As expected, the next nine people were completely annihilated. They were not enough to look at in front of the master of Chinese national medicine.

Jin Wenlong was silent for a long time, the media were waiting for him to speak out the result, but he just refused to speak for a long time.

He kept thinking about the remedy in his heart, but he couldn't think of it at all. Those patients were all cured by the medicine, and they had serious illnesses, and they couldn't be pulled back no matter how hard they tried.

Jin Wenlong was flustered, because he had promised the boss behind him that he would definitely win this time, completely crushing Huaxia Chinese medicine, which was related to the boss's plan, and now that he lost, how would Korean medicine be implemented?
Jin Wenlong felt a little dizzy in his head, took a deep breath, and started talking nonsense.

"Even if you win, so what? How can these theories of Chinese medicine be realized in Western medicine? What kind of deficiency of the spleen and stomach can be researched in Western medicine? You are just a case, has it been clinically tested? Can it be treated in batches? It is unscientific, It's just superstitious stuff."

Hearing Jin Wenlong's words, the Chinese medicine practitioners present became indignant, but Ning An was silent. Indeed, what the other party said happened to be the weakness of Chinese medicine, and Western medicine does not accept the theory of Chinese medicine.

The things stipulated in the pharmacopoeia and pharmacological reports have completely stuck the neck of Chinese medicine practitioners.If you really follow the above, Chinese medicine will be useless.

Ning An looked up at Jin Wenlong and said very seriously: "It is true that Chinese medicine is not recognized by modern science, but you must never deny the role of Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine is not based on science, but based on the five elements of the human body, yin and yang. .In harmony with heaven and earth to balance healing."

"Nowadays, there are some old Chinese medicine clinics in China, and there are countless medical miracles. Even some authoritative newspapers and magazines have recognized the miracles of Chinese medicine. What are you? Are you denying Chinese medicine?"

"It's not that Chinese medicine doesn't conform to science, it's that science hasn't kept up with Chinese medicine. Let's wait a few hundred years and see what Chinese medicine was like back then."

This is why Ning An has always insisted on the concept that Chinese and Western medicine cannot be combined, and the roots of the two parties are not compatible.

One is to rely on modern science, everything is to do clinical trials, focusing on symptoms.But Chinese medicine is a bit of metaphysics, mainly based on syndrome differentiation, thousands of people have thousands of faces, and mainly focuses on internal conditions, not symptoms.

For example, if it is a cold, Western medicine will prescribe cold medicine, but Chinese medicine will look at whether the cold is caused by the body cold, or whether it is caused by the invasion of external evils and so on.

Ning An has always believed that it is not that Chinese medicine is not scientific enough, but that the pace of science is still not catching up with Chinese medicine.

Chinese medicine is not backward, but too advanced.

"No matter how clever your tongue is, you can't change that Chinese medicine is just a rural thing, without the approval of modern science. If you show me Chinese medicine to cure diseases and save people, that is a crime. What's the use of talking so much? This thing should be buried in the soil. .”

Jin Wenlong is belittling Chinese medicine crazily at this moment, hoping to minimize the damage this time, so that all the guns in the limelight will be hit on Chinese medicine, and Korean medicine will not hurt so much. Maybe the boss's plan can still be implemented.

"Since this is the case, there is no need to continue. I thought it was to save face, but now I know that Bilian is really not wanted."

After all, Ning An got up and was about to take people away.The other party's attitude is too obvious, Ning An is not a fool, so stay and be a target for the other party?
Who knew that when Jin Wenlong saw Ning An got up and was about to leave, he became a little anxious and immediately stopped Ning An.

"Stop, you don't respect us so much, come and go when you want? What movie did you Huaxia make recently, why do you discredit our pickle country? The movie only looks at the army of the United States, what about us? Don't put us Be human?"

Jin Wenlong is very smart. He knows that this is also a domestic hotspot recently. He is indignant and dissatisfied that China only regards the United States as an opponent and ignores them. Many people are clamoring that China does not respect people and history.

Now that this is mentioned, the conflict has shifted, at least they don't want to leave, it is estimated that the headlines will change by then, Jin Wenlong is proud of his strategy.

However, Ning An sneered when he heard it, and he was not as flustered as Jin Wenlong expected.

"What is there to say, weak is weak, five battles, which one is not about to collapse? If it weren't for the RC landing, you would have been defeated long ago."

"After switching to American equipment, what's the use? It was scrapped in a day or two, the battle damage was as high as 90.00%, and the legion was gone immediately. Even your trump card was smashed by us in less than 24 hours. What's the matter? Easy to say?"

Ning An's pride completely aroused the dissatisfaction of the Kimchi Kingdom present, and they all became indignant.

"Bastard, it's too much. To say such a thing, I really look down on our kimchi country's army."

"That's right, what kind of bullshit is it for a day or two? It's clear that we beat you up. We have the most advanced equipment. If you add rifles to your millet, how many people will you have to die to exchange for the lives of our precious soldiers?"

"Our soldiers are the most powerful in the world. Apart from being slightly inferior to the army of the United States, they are invincible in the world, you know?"

"Just because you still want to destroy our army, wishful thinking, foolish dreaming!"

Many Kimchi people stood up one after another, filled with righteous indignation, wishing to go up and tear Ning'an apart.

Looking at the ebullient crowd, Ning An didn't say anything. People in Kimchi Country knew what happened to the history.

Not to mention anything else, even the American general who was so arrogant at the beginning, didn't he sign the surrender in the end?

Army of Kimchi Nation, sorry, it's really as easy as cutting tofu.

Su Mubai looked at the indignant Kimchi people, got up and escorted the old Chinese doctors to leave first.

What happened today was indeed unexpected. The opponent's shamelessness was a bit beyond imagination, and it was easy to win.

Under the guard of security, the group got on the bus and went to the airport, preparing to return home.

However, on their way to the airport, dozens of black vans blocked the road, and four to five hundred strong men in suits blocked the road, all holding sticks, machetes and the like in their hands.

All of them are tattooed with dragons and tigers, fierce and vicious.

Seeing this scene, Ning An showed a sneer. Sure enough, he knew that if he lost face to the other party, he would definitely find his way back.

Su Mubai called the local police, who said they would come to help immediately.

Don't think about it, if you don't have half an hour, I'm afraid you won't be able to make it through.

The fifty security personnel were all ready to get out of the car with stern faces. In their eyes, five hundred gangsters were nothing more than nothing.

It may be difficult for one person to fight ten people, but it will be much easier for fifty veterans to fight five hundred people together.

Sometimes, more people may not be a good thing.

The moment they got off the car, the security personnel suddenly had a feeling, as if they saw the ancestors of the past standing on this land.

At that time, they must have been very chic.

Fifty people held rubber sticks in their hands, moved their wrists, and rushed towards each other in groups of three.

Ning An also got out of the car, picked up a stick, looked at the crowd fighting, and grinned.

Then he slammed hard on the head of a strong man in front of him. In an instant, the man became dizzy and fell to the ground.

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