My life on a deserted island with a beautiful president

Chapter 938 Preparations Before Departure

Shi Lei looked at it for a while, then looked away. He looked down at his watch. Another hour had passed, and they had rested for three hours.

At this moment, Shi Lei suddenly felt a gaze staring at him, for some reason, Shi Lei suddenly felt a chill down his back.

Especially under the backdrop of this kind of environment, Shi Lei became more and more nervous. After hesitating for a moment, Shi Lei decided to go back and see what was going on.

But just turned his head, Shi Lei saw Guo Jingyi looking at him with a smile in his eyes, Guo Jingyi saw Shi Lei looking at her, and the smile deepened: "Shi Lei."

Shi Lei froze for a moment, looked the woman up and down, Guo Jingyi looked quite energetic, she didn't look like she just woke up.

Seeing this, Shi Lei already had a guess in his heart, thinking that when he fell asleep, other people would also be on guard, thinking of this, Shi Lei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Somehow, he suddenly understood why it was said that in such a situation, it is better to have teammates than one person, because he will also think of what you are worried about.

When you are resting, they are your backing. Of course, the premise is that you have good eyesight, and don't be teammates with such vicious people.

Otherwise, maybe one day, you will become his backup food, ahem, thinking about it, Shi Lei shuddered, he quickly slapped away the cold scene that suddenly appeared in his mind.

Then he stood up slowly, moved his body on the spot, and after stretching, Shi Lei cleared his throat and raised his voice, "How is everyone resting? It's been an hour and a half."

Because of Xi Chuyu's special situation, they had to get out as soon as possible. Besides... After passing through the ice room, Xi Chuyu's body was obviously weaker than before.

As for the reason, Shi Lei and everyone else knew it well, Shi Lei didn't dare to think about what would happen if they didn't go out within a certain time limit and get rid of the bugs.

Shi Lei thought, anyway, they have rested for a while, so they should go on their way first, after walking for a while, they will rest and eat something to replenish their energy.

After finishing speaking, Shi Lei turned his head and looked behind him. Some of the people were already awake, while some were still lying on their stomachs or leaning against each other.

Shi Lei knew in his heart that everyone must not have deep sleep, after all the time is short, they must be able to hear his words, but whether they want to move or not is another matter.

Seeing this, Shi Lei was not in a hurry, he yawned, bent down to pick up the water bottle at his feet, unscrewed it, and saw the amount of water inside.

Shi Lei hesitated in his heart, after thinking about it, he took a sip of water to moisten his throat, and digested some of the food in his stomach during the rest.

"Well, save some drinking in the future, and only take a sip at a fixed time." Shi Lei had an idea in his mind, and he was relieved.

Seeing the jerky in his hand, Shi Lei's eyes flashed with pity, and he made a decision with a heartbroken face, "As for the jerky, I won't eat it, so as not to fill my stomach and die of thirst."

Seriously feeling it, Shi Lei really felt a little hungry, but Shi Lei didn't intend to continue eating, after all, after eating food, the body's water would also be consumed during digestion.

What's more, this is still salty jerky, so after hesitating for a while, Shi Lei thought it over, bent down and sat down again.

Sitting on the steps, Shi Lei picked up the container of jerky placed by his feet, one in each hand, then stood up again, turned around and walked towards the place where the backpack was placed.

Xi Chuyu was sitting there, just as Shi Lei squatted down, when Xi Chuyu heard the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, she was jolted and woke up in an instant.

The woman suddenly opened her eyes, then sat up straight, startling Shi Lei, "Chu Yu?" Shi Lei called out tentatively.

After Xi Chuyu heard it, she responded vaguely, stretched out her hand in a daze, rubbed her eyes, and finally woke up completely.

"What's wrong Shi Lei?"

After she yawned, she raised her head to look at Shi Lei, who was wearing something, and asked back with a cute face, Shi Lei heard the words, and looked up at the woman.

She shook her head with a smile, saying that there was no problem. Xi Chuyu was at a loss, but she was still a little unclear, so she didn't ask any more questions.

After Shi Lei pulled up the backpack, everyone was awake. Seeing this, Shi Lei turned his head and looked around for the harpoon handle, that is, the stretcher.

At a glance, I saw the things placed against the base of the wall. Because of the slope of the steps, they could only place them obliquely. It seemed that they would slide down in the next second. It was very dangerous, but it was hard for them not to fall off. go down.

Shi Lei let out a "tsk", leaned out his upper body, picked up the things, put them directly on the backpack, and supported them again.

Seeing this, Xi Chuyu at the side was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Shi Lei, should I lie down?" Seeing Shi Lei's movements, Xi Chuyu guessed instantly that he was about to leave.

Xi Chuyu was quite unhappy in her heart, the reason was simple, she didn't want to be carried by everyone, it was awkward, but if she was asked to walk along, it was unlikely.

She knew in her heart that her current state was very poor. If she followed suit, to put it harshly, she would be holding back everyone, so Xi Chuyu hesitated for a moment and accepted it.

"No, just do as before."

Hearing this, Shi Lei thought for a while, but shook his head and denied it. Although Xi Chuyu lay down and wrapped the space blanket around it, it would be good, but doing it like this is a bit awkward.

And the tied ones didn't stand still, and they were tightly wrapped. Anyway, it's not troublesome. Of course, it shouldn't be as cold as the ice room in the future, so it doesn't matter if it's not tight.

During the conversation, everyone had already sat for a while and became much more awake. Listening to the conversation between Xi Chuyu and Shi Lei, someone came over.

Hearing footsteps, Shi Lei looked up, it turned out that it was Mo Tingzhi and Guo Jingyi, Bai Xuefeng also held a torch, and moved two steps to this side.

Taya had already taken off the crossbow. It seemed that she was in charge of guarding. Shi Lei smiled and didn't say anything.

After the two came over, Shi Lei got up and walked aside to make room for Guo Jingyi and Mo Tingzhi, "Shi Lei, take off the blanket."

Guo Jingyi took a quick step. After walking over, she bent down and picked up the two space blankets that were placed on the harpoon handle.

One of them was handed to Mo Tingzhi, the other was for wrapping the lower body, Guo Jingyi handed it directly to Shi Lei, and Shi Lei responded.

He reached out and took it, and put it on his arm, while Mo Tingzhi cooperated with Guo Jingyi, and Xi Chuyu cooperated, standing in a military posture on the spot, motionless.

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