At this moment, I have awakened the eternal heroic spirit of China

Chapter 30 This is, Records of the Historian, Burning Books and Burying Confucianism

But this is not over yet, Ning An has been ignited and awakened like a gust of wind and flames at this moment, and he wants to dispel all the misunderstandings and depressions of the past 2000 years! ! !

His voice choked up, his body trembled slightly, but he still stood tall and straight.

He represents China, represents thousands of descendants of the clan, for the first emperor... please forgive me!
"Your Majesty moved a large number of criminals to "Shizhichu County". In the 35th year of Qin Shihuang (212 BC), the number of people who moved to the frontier was further increased. In addition to the relocation of criminals, ordinary people were also encouraged to move to the border area.

For example, in the 36th year of Qin Shihuang (211 BC), [-] people from the interior moved to Beihe and Yuzhong to settle down at one time.These relocated people and prisoners played an important role in the development of the northern frontier and the enrichment of armaments while cultivating land and at the same time guarding the border. "

"However, some people say that this is a useless move and a waste of people's power. Do they know what significance this move has for the formation of an ancient unified multi-ethnic country and the promotion of the economic and cultural development of these remote areas?"

Ning An had a mocking look on his face, is it worthy of talking about the First Emperor?It's just a dirty emperor's mind.

"Does anyone know that His Majesty conquered South Vietnam and brought Fujian, Zhejiang, and Guangdong into China's territory. He attacked the Xiongnu in the north, took back the Hetao area, and made this area an inseparable part of our China's territory forever!"

"From the east to Haiji Korea, to the west to Lintao and Qiangzhong, to the south to Beixianghu (south of the Tropic of Cancer), the north is occupied as a fortress, and Yinshan to Liaodong. His Majesty also opened a five-foot road leading to the southwest and controlled the local area. The tribal country has extended its political power into the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau!"

"Who knows, His Majesty's development of remote areas such as the southeast, Lingnan, southwest, and north has extremely huge and far-reaching significance for world history.

The Qin Dynasty was famous far and wide, and "Qin people" became the synonym for China.Ancient Indian Sanskrit called China "China", and the Greek geographer Ptolemy's "Book of Geography" included the country "Cinni".Europeans still call China China to this day.These are all derived from the pronunciation of the word "Qin". "

"Who knows? These measures have established the basic pattern of China's unified multi-ethnic centralized country!"

Expansion of territory and fame abroad, these are the actions of a wise emperor in the eyes of the world, and the prestige of the prosperous age, when put on the first emperor, it became a symbol of tyranny.

Everyone said that he was very happy with his achievements and liked to fight.

Everyone said he was a tyrannical and reckless man, a rough man.

It is also said that if Zulong is not the emperor but a general, he will definitely not be reviled by the world.

But if so, is Huaxia still Huaxia?
Can we still sit here today and talk about past and present?

The same thing can be interpreted differently by different people.

The first emperor did too much, thought too much, and finally... lost too much.

If he was born in a prosperous age and accepted a prosperous country and a unified dynasty, perhaps, this would not be the case.

Perhaps, at that time, he was the most outstanding and greatest emperor in the history books of China.

"Your Majesty, the laborers who built roads were also scolded by later generations, but who knew that the Central Plains had just been unified at that time, and the original aristocrats in various places were still very powerful. If the communication and connection between the central and local regions were not maintained, the country would be in a situation of splitting again at any time. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the transportation and connection between the central government and other regions and other counties and counties as soon as possible, so roads must be built.”

"After many years of war, the agricultural facilities of the original countries have been greatly damaged, or have been in disrepair due to the war; agricultural production must be resumed as soon as possible after reunification; therefore, considerable manpower is spent on dredging rivers, repairing canals, waterway traffic and Agricultural irrigation is beneficial."

"However, the world only sees His Majesty's brutality, and has never thought that these measures are not for His Majesty's enjoyment, but are meritorious deeds for the present and benefit for the future!!!"

Ning An's eyes were like torches, staring at Qin Shihuang with eyes like fire, his voice was sonorous and powerful, and his eyes were extremely firm.

One by one, which one is for him to win the government?
"Oh, according to what you said, not only am I not a tyrant through the ages, but I have contributed to the society?" Ying Zheng's face showed a touch of aloofness and playfulness, and the attitude of controlling the overall situation and looking down on the world returned.

In fact, when Ning An was speaking, there was already a hint of tenderness and joy in Ying Zheng's eyes.

It turned out that no one understood him.

It turned out that after more than 2000 years, later generations finally understood his layout and his thoughts.

If he was greedy for enjoyment, how could he conquer the six kingdoms?

If he is greedy for enjoyment, and hundreds of thousands of people create wealth for himself, wouldn't he be happy all day long?

If he is greedy for enjoyment, how can the property seized by the six kingdoms be thrown in the palace like dust?
But in the end, no one in the world understands him, even Li Si and Zhao Gao are just trying to please him.

How can he understand the great ambition in his chest?
"Is what you said just now all the sins of future generations pushing me?" Ying Zheng looked at Ning An meaningfully. Obviously, after Ning An finished speaking, Ying Zheng felt relieved.

It doesn't matter how it is recorded in the history books, as long as future generations can understand it, it is enough.

Ning An was silent for a while, looked up at Ying Zheng, and said with a complicated expression: "It's ridiculous to say that the biggest and most well-known anti-Qin thing is Your Majesty's burning of books and burying scholars."

"Burning books and pitting scholars?"

A look of astonishment flashed across Ying Zheng's face, then he understood, and finally, he burst out laughing.

This laughter seems to be able to break through the sky and rush into the sky. The heroic and free and easy are all in it, which makes people's hearts flutter.

"Oh, burning books is true, cheating Confucianism, hahahaha, future generations really... It's hard to say."


Huaxia History Research Institute.

Looking at Ying Zheng's free and easy laugh, Song Ren's cloudy eyes flashed with gloom and heartache.

Ordinary people may have just heard such a word, and they think it is the tyranny of the first emperor.But those who study history, when they uncovered the truth of history, they discovered that history is not completely accurate.

In the 34th year of Qin Shihuang (213 BC), Chun Yuyue, a doctor of Qi, opposed the "prefecture and county system" implemented at that time, and demanded that his children be entrusted according to the ancient system.Prime Minister Li Si refuted it, and advocated prohibiting the people from slandering the government with private learning.

Qin Shihuang adopted Li Si's suggestion and ordered the burning of historical records of other countries other than "Qin Ji", and the private collections of "Poems" and "Books" that were not part of the doctor's hall were also handed over and burned within a time limit; Put to death, destroy the clan with the ancient but not the present; private study is prohibited, and those who want to learn the law must take the officials as their teachers.This is called "burning books".

"It is true that Qin Shihuang burned books, but who knows that Qin Shihuang did not burn technical and practical books such as medicine, agriculture and animal husbandry. Future generations, misunderstood Your Majesty."

Tears flowed down Song Ren's eyes, while Kong Mengyao stood beside him without saying a word.

This matter has something to do with the Kong family, and it is hard for him to say.

In the 35th year of Qin Shihuang (212 BC), after the alchemists Lu Sheng and Hou Sheng failed to seek immortality for Qin Shihuang, they scolded Qin Shihuang in private, and then fled with huge sums of money for seeking immortality.Qin Shihuang was furious when he found out, so he vented his anger on the alchemists, ordered a search and interrogation in the capital, captured 460 people and buried them alive.

This is, according to historical records, burning books and burying Confucianism!

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