"Shi Lei, look, the light stick doesn't seem to be getting smaller anymore." At this moment, Guo Jingyi's voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

Shi Lei kept staring at the light stick. He was distracted just now because he was feeling a little depressed, so naturally he didn't notice it.

Hearing this, he suddenly came back to his senses, and looked at the only light in the deep pit. After seeing the situation clearly, Shi Lei's pupils shrank violently.

That is to say, "Is it the end?" Then why didn't the light stick that was thrown away earlier not see the light?It shouldn't be, by the way, how high is this deep pit?

When Shi Lei thought of this possibility, he was overjoyed at first, then his face darkened, and a series of questions came to Shi Lei.

He was thinking wildly all by himself, but couldn't get an answer, so Shi Lei didn't struggle anymore, but shook his body a few times tentatively.

Because of the small range, the light stick at the bottom didn't respond, and Shi Lei didn't care, "Jingyi, go find a cloth strip, tie it from the horizontal line on the ground, and mark it."

If you just pull it up directly, even if someone pinches a place on purpose, who knows if he will forget or let go of his hand for some reason.

In this way, wouldn't all previous efforts be wasted, Shi Lei didn't want to waste his previous efforts just because of a small detail he didn't notice.

Guo Jingyi thought for a while and thought it was the same, so she nodded, and then realized that Shi Lei didn't look at her, so she shouldn't be able to see her movements, and quickly added: "Okay, wait for me."

While speaking, Guo Jingyi put down the rope in her hand, turned around and walked quickly towards Bai Mingxian, and everyone distributed the rope.

Among them, only Bai Mingxian had never used one. Guo Jingyi just walked over and stood beside Bai Mingxian.

Before she even had time to speak, Bai Mingxian raised his arm, pointed to his backpack on the wall not far away, and said, "Get it yourself."

A quick smile flashed in Guo Jingyi's eyes, she responded lightly, turned around and left without saying anything, Guo Jingyi opened the backpack, glanced briefly, and found the cloth strip.

She didn't specifically look at what was in Bai Mingxian's backpack, after taking the things, she pulled the backpack up, and Guo Jingyi quickly walked towards Shi Lei who was looking at the remaining rope.

The rope is a piece of two bundles of rope, the length can be imagined, the length of the rope is four or five meters wide, Shi Lei is thinking about how to fix it so that it can bear the weight of the six of them.

If there is danger at the bottom, as Taya said, they have to climb up. This rope must be fixed very strong.

"Shi Lei, hold the rope and don't move, I'll tie it up." Just as he was thinking, Shi Lei heard footsteps behind him, getting closer and closer. He knew it was Guo Jingyi when he heard the sound.

He raised his head, before he could turn around, he heard Guo Jingyi's words, Shi Lei glanced down at the edge, thought for a while, his arms held the rope to keep it still, while he moved a few times to the side.

Seeing that there was a place, Guo Jingyi squatted down one step away from the shore, and then moved over carefully.

Reach out and grab the place that needs to be marked, and tie the cloth strip on it. If you want to tie something on this kind of rope without moving the place, you must tie it firmly, otherwise Guo Jingyi would have stood up a long time ago.

Shi Lei turned his head again, and looked at the walls on both sides. When he turned his head, Shi Lei saw the fake Statue of Liberty, Zhenbai Mingxian, and couldn't help but chuckle.

Bai Mingxian seemed to have noticed something, turned his head suddenly, and looked at Shi Lei with a blank expression. Shi Lei was looked at very guilty, but Bai Mingxian held the torch and looked motionless, which was really too similar.

Just as Shi Lei was thinking about how to hide his embarrassment, he heard Guo Jingyi's voice beside him: "Okay."

Shi Lei turned his head and glanced at Guo Jingyi, she had already stood up, subconsciously lowered her head and glanced, and saw that the place where the rope was level with the edge of the pit was tied with a half-bow knot.

Seeing this, Shi Lei nodded in satisfaction and said: "Jingyi, I'll pull the rope, start from the marked place, and hold the rope in big circles one by one, how about it?"

As he said that, Shi Lei purposely pulled up some rope, demonstrated it to Guo Jingyi, and made it into a big circle, so that it would be more convenient for him to put it down again.

Anyway, they still have to use it, why bother to put it away bit by bit, it's not worth the time, what's more, the big circle of Shi Lei's group is calculated according to the length of one circle.

Anyway, I can roughly calculate how deep the pit is. Guo Jingyi took it, turned around and said: "Okay, I know."

Guo Jingyi has never done this before, but after being here for so long, she has also learned to learn knowledge quickly, because only when she understands can she live for a long time, and she will live for a long time depending on other people's waste.

Shi Lei stretched out his upper body again, and patiently pulled up the rope little by little, fixed his eyes on the fluorescent stick, watching the light getting closer and closer.

His heart immediately rose to his throat, and as the end of the rope got closer, Shi Lei became more and more nervous, his emotions unknowingly diffused in the pure air.

Invisibly, the infection was transmitted to the people present. After all, this is related to their way out. Who can not be nervous, when they can clearly see the appearance of the light stick.

The rope was pulled out immediately, and everyone couldn't hold back their temper, they rushed to the shore one after another, wanting to watch Shi Lei pull the rope up.

"Stand back, it's dangerous here, everyone, don't get together, we'll see you later, what are you in a hurry for?" Shi Lei knew something was going to happen when he heard the noisy footsteps.

Looking back, he was almost out of breath, and his eyelids twitched. He immediately calmed down and told everyone to go back quickly, looking at the people standing on the edge.

In Shi Lei's mind, he immediately thought of the needle and that sentence, although Shi Lei didn't want to doubt it, but he should be careful and never be careless.

If someone made a mistake, someone slipped his hands or feet accidentally, maybe someone would fall, and the person who was most likely to be unlucky was himself.

After everyone took several steps back, Shi Lei turned around, nodded at Guo Jingyi, and then yanked upwards.

He pulled up the end of the rope hanging from the mouth of the deep pit, and let it hang in the air above the deep pit, and the position was just right for everyone to see.

"Ming Xian, bring the torches closer."

Shi Lei and Guo Jingyi took a step back together, then lowered their eyes to look at the end of the rope that Shi Lei pulled twice, and took a serious look.

There were no bugs in Shi Lei's imagination, and it didn't seem to be soaked by water. Bai Mingxian stood behind everyone, and the light from the torch could only faintly shine on here.

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