The water is colorless, and the jellyfish is still transparent, so you can see a ghost, but at this moment, Bai Mingxian's vigilant voice suddenly came from behind Shenniu: "What do you want to do?!"

Shi Lei staggered when he heard this, he shook off the sea water splashed on his face, turned his head and looked at Bai Mingxian speechlessly, and asked back through gritted teeth, "You want to go back in wet clothes later?"

I said in my heart that I couldn't help but yell, I'm so fucking... how did this guy become dirtier than me?
When Bai Mingxian heard this, he naturally knew that he had misunderstood. He coughed twice in embarrassment, and hurriedly took off his clothes and went into the water, "Hurry up, don't dawdle."

Shi Lei hooked the corners of his mouth, and said nothing, the two of them soon reached the water level below the thighs, the soft sand under their feet, it was soft to step on, making people feel very uneasy.

That feeling was like walking into a swamp, taking every step carefully, Bai Mingxian was better off holding his clothes, but Shi Lei couldn't.

He still had a piece of metal in his hand, which naturally added weight to himself, and the sinking speed also increased. Seeing this, Bai Mingxian quickly said: "Shi Lei, I'll walk in front of you. If it's okay, hurry up." in front of."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Shi Lei's answer, Bai Mingxian walked around from behind him to the front. Bai Mingxian lowered his head, carefully staring at the situation under the water, and at the same time walked cautiously and tentatively.

After walking more than half the distance, the bodies of the two had already floated up, and they could swim in the sea water. This time it was a little easier.

Fortunately, on this section of the road, I didn't encounter any jellyfish swarms, and the journey was safe and sound, so I came to the edge of the reef.

Bai Mingxian climbed up first, and after putting down the burden, he turned around to pick up the things Shi Lei was holding, and Shi Lei heaved a sigh of relief when he climbed onto the ledge.

"Can it be polished here?"

Bai Mingxian poked at the reef under him, and couldn't help asking, if you want to talk about the hard rocks you saw before, maybe Bai Mingxian can understand, this... Bai Mingxian has to wonder if it will be better than the rocks on the hillside. The stones are not easy to use.

Shi Lei sat for a while, got his breath evenly, then got up and picked up half a harpoon, found a suitable place, came to the edge and sat down, and then returned to Bai Mingxian.

"Let's put it down, Ming Xian, watch first, we'll take turns in a while." Saying that, Shi Lei picked up the main edge of the metal and began to polish it.

The sound of friction between metal and rock was harsh, but Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief, thinking, fortunately they were lucky today, the reef here is not bad.

In just a short while, Shi Lei immediately felt his skin was burning hot, and when he stretched out his hand to touch it, it was a little hot.

Shi Lei hurriedly opened his clothes and put them all on, even the sleeves that were usually rolled up were put down, and there was no skin left that could be covered.

While working, he glanced back at Bai Mingxian, saw that he was still naked, and hurriedly reminded: "By the way, put on your clothes, the sun above your head is too strong, it's easy to get sunburned."

Bai Mingxian responded, and began to put on his clothes. He also felt a little uncomfortable. Shi Lei had been grinding for about half an hour, and the clothes on his body, such as his chest, back, armpit, were soaked with sweat.

The same goes for Shi Lei's forehead, sideburns and nostrils. If he doesn't wipe off the sweat in time and it flows into his eyes, it will be a pain. In fact, anyone who has undergone military training can understand.

Shi Lei shook his tired and numb hands, looked up at the empty sun, and couldn't help but sigh, "Oh, I wish I had an umbrella."

Even a small umbrella is better than nothing, wait... Shi Lei somehow thought of something, he paused the hand that was holding the harpoon, and looked up at the coconut tree not far away.

Near the tree is still a bare sandy land with no plants. The coconut tree is growing well, and you can vaguely see a few coconuts hanging on it, which makes people salivate.

Shi Lei rolled his eyes, and asked seemingly unintentionally, "Ming Xian, do you feel bored?" After sweating so much, his throat felt a little dry, and his voice sounded a little hoarse.

Bai Mingxian was unmoved, "I don't think so."

Shi Lei was choked, he looked at Bai Mingxian helplessly, and said depressedly: "But I'm thirsty, look at me sweating so much, I want to drink water."

There was a hint of pitifulness in the voice, Bai Mingxian turned his head and glanced at Shi Lei in shock, and continued to say indifferently: "Then I'll go back and get it for you."

Said, Bai Mingxian got up and was about to leave, but Shi Lei grabbed his sleeve, "No, come back, listen to me." I didn't want to hear it, Bai Mingxian didn't say a word but the meaning was written on his face.

Clearly guessing what Shi Lei was thinking, he didn't want to listen to Shi Lei but didn't give him a chance to speak again, dragged Bai Mingxian to sit down, then pointed forward.

"Have you seen the coconut tree over there? Look at it, the head should be ripe."

Shi Lei sighed more and more, "Now is the right time to pick it. In two days, it will be too ripe to drink. What a pity you say."

Bai Ming Xian Mo, Shi Lei lobbied a few more words, then Bai Ming Xian frowned and asked: "Why do you keep wanting me to go there?" Is there anything that is inconvenient for me to see or know?

To be honest, with Shi Lei's actions, Bai Mingxian had to think a lot, Shi Lei was choked by his straightforward appearance, and then looked at Bai Mingxian dumbfounded, shaking his head and suppressing a laugh.

"Thinking too much, you and I are here basking in the sun, when will you go, what a waste of time, just go over there to see the specific situation of the coconut tree, whether the tree is good or not or something."

In this way, it saves wasting time and brings the news back directly, which is the best of both worlds, not to mention... Shi Lei felt itchy when he saw the coconut on top.

"By the way, bring some coconuts back. You must be hungry after not eating fruits and vegetables for so long." In fact, this is the point, right?Bai Mingxian raised his eyebrows at Shi Lei, the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

The corner of Shi Lei's mouth twitched, he thought helplessly, if he really didn't want to go, then don't go, he was also a little worried to go alone.

Just as he raised his head and was about to speak, he heard Bai Mingxian say: "Okay, you wait here for me." After speaking, he took off his clothes and went into the water again.

I don't know if they were lucky, or the time period when the jellyfish swarms drifted by is over, and they didn't meet them when they came back. To be honest, Bai Mingxian's figure is not bad,
Although at first glance, the body looks thin, but it is just right, even if Shi Lei saw it, he would feel envious. Shi Lei thought of the three people who just came here and attacked them.

He hurriedly reminded Bai Mingxian a few more words, telling him to be careful of traps and so on. After watching Bai Mingxian leave, Shi Lei turned his head and glanced at the boat, making sure there was no signal, and then looked away.

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