only slaves, but pillars of the Qing Dynasty.

The awesome Han people don't even need to kneel down to salute when they see the Manchu nobles, but give them a high status.

His father established the policy of killing those who resisted and enslaving those who were captured, which caused many Han people to riot.

Even the struggle of a small court in the Southern Ming Dynasty caused Man Qing a headache.If all the Han people don't buy it, what can they do with just a few people?
Therefore, after Huang Taiji came to power, he overthrew his father's policy and allowed the Han people to live separately, so that a large number of Han slaves obtained the identity of the people and stabilized them.

Later, the "Regulations on Leaving the Master" was promulgated. Any slave owner who committed crimes such as hunting without authorization, killing without authorization, concealing spoils of war, raping subordinate women, making false recommendations, suppressing complaints, etc., allowed slaves to report and allow them to leave the master. .

And he is sympathetic to the power of the people, and will not build any projects that interfere with agricultural work.

It can be said that the Manchu Qing Dynasty was established by Huang Taiji alone, and it really has nothing to do with his father.

If Nurhachi's style of play is followed, it is estimated that the entire Han people will be angered, and the Manchus will never die.

Huang Taiji conquered North Korea, so until now you can see Kimchi Country making TV dramas, and when it comes to the end of the Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty, you will hate the Qing Dynasty to the bone.

Because at that time, they killed many, many people, almost a bloody era.

Moreover, Horqin, Harqin and other ministries were conquered, including the entire Monan.

Huang Taiji was able to establish the Qing Dynasty because of national integration. He knew that it was impossible to make much progress by relying on the Manchus, and he would not achieve much.

So he upholds an integrated and humble attitude towards other races, and even hired a Sinology teacher at that time.

This is also his greatest contribution.

It is possible to fully implement racial integration and carry forward this concept.

It has to be said that Huang Taiji is indeed a hero of a generation. Regardless of racial prejudice, his attitude towards the Han people and other behaviors are indeed the actions of a wise king.

Strategic vision and so on, very strong.

However, the offspring born are not very good.

Huang Taiji looked at Ning An, and asked with a heavy heart: "Sir, I don't know what happened to my Qing Dynasty? Can you tell me?"

Ning An was silent for a while, then slowly said: "Then let's talk to you in detail, after all, this is the last dynasty."

Everyone listened intently, and the rest of the dynasties were basically finished, but it was the case in the Qing Dynasty. It seems that the Qing Dynasty is really interesting.

"Your son Emperor Shunzhi, also known as Fulin, did maintain trust in the Han officials. But he looked down on the Han people in his bones, and made it a national policy to respect Manchuria first. The five decrees to protect the interests of the Manchurian nobles are indestructible. We must also insist on Manchu costumes, and whoever does not do so will be guilty. He even killed ministers for this, and Chen Mingxia, a scholar of the Imperial Academy who advocated keeping his hair back and recovering his clothes, was hanged."

Hearing this, Huang Taiji was about to vomit blood. He has done one thing in his life, which is to promote national harmony and unity.

He wanted the Manchus to know that although they were nobles and were the ones who conquered the world, they would not be able to govern the country well without the Han people.

The power of the Han people is very strong. If it is not for coercion and temptation, it is impossible to win the world.

But what did Shunzhi do?Huang Taiji didn't want to say a word.

"Not only that, but in some major cases, Shunzhi even acted recklessly. He ignored the Manchus' crimes and devoted himself to defending them. At that time, a scene of fear among all officials was formed. The Manchus could do things recklessly without being punished. He should be beheaded for the crime, but he can just be demoted and still be in the same position, what kind of punishment is this kind of punishment?"

Ning An seemed very helpless. Shunzhi did many wise things, and many policies were very good.But it was too much maintenance for the Manchus, and he put the Manchus outside the law.

What is the meaning and dignity of such a law?
If it is only aimed at ordinary people, it will inevitably lead to conflicts and contradictions.

"Not only that, but he is also impetuous, irritable, willful and indulgent. The rules of the Qing court were not to allow Han people to serve as court ladies, but Shunzhi pursued sensuality and indulged in pleasures. Not only did he break the rules, but he also sent the eunuch to buy women in the south of the Yangtze River. The people were panicked and very uneasy. But he exiled all those who submitted letters. This kind of thing is not only in this aspect, but also in other aspects, which shows how self-willed he is."

Ning An sighed, mentioning Emperor Shunzhi, the world only knew that he was devoted to Concubine Dong E, but who knew how many ridiculous things he did before that?

How many girls have been ruined?He even abolished the queen, just because he loved another woman, and then hated it, so he found Borzigit, a Mongolian Horqin Baylor Chuerji daughter, as his concubine.

Finally, it was Concubine Dong E's turn.

So in Qing court dramas, Shunzhi directly abolished the harem for Concubine Dong E, ignoring the rest of the women, pure nonsense.

Many girls burst into tears after watching it, feeling that the emperors of the Qing Dynasty were affectionate and righteous, and Shunzhi was really a wise monarch, a truly emotional monarch.

Purely farting, Concubine Dong E just died early.

Shunzhi's freshness towards her hasn't passed yet, and he is deeply immersed in it, and what he loses will be cherished even more, not to mention that he is the emperor.

The emperor who can get everything suddenly loses something forever. Even the emperor's power cannot be recovered. Do you think he will be more unwilling?
Such a headstrong person will of course be unconvinced and fall into it, isn't it normal?

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