At this moment, I have awakened the eternal heroic spirit of China

Chapter 220 Your Majesty, Let Me Take You To Another World

Ning An looked at Emperor Hongzhi, his tone suddenly full of regret.

"Your Majesty is sympathetic to the people's livelihood, treats the people well, and often reduces or exempts local taxes. His Majesty will always agree to the request of the local officials to exempt taxes due to disasters. In addition to tax-free grain, His Majesty also gives wheat and cattle to the poor. Even more so What people admire is that His Majesty has taken action against the clan and relatives. You must know that these are huge forces, and His Majesty suppressed them under great pressure."

At any time, the imperial clan of the Ming Dynasty is a colossus, and when united they can scare people to death.Hundreds of years of accumulation of wealth is definitely not a joke.

However, Emperor Hongzhi forbade these people to compete for the interests of the people and fight for the livelihood of the people.

"Your Majesty has managed the water conservancy, and the Susong River has been repaired in three years to avoid flooding. The Yellow River broke its embankment, and 5 people took care of it. Your Majesty's frugality has been rewarded. Orthodox, Chenghua peasant uprisings occur every day, and even several times they have gained momentum." Huge. But with His Majesty, there has never been a large-scale peasant uprising."

Whether the emperor is good or not is not decided by history books, nor by people in later generations, let alone by historical experts.

It was reflected by the society at that time. If Emperor Hongzhi was a trash emperor, then the rebellion at that time would have been massive.Why during the Hongzhi period, there has never been a massive peasant uprising.

Ning An knew that someone would be stubborn, and said, if there was a big one, then there would still be an uprising.

However, there are people in society who are idiots and anti-social every day, let alone back then?

There are always some people whose minds cannot figure it out, and there are always some people who are full of ambitions.

"The economy of the Ming Dynasty governed by Your Majesty is higher than that of the previous dynasty, and the population has increased by tens of millions in 18 years. It was 5000 million in the first year of Hongzhi, and 18 million in 6000 years. Your Majesty, the statistics of the world will not tell lies. If it weren't for His Majesty's meritorious service in governing, how could the people of the world be able to support so many children? How could the population increase so much in just 18 years, within one generation?"

In ancient times, population was the most important data.Whether a place's economy is developed or not, whether the manager is good or not depends entirely on the growth of the population.

Only when people in the world eat enough can they have more children.If there is a war every day, people will starve to death every day.Who cares about having kids?I was scared to death all day long.

Emperor Hongzhi who heard this data was happy. The population has increased so much, and the people should be happy.

In his heart, it means that most of the people in the world have food to eat and can have children. This is enough.

"It is said that His Majesty is tolerant, but no one has seen His Majesty's stern side. He attaches great importance to the unity of the country. Hami has been recovered three times, even if there are people in the court who oppose it. But Your Majesty still persists and refuses to give up."

Hearing this, Emperor Hongzhi showed a trace of tenacity on his face.

"I can't help it. The foundation left by my ancestors cannot be destroyed in my hands. What happened in the Sixteen States of Yanyun has made my Chinese people unable to hold their heads up for hundreds of years. Taizu recovered the Sixteen States of Yanyun, and his body How can we abandon the territory laid down by our ancestors for the sake of our descendants? Although China is a large country, it is vast in the world. However, every inch of land is not given up, and every inch of land must be fought for!"

"Whoever dares to offend China, whoever occupies our land, I will kill him!!!"

When saying these words, Emperor Hongzhi was proud and held his head high.This is the only place where he is tough and domineering. Everyone says he is too gentle and too tolerant.

But who saw his determination to unify the country?

For this reason, no matter how much killing is paid, it will not hesitate.

It's not that Emperor Hongzhi was too tolerant, it's just that those people were within his tolerance.His tolerance for civil servants is the heart of the Ming Dynasty, and his use of blood and force is to demonstrate the majesty of Ming Dynasty when the enemy invades the country.

His fists only hit Daming's enemies, never aimed at his own people.

"Your Majesty loves military generals even more. Those people were regarded as big bosses in the Ming Dynasty, and military households were looked down upon even more, but His Majesty gave these people the respect they deserved. Knowing that they defended their families and the country, he gave them firm support." Support. I have never given up on these people because of the pressure from the court, treating them as pawns. Your Majesty, I treat them sincerely."

Ning An can understand why so many famous generals emerged during the Hongzhi period. Who wouldn't like such a leader?
Military commander is an extremely embarrassing profession.The power given is too great, and the emperor is jealous.The rights given are too small, and there are obstacles everywhere in the war. In the end, the soldiers will be scolded to death by civil servants when they are defeated.

To meet such a good leader as Emperor Hongzhi, anyone would swear allegiance to the death.

Ning An suddenly remembered an interesting thing, toothbrush, in the Encyclopedia of Inventions published in London, Emperor Hongzhi was listed as the inventor.

There are too many things about Emperor Hongzhi, and it seems too little.

I feel like I can't finish talking in my lifetime, and I feel like I'm talking too fast.

Emperor Hongzhi's eyes gradually blurred, he coughed a few times, and was extremely weak, as if he would die at any moment.

But he seemed to be holding his breath forcibly, and refused to leave.

He hasn't finished explaining, it's not over yet, he can't die yet.

"Zhen, can you really not live again?" Emperor Hongzhi asked tremblingly with his eyes closed, he couldn't even open them.

At this time, many audience members became irritable.

"Fuck, what is the anchor thinking? They have arranged for Huo Qubing to fight against the sky, why can't Emperor Hongzhi live again? We have all seen this, which means we can all accept it, understand?"

"Please, give Emperor Hongzhi a happy ending. His life is really miserable. He has been worrying about the world all his life. Give him a chance and let him live for himself."

"Ah, I don't care, I don't care, if you don't let Emperor Hongzhi come back to life, I won't watch it in the future!!!"

This time, the audience actively asked Emperor Hongzhi not to follow history, they just wanted to see the answer in their hearts.

Ning An looked out the window and sighed.

"Your Majesty, I can't promise you. Forcibly changing your lifespan in this time and space, you will definitely suffer the envy of the heavens. At that time, the backlash will be even more violent. Your Majesty, I have encountered it, so I don't want you to suffer it."

When Ning An said this, he was scolded.

Emperor Hongzhi smiled wryly, and then waved his hand wearily.

"Yes, yes, then I won't embarrass you. I, I haven't thought carefully."

It can be said that I am not afraid of these things, but I want to be like this. I am the Son of Heaven, so I will go against the sky.

However, Emperor Hongzhi gave an answer that Ning An least expected.

Seeing Emperor Hongzhi's appearance, Ning An's expression was extremely complicated.

Finally, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Emperor Hongzhi's hand.

"Forget it, Your Majesty, although I can't help you survive in this world. But I think I can take you to another world."

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