Zhao Kuangyin couldn't say a word, and sat beside him silently. As for Genghis Khan, he was also bearded and staring, and didn't want to talk.

His dynasty existed too short. If any descendant lived for more than 100 years, wouldn't he surpass his dynasty.

Next is Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty, Ning An stared at Zhu Yuanzhang and said.

"This was a turbulent dynasty, and the strong came out. But in the face of an opponent stronger than himself, Zhu Yuanzhang did not back down, but kept moving forward, and finally won power and the world."

(In response to the question in the last chapter, Chen Youliang was born as the son of a fisherman, and his father is the son-in-law, so the status can be imagined. I advise you to read it several times. Is Chen Youliang from a wealthy family or something? If you count him as a Water thief, then Zhu Yuanzhang took refuge in the good commander, and finally inherited the other party's power. Trouble, I will talk about it after reading and thinking. He has a hammer background? Isn't it cruel to kill the master's superior? Yes, he was born a water thief, and his family inherited the property, making him the leader of the water pirates?

In that era, selling illegal salt was a capital offense, and selling salt was an official business. Ordinary people needed to have a salt guide. If his family had a background, would they still need to sell illegal salt?Really, don't look at the analysis of some official accounts and bloggers, they are all mindless things, grandstanding.In order to show that Zhu Yuanzhang is awesome, it is not the way to be a white body.Putting it all together, they are all people with no background.It's just that Zhu Yuanzhang was even worse. After his death, his parents couldn't be buried, so he cared so much about the people.Because he has experienced extreme suffering and knows what it will be like if the people accumulate a certain level of resentment.Those with a background are no longer called peasant uprisings, but nobles are called rebellious.This logic is easy to understand, but I don't understand why it is so difficult to understand.

The charm of history is not to listen to other people's ideas, but to think about the logic and process, figure out what is unreasonable in the record, and question it, instead of listening to other people's seemingly reasonable analysis, and the result is nonsense. If there is no logic, start educating others...)
Zhu Yuanzhang didn't speak, but closed his eyes silently.Every time he talked about this, he thought of his parents and brothers, who were all starved to death.

When he thought of that terrible era, he felt very sad in his heart.

Afterwards, Zhu Yuanzhang said slowly: "Sir, I won't talk about our Daming. We have been introduced too many times, and we are a little tired."

Ning An didn't speak after hearing this, but just nodded silently.

Then Ning An said: "Actually, one sentence is enough to remember Daming. This is a dynasty with the most backbone. Even the most trashy emperor never thought of surrendering to the enemy. It is the truest portrayal of the emperors of this dynasty. Even if some emperors are absurd and some emperors are ridiculous, in terms of character, the emperors of the Ming Dynasty are better than civil servants."

This sentence instantly aroused the jealousy of the emperors of other dynasties.The evaluation of this sentence is too high, which means that even if there is a Hunjun in the Ming Dynasty, even the Hunjun is a person with backbone.

Who doesn't want such a dynasty, the descendants can be fatuous and incompetent, but they must not lose the face of their ancestors.

What is the reason for the conquered country to bow its knees to those defeated generals?
Afterwards, Ning An looked at Huang Taiji. For some reason, Huang Taiji always had an ominous premonition, and always felt that something was not quite right.

Sure enough, Ning An sighed silently, and said slowly.

"The Qing Dynasty is the last feudal society dynasty. The Qing Dynasty ended the emperor's system, and thousands of years of inheritance came to an end. This system has completely withdrawn from the stage of history."

After saying this, Qin Shihuang and others have long been used to it.

Because they have seen the future generations, they know that the future is a society where the people are the masters of the country, a free and harmonious society.

In that era, it is really desirable. The world is truly peaceful and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

Huang Taiji was dumbfounded. He didn't know what he meant. What does it mean that there is no emperor?Then how to govern the country?Wouldn't the world be in chaos that day?

What made his heart even more blocked was that the end of the Qing Dynasty was because of him. Doesn't that mean that the Qing Dynasty was a sinner through the ages?
Thinking of this, Huang Taiji felt very upset.

Huang Taiji is very capable and talented, and he has great ambitions. It is precisely because of him that he was able to stay in the Central Plains and achieve the hegemony of the emperor.

As for his father, he was the one who left his family behind, and the real capable one was Huang Taiji.

If it wasn't for the change in Huang Taiji's attitude towards the Han people, he would uphold the principle of reusing the Han people, trust them, and set up the status of Hanchen as equal to the children of the Eight Banners.

I am afraid that wanting to win the Central Plains is wishful thinking, and not so many people will take refuge in them.

When fighting Li Zicheng at the beginning, it was inseparable. Li Zicheng's army was not as vulnerable as the Qing Dynasty depicted.

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