At this moment, I have awakened the eternal heroic spirit of China

Chapter 211 Can the Crown Prince Return the Holy Spirit?

Emperor Hongzhi stared at Ning'an for a long time, but he finally changed his mind.

That's right, he is a dying person. If this country wants to please, it would be better to be towards that ineffective son.

Why do you want to ask Gu before you die?Why did he regard this matter as the most important thing? Emperor Hongzhi knew too well the character of his son.

The child was kind in his heart, but he was a little stubborn.

Others said that the crown prince was ridiculous, but that was his child after all.Although sometimes angry, what can Emperor Hongzhi do?

But if there is one more son, maybe it won't be like this.

"Let me ask you, after the crown prince succeeded to the throne, has he been a good emperor according to my requirements? Is the country of Ming Dynasty stable? Can the people have enough to eat, and can the loyal ministers display their talents?"

Emperor Hongzhi had many questions in his mind, and he asked them all at once.

But none of these are about him.

No one is exempt from customs, and the emperor cared more about his posthumous reputation, otherwise Zhu Di would not have done so much to cover up after usurping the throne, and tried hard to get his reputation right.

However, Emperor Hongzhi was an exception.

He died of illness this year, not yet 36 years old. If Emperor Hongzhi was given another ten years, maybe this great Ming would undergo earth-shaking changes, and many policies could be implemented.

Many of Emperor Hongzhi's dreams hadn't come true, and God took him away.

He is Daming's savior, perhaps because of this, the heavens did not want this angel left in the world to suffer too much suffering, so they brought him back in advance.

"Da Ming, what will Daming look like in the future?"

Emperor Hongzhi's face was full of anticipation. Before he died, he looked at the young man in front of him who claimed to be from the future with a last bit of hope.

Maybe he had a firm answer in his heart, but Emperor Hongzhi probably just wanted to go on a more stable and comfortable journey, and he didn't care even if he was cheated.

He wanted to hear that after the crown prince Zhu Houzhao succeeded to the throne, his temperament changed drastically, he became mature and stable, and he was no longer so naive, daydreaming all day long, and working hard on this ancestor's foundation.

"Did I ask too many questions? Then, I will only ask the prince alone. How is the prince?"

Emperor Hongzhi's tone was full of caution, as if he felt that his request was too much and changed it quickly.

Ning An suddenly felt a little sad, Emperor Hongzhi is the master of Daming, the master of the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

At this moment, it was so humble.

Maybe he just wanted to be a good father.

This is the kindest emperor in the world.Even if you ask people, they are so gentle.

"Prince Zhu Houzhao succeeded to the throne, with the title of Zhengde. Later generations commented that since the orthodoxy of the Ming Dynasty, the country's power has weakened. Emperor Yi eliminated Nijin, bowed to the border bandits, and wanted to use martial arts to become a hero. However, he enjoyed playing and was close The group is small, until the official title is self-administered, the distinction between the crown and the shoe is gone. It is fortunate to use the handle of others to manage it yourself, but the officials of Bingjun make up for it and save it. It is because the court is in chaos, not at the end of the crisis. If Cheng Xiaozong's legacy , restraint and strictness, with the actions of the master, the Cathay Pacific will be famous, and it will be the most embarrassing discussion of future generations!"

"Ahem, cough, I believe it now, you are a person of the future."

Emperor Hongzhi coughed violently a few times, and then looked at Ning An with a miserable expression, his eyes full of trust.

He is about to die, and the new emperor ascends the throne. Everyone knows that he has only one son.If what Ning An said went well and made him happy, he would definitely be rewarded if he had no regrets before he died.

Even for the sake of filial piety, his son will definitely give Ning An a fortune and wealth.

However, Ning An didn't flatter him, instead he was blunt. What he said just now almost pointed his nose at the Crown Prince and scolded him for being a foolish emperor in the future. If this is the case, it must be true if it is not a lunatic.

"Prince, the temple will be called Ming Wuzong in the future."

Ning An's reaction to Emperor Hongzhi was also expected. After all, anyone who wasn't a fool could figure out the key.

"Cough cough cough..."

Hearing this title, Emperor Hongzhi coughed violently, and his face instantly turned pale, without a trace of blood.

"Wu Zong?" Emperor Hongzhi repeated these words with a wry smile.

The posthumous titles and temple titles of ancient emperors are very particular. Taizu is the No. 1 founder of the dynasty, followed by Taizong. These are all fixed and unshakable. (there are exceptions)

Renzong, Xuanzong, Shengzong, Xiaozong, Chengzong, Ruizong, etc. are all highly praised, saying that they are wise monarchs, and Zhongzong and Xianzong are the masters of Zhongxing.

Zhezong, Xingzong, etc. are good emperors who have made a difference.

Shenzong and Yingzong have insufficient achievements, Dezong and Ningzong are too cowardly, Xuanzong, Zhenzong, Lizong, Daozong are too mysterious, Wenzong and Wuzong are praised but derogatory, Muzong and Jingzong have equal merits and demerits, Guangzong and Xizong are fatuous and decadent, Aizong, Sizong can only perish.

The title of Wu Zong is enough to show that after Zhu Houzhao's death, those civil servants satirized him.

"His Majesty's temple name, Ming Xiaozong."

This temple name is not unreasonable. In ancient times, filial piety was used to rule the country, especially in the Ming Dynasty.

In ancient times, the rules were strict, and if a son sued his parents, he would be beaten first.If a son is not filial, parents can beat the child to death.

This temple name is extremely precious, and Emperor Hongzhi was able to get this temple name, which shows his own personality charm.

When Emperor Hongzhi heard the temple name, he shook his head slightly. He really didn't value himself that much.

He just cares about the child's future, Zhu Houzhao is like this, what should Daming do?

"Then the descendants of the crown prince can still be holy?"

Emperor Hongzhi showed his expectant eyes. He knew his son very well, and no one could blame him for such an end.

Just, I hope his grandson will be better.

Even so far, he hasn't seen his daughter-in-law's belly grow up.

Hearing this, Ning An didn't know how to explain it.

This matter may be acceptable to modern people, but to ancient people, it is a fatal blow.

Cutting off children and grandchildren, this is the most ruthless curse in ancient times.

People in ancient times put filial piety first, and the greatest filial piety is inheritance. For this reason, ancestors can die for their children and grandchildren.

Even if it is in exchange for a prosperity and wealth, it is worthwhile to watch the children and grandchildren enjoy the blessings.

When facing Qin Shihuang, Ning An had never been so nervous, but looking at this gentle but sickly middle-aged man at this moment, Ning An didn't know how to speak.

After pondering for a long time, Ning An finally spoke.

"Ming Wuzong Zhu Houzhao had no heirs in his life. In March of the 16th year of Zhengde, Ming Wuzong Zhu Houzhao died in Baofang at the age of 31 and reigned for 16 years."

"Leaving a last word at the end of my life, I can't do anything about it. It expresses my intentions to the Empress Dowager. The world is a serious matter, and I will judge and deal with it with the cabinet ministers. All the previous things were wrong by me, and it was beyond Ru Cao's ability to predict."

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