At this moment, I have awakened the eternal heroic spirit of China

Chapter 121 Broad and profound traditional Chinese medicine

Ning An looked at those Korean doctors and was even a little anxious. He looked at the old Chinese doctors impatiently and watched their breathing.

Ning An turned around to look at the old Chinese doctors, and asked, "Gentlemen, I saw that the breathing of several gentlemen is very frequent. Is it the pacification just mentioned?"

The old Chinese doctor at the back stroked his beard, shook his head and said, "That's right. It's to measure your breath with each breath, and to count your pulse with each breath, and it can evenly adjust the doctor's heart and make him concentrate. The things of the ancestors, Everything has a deep meaning.”

Ning An nodded, taking it seriously, he knew that there are fifty movements in pulse diagnosis, and so on. There are thousands of knowledge contained in just such a pulse detection.

The law of the inch department, the legal person of the customs department, and the land of the ruler department.

There are countless such knowledge.

It's definitely not like Korean medicine, where the pulse diagnosis can be done lightly.

If it is that easy, isn't the inheritance of Chinese civilization too shallow?Anyone can learn it?
If that is the case, how can Huaxia Chinese medicine be cut off?
After groping for about 15 minutes, all the old Chinese doctors stopped and began to close their eyes and think about the pulses just now.

Those Korean doctors couldn't wait to write the prescriptions, and the people below immediately went to suffer after receiving the prescriptions.

The time was also very fast, and the old Chinese doctor kept flipping through and checking the case again. After finally confirming it, he nodded and began to write.

However, at this time, the Korean doctor has already started to lie down leisurely, waiting to win.

Seeing that the old Chinese doctor finally prescribed the medicine, he laughed twice, which meant a lot.

After the prescription was given, the medicine was tested by the own people, and after confirming that there was no problem, he personally suffered.

Not long after, the potion was brought up.

A young man who seemed to be exhausted, with a sallow complexion and no blood, immediately became excited when he saw the potion.

It is impossible for him to get a doctor from a national doctor to see him in his life, but today he has this opportunity, and he must perform well. Not only can he treat the disease, but he can also get money afterwards, which is really cool.

He picked up the medicine and drank it down, then rubbed his face, trying to put on an extremely comfortable expression.

But the cold on his body made him break out in a cold sweat, and his stomach began to churn. The Korean doctor saw him straighten up, his complexion became rosier, and he became proud instantly.

Jin Wenlong looked at Ning An with a smile, and said, "It looks like we won this round."

Ning An didn't speak, but just looked at the sick man lightly.

The Korean doctor just stood up and was ready to receive the cheers from the people. Countless kimchi Chinese people in the audience were all excited about their own Chinese medicine and marveled at his methods.

However, at the next moment, that person knelt down on the ground instantly, clutching his stomach, his complexion immediately turned pale, he felt uncomfortable all over, his forehead was sweating, and he began to tremble.

Han doctor was dumbfounded, he immediately ran to the man and grabbed his collar.

"What are you pretending? Bastard, get up for me, don't pretend to be here just because you are Chinese, despicable, shameless!"

He was as angry as a lion at the moment, and his scarlet eyes were very scary.

However, the patient looked at him in pain, only feeling weak all over, coughed twice, and said slowly.

"I, I am from Kimchi country."

After hearing these words, the Han doctor was as dumbfounded as a lightning strike, and he looked at the other party in disbelief.

"How could it be? How could it be wrong? Impossible, that's what it says in medical books, why is it like this?"

Up to now, Korean doctors still do not believe that they have made a mistake.

At this time, the old Chinese doctor's soup was brought up and fed to the other party.

In just a moment, the man's complexion eased a lot, and he was full of energy immediately. His originally pale cheeks gradually turned red, and they were no longer red and swollen from being rubbed abruptly as before, but were really bloody.

The patient also felt warm in his stomach, and the diarrhea feeling just now was gone, and he felt very comfortable.

He didn't feel as comfortable as he had been in a long time, and he was instantly grateful, then ashamed.

Just now he wanted to help the Korean medicine in his country to cheat, but the Korean medicine made him worse, but the old Chinese doctor just took a medicine and he was fine.

This is much stronger than any western medicine. He took the medicine for a month without much effect, but the old Chinese medicine is too strong.

The scene immediately boiled over, those Kimchi Chinese people were dumbfounded, and the media all took pictures one after another, grasping the angle, this is amazing, it can be called a miracle.

Ning An laughed at this time, looked at the sluggish Jin Wenlong, patted him on the shoulder, and said righteously: "There is a saying in Huaxia that the winner is the one who laughs last. Don't be too happy, dirty After all, methods cannot defeat real materials.”

The old Chinese doctor also looked at the Korean doctor, shook his head, and said softly: "Your diagnosis method is correct, but you are too anxious. The patient's spleen and stomach are weak, the body is too weak, and moisture enters the body, but you It is neglected that the patient obeys the doctor to have breakfast, and he likes to drink milk for breakfast."

"Milk has the effect of promoting body fluid and moistening the intestines. It is indeed a good thing and is very nourishing. But in his case, milk will only aggravate his condition, which is why he has continuous diarrhea and prostration. In addition, the patient is already weak and prone to vomiting. Evil invades, it is normal to have this symptom. The medicine you prescribed is too aggressive, but it is not suitable for him."

"It's just a matter of weakness and foreign matter venting. There is no need for strong medicine, just warm medicine is enough. Afterwards, drink more white porridge to warm up and dispel cold. You can also soak ginger and take it for a long time. No medicine is needed to nourish it, and you will be cured. "

"Ginger soaked in vinegar? Can it be cured? Is this a food supplement?" The Korean doctor was quite surprised.

Ginger soaked in vinegar, also known as Huanhun Soup.

Ginger has been used for a long time to cure diseases and protect health.As early as the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius had the habit of not leaving ginger all year round. In "The Analects of Confucius Xiangdang", there is a saying "don't withdraw ginger, don't eat too much".

Zhu Xi of the Southern Song Dynasty said in "The Analects of Confucius": "Jiang can pass through the gods, get rid of evil, and help without withdrawal."

There is also a record about ginger in "Shen Nong's Materia Medica": "Dried ginger, pungent and warm, is mainly used to treat chest fullness, cough and upper qi, warm the middle to stop bleeding, sweat, expel rheumatism, and benefit the intestines."

Li Shizhen also praised the magical effect of ginger in "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Ginger, pungent but not laborious, can be a vegetable, can be harmonious, can be fruit, and can be used as medicine."

The old Chinese doctor was not stingy when he saw Korean medicine doubts, and he said it directly, without hiding anything: "Su Dongpo's "Miscellaneous Syndrome" also recorded that the monk of Jingci Temple in Qiantang was over 80 years old and looked like a boy. I have been taking ginger for 40 years, so I am not old. There are also rumors among Chinese folks that there is no need to prescribe a prescription for three slices of ginger. Ginger soup can be used as medicine or as food. Not all diseases need to be cured by taking medicine into the body. , broad and profound, there is still a lot to learn.”

"I'm just scratching the surface. Ginger soaked in vinegar is more effective in warming and tonifying yang qi. Yang deficiency is the source of all diseases. Add vinegar to ginger, and the vinegar will astringe, which can enhance yang qi and relieve liver qi. The way of balance of old Chinese medicine practitioners."

When the old Chinese doctor finished speaking, the Korean doctor was silent for a long time. After a long time, he saluted the old Chinese doctor with ancient Chinese etiquette.

"Listening to your words today is better than the medical books I have read for ten years. If you don't dislike it, you also hope that you can accept me as an apprentice so that I can learn China's extensive and profound medicine, so as to better benefit the world."

Doctor Han is very nervous, because he knows that the opponent is here to compete, and the relationship between the two parties is already tense. Can the opponent agree?
Unexpectedly, the old Chinese doctor smiled when he heard it, and said: "If you want to learn, then come to Huaxia and follow my apprentices to treat me. How much you can learn is up to your ability and hard work."

Hearing this, Han doctor was very excited.He thought that the other party would not agree, but he did not expect to be so generous, so he immediately bowed down.

At this moment, he was completely overwhelmed, not only by his superb medical skills, but also by his benevolent spirit.

Jin Wenlong kept twitching his cheeks beside him, he never expected such a situation to happen, he tried his best to restrain himself, so as not to get angry.

Ning An looked at him meaningfully from the side, and said, "Now, I don't know if Chinese medicine has won?"

"Hehe, I just hope that the Chinese medicine practitioners will not hide their secrets and mislead after our national doctors go, otherwise, the patients will suffer." Jin Wenlong's words were full of thorns, yin and yang.

However, Ning An showed contempt and disdain after hearing this, and said frankly: "We Huaxia are not some people, we are honest gentlemen, since we have agreed, we will not do such nasty things, then It is detrimental to Tianshou. Chinese traditional Chinese medicine is extensive and profound, and if the culture of thousands of years is so easy to learn, then it should be that there is no one in China, and I am not worthy of inheriting the culture of this ancestor."

"Even if we are taken away, we will never do that kind of harm. Chinese medicine is for saving people, not for harming people. Doctors, medical skills are important, but more important is medical ethics and benevolence. Heart, this is the most important inheritance of Chinese medicine."

These words made Jin Wenlong speechless, suffocated, and could only pray for the doctors on the scene to work harder, so that this phenomenon would not happen again.

The Korean doctor had completely left his own organization and devoted himself to the side of Chinese medicine. He kept asking the old Chinese doctor, as if there were thousands of doubts waiting to be answered.

Many media took the camera and saw that every time the Korean doctor asked a question, he would show excitement after the old Chinese doctor answered it, as if he had suddenly realized.

This scene made Jin Wenlong cover his head, his heart was so cold, he knew that even if he won the game today, it wouldn't mean much.

As long as this scene is edited out, Doctor Han's face will be completely lost.

But who would have imagined that a Korean doctor at the national level would study and ask questions with Chinese medicine like a child?
What's even more irritating is that that kid turned out to be just a common illness. Huaxia's traditional Chinese medicine just used some white porridge and ginger soaked in vinegar to solve it?

Originally Jin Wenlong was extremely confident, but now, he is a little panicked.

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