Thinking of Bai Mingxian, Taya paused as she pressed her backpack. For some reason, she suddenly recalled the scene of the accident in her mind.

Taya didn't see what was going on there, but when she thought of Bai Mingxian... she really felt a little uncomfortable, but there was nothing she could do.

After thinking about it, there was no result, so Taya didn't care about it. From the perspective of outsiders, this scene was just a moment of hesitation.

In addition to Taya's current actions, it is not difficult to understand that Taya should be entangled in which is Xi Chuyu's backpack. Indeed, Taya's initial doubts were just this.

After thinking about it for a long time, she didn't come up with a reason, so Taya decided not to waste any more time. If they still have a relationship, they will definitely meet in the future.

Taya prayed for Bai Mingxian in her heart, the woman came back to her senses, her eyes wandered back and forth between the two backpacks for a moment, and she already had a calculation in her heart.

But Taya is still a little worried, she doesn't want to be ashamed of being wrong, she likes Shi Lei so much, but she can't recognize his backpack.

Taya didn't want to do this. Thinking about it, Taya asked a question, but after waiting quietly for a while, she didn't hear Xi Chuyu's reply.

"Chu Yu?"

Taya felt a little strange, she raised her head to look at Xi Chuyu, and then noticed that Xi Chuyu was distracted, and a trace of helplessness flashed in Taya's eyes.

She first called out tentatively, and then repeated the previous question again. Xi Chuyu was awakened by Taya's voice.

After recovering, she naturally didn't dare to be distracted, and listened carefully to Taya's words. After she finished asking, Xi Chuyu raised her eyes, glanced at Taya's hand, and immediately had the answer in her heart.

"Taya, that backpack on your right is mine."

While talking, Xi Chuyu slowly moved closer to the wall on her left, and didn't stop until she was able to hold the wall with her hands.

Using the wall as a handrail, Xi Chuyu stretched out one foot, and landed it lightly, stepping on the steps, feeling limp and unable to exert any strength.

Xi Chuyu didn't care, or her attention was all focused on how to get past. No one was sitting against the wall, so it was convenient for Xi Chuyu.

When she reached the level level with Taya, Xi Chuyu stopped, turned around and retracted her arms, and walked towards Taya.

Xi Chuyu moved over little by little, which looked like small lotus steps. Although it looked troublesome, the speed was actually not slow.

Let's talk about Taya's side, after she got Xi Chuyu's reply, she didn't hesitate anymore, and directly stretched out her hand to pull Xi Chuyu's backpack in front of her.

Then she opened the backpack. Before Taya reached in, she heard footsteps behind her, and stopped again. Taya glanced at it from the corner of her eye.

As soon as he saw the legs, Taya knew it was Xi Chuyu, so he didn't look any further, and looked back, Taya turned around slightly, without raising his head, and asked, "Chuyu, where are your food and water?" ?”

Although Xi Chuyu acquiesced that she opened the backpack, but Taya and Shi Lei have been together for so long, there are some things that they don't talk about, Taya knows it well.

Thinking in another way, if someone else touches her backpack, Taya herself will definitely be unhappy, except for Shi Lei, of course!Therefore, Taya didn't reach in directly after opening the backpack.

Instead, he deliberately slowed down, waiting for Xi Chuyu to come over, and then waiting for her to come over before asking questions. Xi Chuyu didn't think so much.

Hearing this, she went up two more steps, sat down, then stretched out her hand to grab the backpack, groped inside, and took out food and fresh water, one in each hand.

Seeing this, Taya nodded, stood up and said, "Chu Yu, you can sit here and eat. I'm passing by. Call me if you need something."

Xi Chuyu nodded embarrassingly, and responded, feeling very touched in her heart. She watched Taya's leaving figure and sat down not far away.

Only then did Xi Chuyu look away, and when she lowered her head, she saw what was in her hands. Only then did Xi Chuyu remember this, and she bit her lip in annoyance.

It's so stupid, she didn't call Taya to stop, let people busy for her for so long, and everyone, the reason why Xi Chuyu thinks so.

It was entirely because she didn't eat much after the attack, so she had more food and fresh water than others, and it was better for everyone to eat than to keep it for herself.

This can be regarded as a thank you, but Taya has already sat back, Xi Chuyu is hard to say, especially when someone has already finished eating.

She said it again, who should it be given to?Xi Chuyu thought for a while, and then swallowed the words that came to her lips. She thought, let's talk about it next time, or when everyone's food is finished.

Thinking of this, Xi Chuyu had an idea in her mind, and her face regained her composure. She unscrewed the plastic bottle, took a sip of water, and began to eat jerky.

"so hard!"

At the beginning, Xi Chuyu didn't pay attention, and directly bit on it, the hard Xi Chuyu began to doubt life, she covered her mouth, and after a while, she started to nibble on the jerky again.

Gradually, everyone finished eating and began to rest, or leaning against the wall, or laying on their backpacks, and some were like Shi Lei, leaning on their backpacks, sitting on the steps with their chests closed and their eyes closed.

In fact, Shi Lei didn't fall asleep at all, although he was quite tired, physically and mentally exhausted, but Shi Lei didn't feel sleepy at all, he was very energetic.

That being the case, Shi Lei didn't intend to hold on, he just took this opportunity to take a break, even if he couldn't sleep, if he stayed quietly for a while, he would feel much faster than before.

After a while, Shi Lei felt that it was almost time, so he opened his eyes, raised his arms and looked at the time, "Tsk, it's already five o'clock in the morning."

They survived another day, thinking about it, Shi Lei let out a long sigh, tried hard to drive away the restlessness in his heart, stretched out his hand, Shi Lei gently covered his eyes.

He listened carefully to the movements around him. It was so quiet that his daughter could hear everyone's breathing. The sound sounded very calm, and everyone seemed to be sleeping.

That being the case, then don't wake everyone up, thinking, Shi Lei moved his body and adjusted his position.

Asking him to sit leaning on the backpack to speed up, Shi Lei stayed quietly for a while, then opened his eyes again, and just now he was sitting, unconsciously, he became confused.

After waking up again, Shi Lei noticed that he had already taken a nap, thinking of everyone who was resting, Shi Lei was startled.

He quickly opened his eyes, turned his head and looked around, and noticed the torch slanted on the backpack at a glance. The flame was getting weaker and weaker, and the current brightness was almost like a candle.

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