Although Taya didn't like to talk very much, it was another matter from not being able to understand what they were talking about. Just as she was thinking, Taya vaguely heard someone calling her.

Quickly came back to his senses and saw that it was Shi Lei. Seeing that Taya had been distracted, Shi Lei waited patiently for a while, but when there was no response, he called out a few more times.

"What's the matter?" Taya looked at Shi Lei with a confused face, and Shi Lei couldn't help but smile, "It's okay, go get busy." They didn't have much time to waste.

Taya gave a faint "oh", turned around and left with a dazed expression, and after taking two steps, she suddenly remembered what Shi Lei asked her to do.

Hastily turned around and walked towards Mo Tingzhi, Shi Lei had a panoramic view of Taya's dazed look, the corner of his mouth curled up, and then turned serious.

Shi Lei's eyes swept over everyone, he thought about it, he pondered for a moment, and then he said in a deep voice: "Then...Jingyi, come here, help me hold the ball of rope, I will put the rope."

The rope needs to be released little by little, so as to accurately measure the approximate depth of the pit, it is really inconvenient for Shi Lei to choose alone.

Guo Jingyi is the most suitable to help, as for Bai Xuefeng, Shi Lei has other things to do for her, thinking of this, Shi Lei hummed when he saw Guo Jingyi.

Only then did he look away, looked at the woman opposite and said, "Xuefeng, you have to take care of Chu Yu." Xi Chuyu was sick... well, let's call it sick for now.

When she was sick, Xi Chuyu struggled very hard. Just now when Shi Lei and the others returned, although Xi Chuyu's pain had ended.

But when he saw that the person who controlled Xi Chuyu was also out of breath, he began to worry about it. In fact, in terms of strength, Taya was more suitable.

But Taya's personality is a little sloppy, not suitable for such meticulous work as taking care of Xi Chuyu, and Shi Lei has already spoken, so it's not easy for him to change the two of them.

Seeing that Shi Lei refused to let her go, Bai Xuefeng was really unhappy, thinking about the expression on her face, she brought it out, but seeing Shi Lei's serious expression, Bai Xuefeng didn't say anything.

Guo Jingyi definitely can't control her, it depends on Bai Xuefeng, after Bai Xuefeng turned and left to go to Xi Chuyu's side, Shi Lei said to the man standing with the torch all the time: "Ming Xian, you come and be careful."

It's not necessary for Bai Mingxian to investigate this kind of trivial matter. On the contrary, it's the tunnel they are staying in now, the organ opened by Mo Tingzhi, and I don't know if anything will happen.

At that time, he walked in a hurry and didn't see anything underground, Shi Lei was a little worried, Bai Mingxian hummed lightly, and continued to stand in the middle of the tunnel without moving.

The torch in her hand brought light to everyone present. While speaking, Guo Jingyi had already prepared the ropes. For convenience, she purposely rolled them into big circles and held them in her hands.

The ropes of survival equipment are different from ordinary ones, this one is lighter and more slender, two bundles of ropes are connected together, Shi Lei thought, the length should be enough.

"Jingyi, let's start, let's release it in coordination with each other later." Shi Lei took the end of the rope that Guo Jingyi handed over, and there was a clean cloth strip that Guo Jingyi carefully tied on it.

Because the stubble is exposed outside, as long as there is something underneath, it will be stained. I have to say that Guo Jingyi is really considerate.

Guo Jingyi gave a "hmm", indicating that she knew, Shi Lei was holding the rope with both hands, leaving a little extra length in the gap between them.

Avoid putting it too long at once, it can't be closed, or it's too short, Shi Lei wants to put it down, but Guo Jingyi is not ready.

Shi Lei looked at the end of the rope, rolled his eyes, his heart moved slightly, and suddenly thought of a way, "Jingyi, you hold it first, I'll go find something, wait for me, come here right away."

While talking, Shi Lei hurriedly released the rope to Guo Jingyi's hands, then turned around and walked quickly towards the place where his backpack was placed.

They don't want to leave now, and they have nothing to do with carrying a heavy backpack, which is a waste of energy, but it is a little inconvenient to carry things.

Shi Lei squatted down in front of the backpack, stretched out his hand and quickly opened the backpack, then took out the drift bottle, Shi Lei poured out all the light sticks, and counted them in the palm of his hand.

He stared at the things in his hands with some confusion, thought for a while, took out one from it, and didn't put the rest back, only put the empty drift bottle back into his backpack.

Shi Lei stood up, returned to the edge of the pit where he was standing just now, and handed the light stick he picked out and held between his fingers to Guo Jingyi.

"Jingyi, stick the light stick on the cloth strip." Then he took out another one and handed it to her again, "You store this one yourself, it may be useful when necessary."

Guo Jingyi stretched out her hand to take it, she glanced at Shi Lei, understood what he meant in seconds, Guo Jingyi nodded seriously, "Don't worry."

She put the light stick directly in the pocket of her clothes. There is a small zipper outside the pocket of the jacket, and the things inside will naturally not fall out easily.

This fluorescent stick is so small, if it is put in the backpack, if it is really useful, it will be too late to find it again.

It's best to keep it close to your body, and fortunately there are pockets, which facilitate many things, Shi Lei turned around, and distributed the remaining light sticks to everyone.

One for each person, except for Shi Lei himself, because there are not many light sticks, and they used one before, "Shi Lei, what about yours?"

Guo Jingyi waited for Shi Lei to come back, looked him up and down, asked suddenly, Shi Lei showed a bright smile at Guo Jingyi.

Then he reached out to take the end of the rope that Guo Jingyi had already made, shook it at Guo Jingyi, and said with a smile: "Take this as my use, anyway, I don't think I'll need it."

Shi Lei's indifferent attitude caused Guo Jingyi's face to turn dark, but Shi Lei didn't say anything, looked away, and reached out to turn on the light stick.

The light stick that was originally dim gradually turned on a faint but dazzling light in the dark. Shi Lei grabbed the rope and said calmly, "Start."

Guo Jingyi withdrew her somewhat complicated mood, responded, and cooperated with Shi Lei attentively, and sent the rope towards the bottom of the deep pit little by little.

Shi Lei stood at the very edge, as long as he took another step, he could fall, but he leaned out his upper body as if he didn't know the danger, and his eyes were fixed on the light stick.

As the end of the rope got deeper, the light became smaller and smaller, and Shi Lei's heart also rose. He held his breath and saw that the light was about the size of a soybean.

I feel a little uneasy, should I continue to put the rope?There was still no feeling of touching the ground, Shi Lei sighed helplessly, and lowered another [-] centimeters of rope.

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