On the other hand, Shi Lei said without turning his head while walking: "If there is something to do, just use the curtain cloth to shake the signal on the top of the boat."

The curtains are light-colored, and the position on the top of the ship is particularly conspicuous. A piece of curtain is not too small. If you shake it, you can definitely see it. They have no signal flares or smoke. Using this is a good way.

After Shi Lei got off the boat and took a few steps on the beach, his rushing speed slowed down, Bai Mingxian looked at Shi Lei with a strange look on his face.

Shi Lei glanced at the corner of his mouth, and then quietly explained: "Taya is on her period, she is Aunt Guishui, I don't know what you Bai people call it, but to be more specific, it is the menstrual period that every woman will have."

What Taya said was so obvious, if Shi Lei asked again, he would be so stupid, she was not injured, the only thing that attracted the sharks was the smell of blood, besides the wound, what else would bleed.

On the other side of the cabin, Shi Lei had just left for a while, and the others also reacted, and after a moment of embarrassment, they began to get busy.

In terms of things they have to do, there are quite a few things to do. Naturally, an important handle is indispensable to make an axe. Even if it is made of wood, it must be made stronger.

Otherwise, if you throw it backwards, before you can cut down the tree, give the person... ahem, although this is a bit unlucky, it is indeed true.

Everyone moved all the remaining wood from the bow into the cabin, and rolled up the unused couch, freeing up a large space.

After putting down the wood, Xi Chuyu went to Mo Tingzhi's side and squatted down. Mo Tingzhi probably sensed something, looked up at Xi Chuyu, and silently asked what was the matter with his eyes.

"Ting Zhi, what should I do for the rest?" Xi Chuyu thought for a while, and then asked: "Tell me, everyone will help you, isn't it good?"

Mo Tingzhi looked at Xi Chuyu's red lips, not thinking of anything else. He recognized the words on the lips, and when Xi Chuyu finished speaking, Mo Tingzhi looked away.

After a moment of silence, Mo Tingzhi stretched out his hand to pick up a piece of paper pressed by sawdust, then handed it to Xi Chuyu, and said succinctly, "Look at the picture."

When Mo Tingzhi was concentrating on one thing, he hated being interrupted the most. Even if he talked to him, he would reply with more concise words than usual.

Fortunately, the pictures drawn by Mo Tingzhi are simple and easy to understand. Everyone knows what to do when they look at it. It is only now that everyone knows.

Emotional Mo Tingzhi had been writing and drawing before, but he was doing this. On the back of this piece of paper, there were still many drafts that failed.

Everyone looked at the picture and began to prepare the wood they needed. They didn't have a ruler, so they used the length of each joint of their fingers to measure. For a while, everyone who was originally leisurely became busy.

Let's talk about Shi Lei's side, he and Bai Mingxian walked towards the coconut tree at the corner of the island in a leisurely manner, and there was no accident on the way.

The main reason is that the surrounding area is bare, there is no shelter at all, and there is a mouse on the hillside, which can be seen clearly, so there is no need to be too nervous.

"Shi Lei, there is a short distance between the rock and the beach. If you want to go there, you have to go into the water, but..." Bai Mingxian suddenly said when he walked about a third of the way.

Shi Lei was taken aback when he heard it, the concern in his tone made Shi Lei's heart warm, even though Bai Mingxian didn't say anything later, Shi Lei also knew that he should be referring to the jellyfish swarm.

Shi Lei smiled helplessly, but didn't reply, he reckoned that Bai Mingxian still had something to say, if he had no other thoughts, he probably wouldn't speak rashly.

Sure enough, just as the wry smile on the corner of his mouth was restrained, he heard Bai Mingxian beside him say again: "Is there any alternative? I remember that there are small rocks on the hillside."

It is also a stone, so why not this?Seeing that Shi Lei was silent, Bai Mingxian looked at him gradually showing a hint of puzzlement.

Seeing this, Shi Lei felt helpless, he could only shake his head and said with certainty: "There is no other way." "Ming Xian, thank you, don't worry."

As he said that, Shi Lei pointed to the beach between the coconut tree and the boat. On the sea surface less than 50 meters away from the beach, a small island similar to a double bed was exposed.

Although there is still a distance, they have walked a lot, and they can see it more clearly, "It's not that I can't swim, and you see, the distance is short, even if there are jellyfish swarms, I just need to avoid them. "

Seeing that Shi Lei spoke confidently, Bai Mingxian thought for a while and didn't say anything more. After a while, the two arrived at the destination of the trip.

Standing by the sea, the cool seawater soon wet his feet, Shi Lei turned his head and glanced at the coconut tree which was the same distance as them, and squinted his eyes.

Seeing this, Bai Mingxian immediately said: "I'll go with you, it's not convenient to observe the underwater situation here." He didn't even give Shi Lei a chance to speak.

Hearing this, Shi Lei chuckled unceremoniously, "Ming Xian, you really understand me, since that's the case, I won't say anything more, let's go."

Seeing Shi Lei give up so easily, Bai Mingxian subconsciously showed a look of surprise, Shi Lei shook his head and laughed, "Look at what I'm doing, is there anything strange about it?"

As he said that, Shi Lei retracted his gaze, and turned to look at the reef directly opposite, which should extend up from the bottom of the water, don't look at the small one above the water surface, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Shi Lei saw the foam around the reef with sharp eyes, and thought, if he guessed correctly, if he sailed here, he would definitely hit the reef.

Naturally, Bai Mingxian didn't know about this, upon hearing Shi Lei's question, Bai Mingxian replied honestly: "No, I just feel that it's a little abnormal."

I thank you... It's better if you don't talk!Hearing this, Shi Lei almost spit out a mouthful of blood, did anyone say that about his teammates?

But now is not the time to talk, Shi Lei waved his hands casually, and said impatiently: "That's what I was thinking about, anyway, I'll go after I'm done, why rush."

As he said that, Shi Lei stretched out his hand and took off his clothes. Although it was a fake hospital, the quality of the hospital gowns was really good.

Especially when taking it off, it is very convenient. Shi Lei took off his body so naked that he could make a mosaic on his body. He simply folded his clothes, and then wrapped them into a tight roll with his top.

"Take off your clothes." Shi Lei said, and tied his two sleeves into a close-fitting handle, but Shi Lei didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said.

Shi Lei did a few warm-up exercises on the beach, then bent down to pick up the burden and the half-drawn harpoon to be polished, one by one in each hand.

He walked towards the water little by little, carefully observing the situation in the water, and regretted that he didn't bring a harpoon, so that he could test it out, and there were no jellyfish in the water.

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