"Go in, it's just the time for the patrol to pass outside." When Shi Lei was in a dilemma, Mo Tingzhi suddenly said.

Even if they return now, they are either hiding and waiting for the patrol to leave before they can find their way, otherwise they will definitely be discovered by the patrol.

Shi Lei thought for a while, gritted his teeth and agreed, since they are here anyway, let's go in and have a look, but... "Taya, this time, please pay attention to whether there is any mechanism in this passage."

When Taya heard this, she immediately showed a sweet smile, "Don't worry." She replied very confidently, and Mo Tingzhi turned on the ultraviolet lamp and handed it to Taya.

Taya was the first to go in, followed by Mo Tingzhi, and Shi Lei was the last one to go in. He looked down at the compass from time to time while walking on the last side.

This passage was different from the previous ones, it was relatively straight, and after walking for about 5 minutes, Shi Lei saw Mo Tingzhi in front of him suddenly stop from the corner of his eye.

Shi Lei stood still, looked forward, and asked casually: "Why don't you leave?" Although he deliberately lowered his voice, the passageway was empty, and even a slight voice would echo.

Mo Tingzhi turned sideways slightly, leaving a gap for Shi Lei, Shi Lei stepped forward, and saw Taya in front of him, stopping in front of a stone slab.

Shi Lei turned his head to look at Mo Tingzhi with some puzzlement, Mo Tingzhi raised his chin, motioned for Shi Lei to ask Taya, Taya bent down to observe for a while, then picked up a clod from the ground, and moved towards the empty space opposite the stone slab. Dropped it on the ground.

With a crisp sound of "dong", the clod of soil fell into a bottomless pit. Shi Lei watched as the clod just landed on the ground, the ground that looked particularly solid suddenly loosened, and a hole popped out. Not a big hole.

If Taya hadn't noticed this, they must have all gone in now... Shi Lei looked at it, feeling terrified in his heart, his eyes moved back and landed on the stone slab, raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but said to himself: "Is this What mechanism does the stone slab have?"

Taya responded when she heard the words. She reached out and groped on the stone slab, and then pressed hard on a certain place in the upper left corner.

The stone slab was slowly divided into two, and the light below immediately shone into the dark passageway, and a few faint moans of pain could be heard vaguely.

Taya bent down, peeked in, and then stood up. She stepped on the edge between the two pits, and then jumped over the trap and onto the solid ground opposite.

"Shi Lei, look, why are there transparent jars inside? There is also a long table, and the people inside are all dressed so that you can't even see their faces." Taya turned around and muttered strangely.

These words made Shi Lei narrow his eyes subconsciously, why does Taya's description sound so much like a laboratory?Is it because I watched too many biochemical films, and I actually made up that kind of scary scene in my brain?

Shi Lei rolled his eyes silently, he bent down and looked, it turned out that this is the research room mentioned in the notebook, the dead bodies in those long transparent containers should be blood-sucking underground people.

"Let's go." Mo Tingzhi took a look, then stood up, the stone slab closed automatically, the two jumped over, and continued to move forward under Taya's leadership.

Shi Lei was still at the end, with a serious and vigilant face on his face. In fact, his mind had already wandered into outer space. He subconsciously recalled what he saw in that room before.

In the notebook, after reading it, Shi Lei realized that the treasure they were looking for in name, the outsiders didn't know about this situation, and they were actually looking for the blood-sucking underground people.

The reason is not some ghostly modification of human genes in the doomsday novels, but for the purpose of robbing graves, well, Shi Lei is sure, he read it right.

How the c group got the news is unknown, but they have experimented, and the blood-sucking underground people are very powerful. For these creatures, ordinary tombs are similar to tofu projects.

Thinking of this, Shi Lei rolled his eyes unceremoniously, what the hell is so lethal, once it hits the cold pool water, it will be turned into ashes.

"Shi Lei, look at the compass and pay attention to the direction. The front is the second floor where we live." At this moment, Shi Lei suddenly heard Mo Tingzhi in front of him say calmly.

Hearing this, he hurriedly lowered his head to take a look, indeed, as soon as he raised his head, Shi Lei noticed Taya at the front, and stopped in his tracks.

"What's the matter?" As he said that, Shi Lei looked down at the number of steps on the pedometer, converted the distance traveled, and thought about it.

Taya irradiated the front with ultraviolet rays for a few times, then she said in a dejected way: "There is no way." Mo Tingzhi called Taya to get up, Taya returned the ultraviolet lamp to Mo Tingzhi, and then went to Shi Lei's side.

"Shi Lei, I'm sorry, I was on guard in that room before. I saw someone coming and wanted to remind you, but he walked too fast, and I couldn't climb fast. I just passed, and he had already entered, so I didn't dare to say anything. , Fortunately, you are all right."

Taya looked at Shi Lei with some embarrassment, and the more she spoke, the more guilty she became. At the end of the speech, the sound was similar to that of a mosquito buzzing, and Shi Lei couldn't help but curl his mouth.

He raised his hand and pinched Taya's cheek, and said with a smile: "It's all over, what's there to say, besides, aren't we both okay?"

Taya responded, nodded heavily, and said in a low voice, "This kind of thing will definitely not happen in the future." Saying this, Taya raised her head and glanced at Shi Lei.

Just when she raised her head, Mo Tingzhi turned and walked towards this side holding the ultraviolet light, Shi Lei saw the bruise on Taya's forehead at a glance.

Shi Lei stretched out his hand to touch it, and it was swollen, he immediately looked at the woman seriously, and asked with concern: "What's the matter with this injury?"

"Climbing too fast." Taya murmured in a low voice with some embarrassment.

Shi Lei smiled and said: "After we go back, we need to deal with it. The congestion must be dispersed, otherwise it will hurt more in the future."

"There is an exit above the head." But when will it open?Whether there will be danger outside after opening, and the exit is in the forest are all problems.

As Mo Tingzhi said, he used an ultraviolet lamp to take a photo towards the exit, Shi Lei looked up and walked over, Taya followed behind angrily.

Shi Lei stood just below the exit, moved his nose, and couldn't help asking: "By the way, do you smell a smell of disinfectant water?" Or the kind used in special toilets...

As he said that, Shi Lei reached out and took the ultraviolet lamp in Mo Tingzhi's hand, and took a picture of the outlines around the exit, the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became, isn't this the biggest square tile specially used in the toilet? ?
"The cafeteria has just opened dinner, and the toilet is the time when the traffic is the least." Mo Tingzhi obviously guessed where it was, he glanced down at the time, and said quietly.

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