"Actually, when I think about it carefully, I don't seem to have done anything. It's all about talents coming out in large numbers, and it has nothing to do with me. Liu Jian, Li Dongyang, and Xie Qian are all capable ministers in governing the country. I just caught up with the good times." It’s just that there are so many people who are willing to serve Daming.” Emperor Hongzhi’s eyes showed a slight loss and gratitude, and various complex expressions were mixed together, making it unpredictable.

The reputation of these three people is indeed not small, second only to Sanyang in the history of the Ming Dynasty.

However, without Emperor Hongzhi, these people would have no chance to display their talents at all.

"Actually, there are records about His Majesty's affairs. For example, His Majesty once took the Crown Prince out of the palace. The Crown Prince asked why he didn't tell his masters. His Majesty said to tell those stubborn old people that it's time to scold you. So, you can't say it. Future generations will know more about His Majesty than His Majesty thinks."

How could these things not be recorded? For the emperor's words and deeds, the historians have to sort out every detail, so that it is convenient for people to understand.

If everything about Emperor Hongzhi is good, without any flaws, then this history must not be trusted.

People always have to show their petty temper, not to mention that he is the emperor.

"Your Majesty, why don't I tell you about your achievements in the eyes of future generations? You always say that these things have caught up with good times and met good ministers, but in fact, these are all yours in the eyes of future generations Thanks." Ning An pulled a chair out of nowhere and sat down, sitting in front of Emperor Hongzhi's bed, looking at him.

Emperor Hongzhi lay on the bed and nodded slightly.It is also good to listen to life when you are dying.

"Your Majesty does not stick to the old-fashioned, and dares to subvert the policy of Xianzong. During the Chenghua period, Emperor Xianzong favored Buddhism, and many sycophants mixed into the court. His Majesty decreed that the court should not worship Buddhism. , Zhenzhen, Guozi and other titles will all be revoked, and the former monstrous monk Jixiao will be executed without mercy."

Perhaps this matter is nothing to future generations, but you must know that it was an ancient time known for filial piety.The law of the ancestors will be mentioned in any TV series, and the laws set by the ancestors cannot be changed.Every time there is a change, there is bound to be huge resistance.

It is conceivable how much courage and perseverance Emperor Hongzhi had at that time.He knew that his behavior would be criticized, but for the sake of the world, Ming Dynasty, and the common people, he was willing to bear the infamy.

Looking at the smile on Emperor Hongzhi's face, Ning An felt nothing but heartache, and felt that his breathing was somewhat short of breath.

It can be seen that Emperor Hongzhi still has no regrets about his behavior, even if he does it all over again, he will choose the path he should take.

"Your Majesty posted the list of officials of the fourth rank and above on the wall of the Wenhua Hall in the palace. He recited it by heart, and he would not even forget his birthday. It was just to be able to clearly know the actions and whereabouts of the officials so as not to be deceived. Your Majesty except The early dynasty, the afternoon dynasty, and the late dynasty were restored. His Majesty directly cut off the red approval of the eunuchs of later generations, and never let the eunuchs approve it on his behalf. In his life, he rarely asks for leave."

This is equivalent to a meeting in the morning, a meeting at noon, and a meeting in the evening.And in the spare time, Emperor Hongzhi also called the ministers and asked them for advice on governing the country.When everyone bowed down, he had to review the memorial again.

It is not because of playing a lot that there is only one child with kidney deficiency.Rather, he really didn't have time to have a second child.

"Your Majesty said that your time is good, but there are gentlemen and treacherous villains in any dynasty. Why are there so many gentlemen in the Hongzhi Dynasty? It is precisely because Your Majesty is virtuous and virtuous, and has a discerning eye to recognize heroes."

Ning An is incomparable admiration for this point. Why did the ministers in the Hongzhi court treat Emperor Hongzhi with all their hearts and souls? Because Emperor Hongzhi himself was willing to confide in the ministers, and he had never whipped a minister in his life.

During the Hongzhi period, a large number of virtuous ministers who were honest, hard-working, enterprising, and regarded the country as their home were able to display their talents, which was a rare phenomenon in history.

In the Ming Dynasty, Jinyiwei and Dongchang were the most frightening. In the past, civil servants would be terrified when they heard these names.Once you are sent to Zhao Prison, you will never return, and you can basically say hello to Lord Hades.

But during the Hongzhi period, the ministers had no fear of these people.Several Jinyi commanders maintained fair law enforcement and lenient punishment, which is a unique phenomenon in Ming Dynasty and North Korea.

Moreover, Emperor Hongzhi also abolished many brutal laws, which are completely different from the Qing Dynasty's literary inquisition in later generations.

Kangxi, known as the king of sages in later generations, the emperor sought after by countless people, once created a literary prison.

The ministers all have something to say, and they dare not speak.People all over the world, even those who cannot read or write, will be arrested.

At that time, everyone was in danger and panic.

Comparing the two, the high and the low will be judged.What is Mingjun?What is the Holy King?Still need to compare?
Hearing those things, Emperor Hongzhi shook his head lightly, with a look of depression and relief on his face.

"Those are just things that our ancestors have done. Isn't it the same with Taizu? Since I inherited the country, it should be like this, and it is not worthy of praise."

Seeing that Emperor Hongzhi was so stubborn, Ning An decided to persuade him in another way.

"Since Your Majesty said that you are lucky, then I think it is indeed so. After all, after the Zhengtong period of the Ming Dynasty, there were no more famous officials who knew nothing about foreign lands and border affairs. Among the civil servants, they were basically talking on paper, and few of them had real skills. But here with His Majesty, capable ministers come forth in large numbers, Xie Chaoxuan, Li Shao, Chen Jin, Mu Kun and others are all the most far-sighted border ministers and capable officials of the Ming Dynasty."

Emperor Hongzhi nodded, filtering these familiar names in his mind. He had memorized them one by one in the past, but now, none of them sounded vaguely unfamiliar.

The audience also discussed.

"What does the anchor mean? Why did you suddenly change your tune?"

"It seems that it is true to say that, too many people jumped out during the Hongzhi period, it is amazing."

"Perhaps, you want to say that Emperor Hongzhi is the chosen one? He is destined to be the emperor and save the Ming Dynasty. Those capable ministers are all God-given helpers to assist him?"

"No, they all guessed wrong. In fact, the anchor's thinking has not changed. The anchor is changing the way to say that since the orthodoxy, the emperor has been incompetent and incompetent. He can't discern the pearl, so the court is full of rubbish. But during the Hongzhi period They are all capable ministers, which means that the emperor has outstanding vision and outstanding talents, and this is the only way to distinguish whether the ministers are talented or not."

"I'm stupid, really, awesome!!!"

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