The smell of the early morning air made one feel refreshed. Shi Lei took a deep breath and his mood improved. He was the first to wake up.

The sun hadn't risen yet, but the sky was already bright. To be honest, Shi Lei felt that this was the coolest time of the day.

Shi Lei had nothing to do, so he stood at the bow of the boat, blowing the sea breeze. After a while, he heard the sound of the door opening. Looking back, it turned out that it was Xi Chuyu who was on guard.

"Chu Yu, good morning."

Shi Lei greeted him with a smile, Xi Chuyu yawned, and answered vaguely, he was on alert all night, so it's no wonder he wasn't sleepy.

Seeing this, Shi Lei hurriedly asked Xi Chuyu to rest, thinking of Bai Mingxian, Shi Lei also turned around and walked towards the front of the cockpit, getting closer to the glass.

Shi Lei saw Bai Mingxian who was sitting upright at a glance, his eyes were wide open, he didn't look sleepy at all, Shi Lei twitched his mouth and went to the door, opened it and walked in.

"Shi Lei, I'll leave this to you. I'm off work." Just as Shi Lei came in, before he could speak, Bai Mingxian stood up abruptly, turned around and walked towards the door behind Shi Lei.

Shi Lei looked at Bai Mingxian's handsome back in a daze, the corners of his eyes twitched, and secretly scolded Bai Mingxian for being insidious, no wonder he didn't come out just now, feelings are waiting for him here.

However, the others hadn't gotten up yet, and Shi Lei couldn't leave it alone, so he could only sit on the chair, fold his chest and look at the sea water in front of him.

There wasn't even a sign in the surrounding area, and Shi Lei didn't know where they drifted after this night, but after a while, Shi Lei didn't have the mood to pay attention to these.

The scorching temperature rose very quickly. After sitting for a while, Shi Lei felt that the cockpit became more and more stuffy, and the sea was extremely cold at night.

Everyone closed the windows, Shi Lei had no choice but to get up and open the window, when he came to the window, the sun shone directly on Shi Lei's exposed skin, and he felt scorching hot in the blink of an eye.

Shi Lei hurriedly tore off his sleeves, hurriedly opened the window, and sat back down again. The heat remaining on his skin made Shi Lei involuntarily recall what Mo Tingzhi said yesterday.

"Did they enter a place similar to Africa?" Shi Lei pondered for a while, and couldn't help but said to himself, the temperature here is hotter than the midday on the small island, Shi Lei can't help it Worry everywhere.

Their water source is limited, if the weather is too hot, they must add a lot of water, so as not to lack water, but... Shi Lei couldn't help frowning when thinking about the amount of fresh water.

At this moment, Shi Lei heard a not-so-small scolding sound on the deck, "What the hell is the weather, it's so hot, what kind of shitty place did he get into?"

Hearing the voice, it seems to be Bai Xuefeng?This woman is a bit strange recently, she has been very quiet all the time, without her usual arrogance, Shi Lei thought, opened the door and exited the cockpit.

As soon as he raised his head, Shi Lei saw Bai Xuefeng who raised his head upright, glaring angrily at the sun already high in the sky, seeing her fierce look with her hips akimbo made Shi Lei feel angry and funny.

"Don't look, be careful of the sun glare." Seeing that Bai Xuefeng still wanted to curse, Shi Lei hurriedly stepped forward and stopped him, "Fortunately, this is Chuyang, nothing happened."

Bai Xuefeng snorted, but didn't say anything else, Shi Lei saw that her expression was not good, so he hurriedly asked what was going on, only after he said this, Shi Lei knew the reason.

She couldn't sleep because of the sun, the curtain was torn by Shi Lei, it happened to be on Bai Xuefeng's side, the sun shining through the glass must be hotter, it's no wonder Bai Xuefeng could fall asleep.

"It's okay. I remember there is a cloth in the cabin on the bottom floor. When you get food later, bring it up and hang it up and you'll be fine. If you're sleepy, you can sleep a little longer."

Shi Lei said a few words of comfort, but secretly paid attention to Bai Xuefeng's reaction. When Bai Xuefeng heard this, she coughed a little embarrassedly, "I'm not sleepy, I'm just angry."

Getting angry, Shi Lei expressed his understanding, and said a few more words, Shi Lei and Bai Xuefeng went back to the cabin together, looking at the empty cabin.

Shi Lei pondered for a while, and felt that it would be best to hang a curtain in the middle, otherwise what he wanted to do, it would be embarrassing for men and women to be in the same space.

After everyone woke up, Shi Lei shared his thoughts, and everyone agreed. Because of the octopus incident today and yesterday, Chu Yu didn't finish the plan, so it will start today.

Ever since waking up in that hospital, everyone has been idle. It would be a lie to say that they are not boring. When they heard that there was something to do, everyone was gearing up.

Of course it is easy to hang a curtain, there is a quick bed sheet in the cabin, they didn't notice it before, it was Shi Lei who found it while looking for a rope when he was packing his weapons.

On the surrounding sea, there were still no islands to be seen, and there was no end to it, so everyone drifted on the sea for five consecutive days, until the sixth day.

"Here, yours."

Shi Lei and Bai Mingxian brought out the food boxes that everyone put in, and put them in front of their respective boxes, and the others responded lazily at best.

Except for daily labor and patrolling, everyone was lying on the couch like a salted fish for the rest of the time.

Shi Lei also tried to persuade him, but when a person loses motivation, it is useless for outsiders to say anything, not to mention, Shi Lei himself is also a little worried, let alone persuade others.

Everyone's food was left for the last meal, and the fresh water had been drunk. Fortunately, everyone still had canned fruit. After staying at sea for the past few days, everyone's expressions became more and more sluggish.

The reason is very simple, without a goal, everyone will naturally feel a little more panic, and without food, everyone is even more desperate.

Everyone sat silently in the cabin, the fuel to start the boat had been exhausted, and they could only let the boat float on the sea by itself, following the waves.

"Do you think we will starve to death at sea?" Xi Chuyu said suddenly, and the uneasiness revealed in his voice immediately permeated the air.

Shi Lei secretly thought something was wrong, but it was too late, only to hear Xi Chuyu talking to himself again: "I want to go home, why have we not seen people patrolling the sea for so long, I remember that the report didn't say, Does the country have patrol ships?"

As Xi Chuyu said, he sat with his knees crossed, and couldn't help sobbing softly, "Why... woohoo." Everyone was heartbroken.

Who doesn't want to go home, return to the city he is familiar with, maybe there are all kinds of bad memories at home, Shi Lei thought, and couldn't help laughing at himself, to be honest, he also misses his hometown a little bit.

"Don't cry, Chu Yu, crying is useless, it will make you dehydrated quickly." Seeing Xi Chuyu crying more and more fiercely, Guo Jingyi couldn't help but glance at Shi Lei.

Shi Lei shrugged innocently, so Guo Jingyi had no choice but to get up by herself, sat down beside Xi Chuyu, patted her lightly, and reminded vaguely while comforting her that these words were also meant for everyone sitting.

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