At this moment, I have awakened the eternal heroic spirit of China

Chapter 210 The Emperor's Dying Kindness

There was surprise and astonishment in this tone, but there was no anger or blame.

Perhaps, Emperor Hongzhi thought that some eunuch or maid entered the wrong room, or was sent in to take care of him.

After all, under heavy guard, no one can get in.

However, he had issued an order that no one was allowed to enter before Liu Jian, Li Dongyang, Xie Qian and others arrived.

Emperor Hongzhi suddenly felt a little regretful. Lying on the bed, he struggled to lift himself up, sat up with all his strength, and opened his eyes to look at everything in front of him. He seemed to see a figure.

It's just that some can't see clearly.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay, I don't blame you, and you didn't break in on purpose. Forget it, since you've come in, then stay and wait until the minister arrives before you go out, otherwise, the empress is in a mess right now , maybe I will cut you off. I can protect you when I am alive, but I cannot protect you when I am dead."

Emperor Hongzhi tried his best to be gentle. He knew that people who were dying were ugly, and it would be bad if they frightened others.

When you are dying, don't trouble others.

Hearing this, Ning An was instantly moved and didn't know what to say.

He immediately comprehended what Emperor Hongzhi meant, and Emperor Hongzhi's eyes were a little off. He regarded himself as a little eunuch, and even when he was dying, he was still thinking not to drag others down.

Isn't such an emperor worthy of the title of saint?

However, such an emperor, compared with the later emperors of the Qing Dynasty, is much less famous, so small that few people know about it.

Even if it is the name of a guard in the Qing Dynasty, many girls in later generations can call it out, shouting excitedly, so handsome, but such a person, such an emperor, is unknown to any dynasty, sad, sad, ridiculous.

Not only Ning An, when the audience heard what Emperor Hongzhi said, they couldn't help but collapse instantly.

Many people felt that their eyes were cloudy with tears, as if they were blinded by sand. They were very uncomfortable, and an unknown liquid wanted to flow out.

"I really want to cry, just such a sentence, I really want to cry."

"I suddenly thought of a person who was taken away by an ambulance after committing suicide. In the ambulance, he said to the medical staff, "It's really hard work for you, such a traffic jam, and trouble for you. Suddenly, I really want to cry."

"To be honest, I haven't shed a single tear. I'm either proud, or I feel like I'm exaggerating. But now, I'm crying, I'm really crying. I'm a 1.8-meter man, crying as much as Like girls."

"The brothers upstairs are not ashamed. I am 1.9 meters and I can't help crying now. A group of men in our dormitory are crying in front of the screen. The tears don't cost money. Really, in one sentence, it hit me."

"How can there be such a gentle person in the world? How can there be such a kind person? But this person is still an emperor."

Too many people are crying at this moment.

A gentle word completely broke the defenses of countless viewers.

Ning An tried his best to restrain his emotions, exhaled deeply, looked at Emperor Hongzhi, and then bowed deeply.

For this emperor, he maintained enough respect and respect.

If possible, Ning An would like to bow down, not for anything else, just for this kindness, the kindness of an emperor.

Who can think of others before dying? Many emperors in history died because of their longevity. In the end, they fell short, and their reputation was ruined in their later years, leaving a long-lived evaluation in history.

Let alone the emperor, even ordinary people don't want to die.Now how many people are desperately buying health care products, why the elderly are easily deceived by the routine of health care products, because when they reach that age, they don't want to die, they want to live, and they want to live for a long time.

People only feel the fear of death at a certain time.

I haven't enjoyed enough of this flamboyant world, how can I do it when I die?Therefore, when the ancient emperor died, he insisted on being buried, because he just didn't want to end up like this.

When people are about to die, most of them are crazy. There are too many cancer or hopeless people in future generations who have done things that endanger society.

They are all holding, since I am dying, then others should not even think about living.

However, Emperor Hongzhi is an emperor, an emperor who controls the life and death of others at any time, and before he dies, he still maintains his last tenderness.

You can say that he was pretending before, but this time, is he also pretending?
No, that was his nature.

Emperor Hongzhi is the epitome of kindness.

"The junior Ning'an, who came from later generations more than 500 years ago, met His Majesty Emperor Hongzhi."

After hearing this, Emperor Hongzhi was stunned, then smiled wryly, and shook his head slightly.

"I'm already dying. It's useless for you to tell me these things. I can't give you anything, and I don't believe in these things. I see that you are not old, so you should work hard in the palace. Serve me well." The new emperor is stronger than anything else."

If it were put in the past, Emperor Hongzhi would have driven away such a person long ago.He didn't believe in longevity in his life, Taoist immortals, if they were put into the present, he would be a proper materialist.

It's just that when he was about to die, he had no strength or thoughts left.

The first emperor may like it, but he, sorry, he only believes in creating happiness with his own hands, and it doesn't matter if his life is long or not.

Looking at the appearance of Emperor Hongzhi, Ning An couldn't help feeling emotional, Emperor Hongzhi had the most peculiar reaction he had ever seen.

In the past, I was either curious, or I didn't believe in anger, and I felt that I was playing with the other party, or I was arrogant and let him tell.

But like Emperor Hongzhi, he didn't believe it at all, and it was the first time he saw this thing as a joke.

Other emperors may still believe in the existence of God deep in their hearts, but he does not believe in it from the bottom of his heart.

He is a staunch atheist.

"Your Majesty, you might as well listen to me. I'm really not a fraudster. After all, if you want to deceive, wouldn't Prince Zhu Houzhao be more easily deceived? After all, Your Majesty, you are going to die, what else can you give me?"

After Ning An finished speaking, Emperor Hongzhi became energetic in an instant, narrowed his eyes, and looked at Ning An carefully.

He began to ponder in his heart, this person is definitely not from the palace.

How can Zhu Houzhao's name be called by ordinary people?Only the emperor can call this. It is disrespectful for ordinary people to call the prince's name. If it is serious, he can be beheaded.

If the other party was someone from the palace, he would definitely not be so ignorant of the rules.

Secondly, the majesty of the emperor cannot be offended. Even if what Ning An said was true, such words should not be said, otherwise, he would be beheaded.

He tried his best to open his eyes, and finally saw Ning An clearly.

At this time, he found that the other party's clothes did not seem to be here.

In Emperor Hongzhi's heart, there were some waves...

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