Ying Zheng looked at Ning'an, with a playful curve on the corner of his mouth, like a falcon teasing a rabbit, his eyes were full of fun.

"Future generations, how do you comment on my burning books and burying scholars? It should be bloodthirsty, no, how can bloodthirsty be worthy of me? Tyrannical? Cruel? Cruel and inhumane, tragic? Come on, I want to hear."

The Yingzheng at this moment is completely different from the proud one just now, and he seems to be a bit childish, which he doesn't seem to care about anymore.

It's hard to find a bosom friend in the world, but Ning'an alone is enough for me.

To be able to gain a confidant for more than two thousand years and win the government, there is one less regret in this life.

In fact, what Ying Zheng didn't know was that his confidant was not alone.

Thousands of viewers (readers) in front of the screen are all good voices of His Majesty's confidantes, and they all bow to His Majesty's demeanor.

In history, some people have studied the growth process of Qin Shihuang.

If you can look carefully, you will find that Ying Zheng is not a bloodthirsty person, he is just insecure.

If a child is in the stage of dying at any time since he was a child, how strong must his heart be to remain kind?
It is said that the murder of 460 Confucian scholars was brutal and inhumane, and it was really an act of ruining the world.However, the actions of the princes and kings in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were not rare. During the period of King Qin Zhao, 40 soldiers were drowned in the Yellow River, and Bai Qi even killed [-] captives.

The rest of the countries are also similar. Compared with these people, the first emperor is nothing more than a small witch.

During the 37 years of Qin Shihuang's reign, he never killed a minister or slaughtered a city.

What can be taken out is nothing more than the construction of the Great Wall, water conservancy, and the Afang Palace.

Not to mention that these achievements lasted for thousands of years, but only said that in that era, the king was supreme, and people were divided into blood and nobility.

In the eyes of nobles and royal families, civilians, slaves, and prisoners die as soon as they die, and the lives of ten thousand people are not worth the dignity of one person.

Born in that era, how can future generations demand that everyone is equal and that life is not divided into high and low to ask the first emperor to implement it?
This is not his fault, but the fault of the times.

We cannot stand on the height of future generations and criticize him who received that kind of education at that time.

To be able to do not kill indiscriminately, not to massacre, in that era, you should be a holy king!
Unfortunately, no one has ever compared him to that era.Whenever it is mentioned, there is only tyranny.

Looking at Ying Zheng's appearance that had never been shown before, Ning An felt a dull pain in his heart.Emperor Shihuang said these words so easily, but what kind of...sadness should be in his heart?
He swallowed the last piece of bitter gourd, and the bitterness in his mouth had already reached his heart, which made his expression slightly grim. However, for a moment, he looked at Ying Zheng with his usual expression.

There was a trace of water stains in his eyes, as if he was about to fall, but he was trapped in it, and he did not fall for a long time.

"This is bitter gourd, which was passed down from generation to generation in China. It tastes very bitter. However, compared to the bitterness in your Majesty's heart, it is extremely sweet."


When this sentence was finished, countless viewers could no longer hold back... tears burst into tears.

Looking at the playful look on Qin Shihuang's face, their hearts couldn't stop aching.Tonight, they don't know how many times they have been in pain, and how many times they have been in pain.

"Later generations always look at their ancestors from the worldview and perspective we live in. How can the cognition of the times be easily overturned? When everyone in the world thinks you are wrong, can you insist that you are right? "

"He was a proton since he was a child, he was bullied, and he spent his childhood in a foreign country. He had no father's love, no support, and he grew up amidst grievances. If it was someone else, his psychology would have been distorted and perverted, but, Does he have it?"

"I remember that there was such a king in North Korea, Lord Yanshan, who slaughtered scholars, overthrew the Confucian temple, and turned the temple into a brothel. Compared with him, how merciful is our first emperor?"

"There are so many emperors in history who are cruel and vicious, but they are called decisive and brave. The shitty emperors should have a very human heart. Fuck you, why should you come to me, the first emperor, to be cruel? Double-standard dogs!"

"Burning books and burying Confucianism, burning books and burying Confucianism, Professor Wang Liqun said that only a few people know that the statement of burning books and burying Confucianism is wrong. But even this sentence is still only known by a few people!"

"Damn, the one who said before that the people who are exhausted to death are the people who are exhausted to death, there is no excuse, you fucking stand up for me!!! If Qin Shihuang didn't connect the Great Wall, how many people would die in the alien invasion? You, for it Responsible?"

Not only the audience, but even the countless leaders of CCTV and the broadcasting bureau who were watching couldn't help crying.

They cry, just because they feel distressed, but also because they are... proud.

Inside the Institute of History, Song Ren and Kong Mengyao looked at this scene, and their old eyes became moist again.

They can't remember how many times they cried today, and the tears of grievance and excitement ran across the vicissitudes of the face, leaving traces, which were extremely obvious on the dry and thin face.

The blue-and-white porcelain teacups were no longer steaming, they had already forgotten to add tea and water, just what Ning An said, they were already looking forward to plum blossoms to quench their thirst, they were overjoyed.

"Burning books to bury Confucianism, what books are burned? Why are they burned? No one in the world knows..."

Song Ren spoke out with tears in his eyes, mistook old vinegar for ink and wrote sour on half-baked paper.

"The first "Shangshu" records the ancient sage king's philosophy of governing the world, and Qin Shihuang thought that "the three emperors are the most successful, and the five emperors are the best." The second is the "Book of Songs". In the Book of Songs, the emperors of the past dynasties are often praised. The first emperor did not want the remnants of the six kingdoms to praise the former kings of the six kingdoms. The first emperor became furious, thinking that the alchemists were playing tricks on him. Fang You, burn the Taoist scriptures first, and then trap the alchemists."

Kong Mengyao couldn't bear the sadness of his old friend, so he quietly took a tissue to wipe away his tears.

Looking at the screen, he let out a long sigh.

The merit of the ancestor dragon is better than that of the ancestors!The ancestors are the merits of educating the world, and they should be the teachers of all ages.

However, Zulong's achievement in unifying China is the one emperor through the ages!
It was he who built the Great Wall, it was him who dreamed of immortality, he was the one who proudly despised the heroes, and he was the one who thought about the great China.

He is the one who is young and mature with ill-fated fate, he is the one who walks on thin ice and follows every step, it is he who fights for power step by step, and it is he who shows his sharpness and vigor.

It is he who knows mistakes and can correct them, knows people and is good at appointment. He is the one who has unified the six countries before.

He is notorious, and he is immortal.

He is not a god, not a saint, he is just Qin Shihuang, His Majesty of China!The ancestor dragon of the people! !

"Your Majesty does not need to speculate like this. Later generations have already commented on it, to justify His Majesty's name and cleanse His Majesty."

"Liu Dakui's "Burning Books" said that the doctor's possessions were not burned. The death of the Six Classics was not the death of Qin, but also the death of Han. The burning of books was not the crime of Li Si, but the crime of Xiang Ji. "

"Bai Shouyi's "General History of China" Qin Shihuang burned books and buried Confucianism, in order to maintain a unified centralized politics, oppose the past and the present, and attack alchemists' absurd and strange talks."

Ning An's eyes were like a torch, and he was full of confidence. These were not what he said, but what famous experts in the past dynasties said.The merits of the first emperor cannot be commented and changed by one person, and history has its own justice.

"More foreigners commented on this. Although Emperor Yingzheng burned Confucian books in Bo Yang's "Compendium of Chinese History", his purpose was only to limit the spread of ancient ideas. Confucian scholars continued to retain their positions and continued to encourage them. Research."

"Mr. Lu Xun, a famous modern scholar, also said that Qin Shihuang was really wronged. He suffered a loss because he died in the second generation. A group of helpers all spoke ill of him for the new master. Yes, Qin Shihuang burned books. Unify thinking. But he did not burn agricultural and medical books; he recruited many "Ke Qing" from other countries, and did not pay attention to "Qin's thoughts", but collected all kinds of thoughts."

"These are not Ning'an's excuses for the first emperor, but the records verified by people of later generations."

"Your Majesty, neither Ning'an called you the Emperor of the Ages, nor the descendants call you the Emperor of the Ages. This is His Majesty's own satisfaction."

When Ning An's voice fell, the world fell silent.

Wind, I don't know where it comes from.

Also, I don't know where to go.

Daqin, the wind rises... the clouds fall.

As the setting sun sets, the rising sun of Huaxia will still rise tomorrow.

Ying Zheng burst into tears, and the grievances of more than 2000 years were vented at this moment.

He, Ying Zheng, is an emperor through the ages.

Although it is a pity to receive this title, it is enough.

"I rule the six kingdoms, unite the world, build the Great Wall to town the dragon veins of the nine states, defend our great Qin, and protect our country. I swear here in the name of the first emperor that I will guard the land and open up the frontiers. Ji, when I perish, I will turn into a dragon soul and bless China forever, I swear that the sun and the moon will bear witness to this, the heaven and the earth will learn from each other, and the immortals, devils and gods will listen to it!"


(ps: This chapter responds to readers who commented on the tyranny of the first emperor in the previous chapter. Well, it is indeed a historical fact that the people who were exhausted to death are indeed historical facts. It is true that Qin Shihuang did not build the Great Wall alone. However, as mentioned above, if Qin Shihuang did not connect the Great Wall, then the alien race How many people should be killed in the invasion? Without the construction of water conservancy, how many people would have died in the drought in that barren era? It has been stated many times in the article, and he is called the sin of the present, and the merits of the future. See things Don't just look at the surface, as for you licking dogs like this, go to Qin Dynasty to live. Don't say such childish things. I said it at the beginning, born in today's China, we were born in Rome.

Read the book carefully and don't miss it.Many things have already been covered.Read it several times, and you can still understand it.At least, I admit that Emperor Shihuang was tyrannical from a modern perspective.Also, that's all.You call me nonsense, but you can't produce evidence that Emperor Shihuang was a tyrant.You only allow your opinion to be right, but not mine to be true. Is it true for a gentleman?To borrow a sentence from the chapter of Confucius, don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do to yourself.

So far, the work of the first emperor has come to an end. The writing of these chapters is very slow. I deleted and wrote a lot of things. Including answers to some people.Well, just this one time, I won't mention it in the future. )

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