Xi Chuyu and Shi Lei Jingyi spent the longest time together, and Guo Jingyi knew that she could understand what she meant without saying too much.

But these words can't be said too cryptically, after all, apart from Xi Chuyu, the other people present thought so, at most they just didn't say it.

Guo Jingyi thought for a while, then took Xi Chuyu's hand, and said seriously: "If we want to go home, we must first be alive."

Xi Chuyu looked up at Guo Jingyi with tears in her eyes, and choked up a few times. Seeing this, Guo Jingyi rarely smiled lightly.

"Who said that you will starve to death at sea? Do you remember how we used to find food?" Take the most recent time, they carried it on a kayak for several days, didn't they still survive to this day?

Although there were some accidents on the way, Xi Chuyu nodded upon hearing the words, and stared at Guo Jingyi, still a little uneasy, Guo Jingyi said again: "It's the same at sea."

To be honest, Guo Jingyi herself didn't know how to comfort others. Since she was a child, among the people she met, except for intrigue and flattery, there was really no one who needed her sincere comfort.

What Guo Jingyi said was dry, Xi Chuyu heard the words, but for some reason, she broke into tears and smiled, "Well, sister Jingyi, I believe in you, I believe in Shi Lei."

As he said that, Xi Chuyu smiled a little embarrassedly, raised his arm and wiped away his tears with his sleeve, Shi Lei secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that she had calmed down.

But... he looked at Xi Chuyu's adoring eyes, and felt awkward no matter how he looked, Shi Lei went back to his bed and sat down.

The quilt is not too thick, but sitting in this hot climate, it really feels hot, but there is no way, because the temperature of the sea surface will drop at night.

Especially during the period from late night to early morning, it is the coldest. If you don't spread a quilt, you will definitely catch a cold, and then it will be really unlucky.

Guo Jingyi's couch is opposite to Shi Lei, everyone's food was distributed, Shi Lei opened the last box of canned food, took a sip of soup, and moistened his throat.

Only then did she turn sideways slightly, leaned closer to Guo Jingyi's ear, and joked in a low voice: "Jingyi, I didn't expect you to comfort people, you really have a way, I admire it."

Guo Jingyi's face darkened instantly when she heard the words, she couldn't help but gritted her teeth and said, "How dare you mention it? I don't know who it is, just pretended to be okay."

If her words backfire, it's up to you!Thinking of this, Guo Jingyi couldn't help but glared at Shi Lei angrily.

Because everyone knows that the food in hand is the last meal, and the eating speed is very slow, and it is similar to grinding with teeth, eating like a small bite.

Shi Lei glanced around the crowd, somehow in his mind, he suddenly remembered the squid a few days ago, secretly thought it was a pity, if it had been kept at that time, it would be good to make dried squid.

However, it had been several days, it was too late to say anything, the more Shi Lei thought about it, the more depressed he became, so he had no choice but to throw away the messy thoughts in his head and concentrate on eating.

As soon as Shi Lei finished eating the fruit in the can, Shi Lei heard Guo Jingyi suddenly ask in a low voice: "Shi Lei, I remember Lan Mei told me that on the kayak, you found a kind of fruit called..."

Guo Jingyi didn't pay attention to this before, she just listened to it casually, she thought for a while, and then remembered the name, "Barnacles, well, she said that kind of shellfish is edible, do you think this ship will go underground? "

Shi Lei thought for a while, his eyes lit up, he couldn't help but glanced at Guo Jingyi admiringly, and said in a cheerful tone: "It's very possible, after everyone finishes eating, we can discuss it, maybe we can find food."

That guy's growth speed is very fast, or the adsorption speed is very fast, it can cover a large area overnight, and Shi Lei's voice is not loud.

From other people's point of view, the two are whispering, it's not that Shi Lei deliberately concealed it, they have no fresh water now, they talk too much, it's a waste of saliva, and the loud voice will speed up their thirst.

Looking at Shi Lei who had been frowning all this time, Guo Jingyi finally had a look of joy, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but thinking of the current situation and the barnacle, a trace of worry quickly flashed across Guo Jingyi's eyes.

"I just don't know if it's just an empty joy." Guo Jingyi murmured these words unconsciously as she thought about it. Although her voice was very low, Shi Lei still heard it.

The smile on Shi Lei's face stiffened immediately, and the others also finished their food in a short while, after all the quantity is limited, no matter how long you wait, there will be an end.

After everyone packed up their things, Shi Lei stopped Mo Tingzhi who wanted to go out, stood at the side of the door, with his back to the door, cleared his throat, and raised his voice to speak.

"Jingyi thought of a way to get food just now, and it happens to be fine now, so let's listen to it and express your opinions, how about it?"

Everyone on the boat for the past few days has been living a boring life. At this moment, whoever is not worried about the food situation will naturally not refuse when they hear that there is a way.

After hearing what Shi Lei said, Xi Chuyu quickly stood up and sat down beside Guo Jingyi, shaking her arm, urging Guo Jingyi to speak quickly.

After Mo Tingzhi returned, Xi Chuyu took the notebook and sat over to act as an interpreter for Mo Tingzhi. Guo Jingyi simply repeated what she had just told Shi Lei.

After finishing speaking, the room was filled with silence. After a long silence, Mo Tingzhi suddenly said: "Shi Lei went into the water before, and he was not in danger, that's luck."

The bottom of the boat is different from the depth of the kayak in the water. If people go downstream, the sea water will bring pressure, not to mention that they don't have diving equipment yet.

If people go down directly, one of Mo Ting is worried about the oxygen problem, the other is about physical strength, and there are all kinds of dangerous creatures in the sea.

Mo Tingzhi was uncharacteristically this time, and patiently talked about his worries and the dangers he would encounter. After listening to it, everyone looked a little unhappy.

"Think about it, everyone. Is there any other way?" Xi Chuyu looked left and right, couldn't help standing up and said, "You can't just die for food. What if you are unlucky and encounter a school of sharks again? "

If they did, the ending would be self-evident. Shi Lei thought about the scene of being torn apart by the shark, and couldn't help swallowing.

Xi Chuyu said, the volume is getting higher and higher, "There are jellyfish, especially transparent jellyfish, they are poisonous."

Shi Lei and everyone present knew that what Xi Chuyu said was true and what he heard was hesitation, and Guo Jingyi didn't necessarily want everyone to go down, it was just an opinion.

Bai Xuefeng and Bai Mingxian stood aside, not expressing their opinions. Taya became impatient and interrupted everyone's thoughts, "I think it's better to think about how to get fresh water first."

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